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Can't remember the name of series (books)


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Heard about a series of books a while back. They are based on the Book of Revelations and the war between the anti-christ etc... it is an American series of novels that are quite recent and were best sellers in the States but not in Britain. I know this is vague and I appologise but if it rings any bells I was quite interested in reading them. Thanks


Stop! Put down Left Behind and pick up Slacktivist's lovingly detailed deconstruction of why the series is broken (and, indeed, offensive) on a range of literary, ethical and thematic levels. Start with the disturbing misogyny and move on to how only the pathetic comic-relief stereotypes (not the protagonists) actually care about the massive carnage, destruction and heart-wrenching tragedy of the premise. Your sanity, reasonableness and/or higher brain function will thank you.


ok its called Babylon Rising and its by Tim LaHaye and Greg Dinallo.

He did left behind but this is basically the lead up to the rapture while left behind is after



The Left Behind series is notable and renknowned for being absolutely God-awful. Very badly written and theologically dubious (the rapture, in the biblical sense, is not quite what they describe in the books). The reason it isn't published in the UK is that the series does not meet the quality thresholds of any of the major UK SF&F publishers.


The Left Behind series is notable and renknowned for being absolutely God-awful. Very badly written and theologically dubious (the rapture, in the biblical sense, is not quite what they describe in the books). The reason it isn't published in the UK is that the series does not meet the quality thresholds of any of the major UK SF&F publishers.


For serious? That's beautiful. I knew the publisher was a Christian publisher, something we don't have a lot of here, but I didn't put two and two together.


Having followed Slacktivist religiously for ages, I know just how apocalyptically terrible the series is. :D


Thanks for the input guys, think I'll give the series a miss then. A pity that the reviews wern't better as I can't believe a decent novelist hasn't made a good story out of the Book of Revelations (apart from the origional auther  ;)).


The book of revelation isn't that interesting, especially considering the preachings that would accompany such a book, which is why Left Behind failed.


Thanks for the input guys, think I'll give the series a miss then. A pity that the reviews wern't better as I can't believe a decent novelist hasn't made a good story out of the Book of Revelations (apart from the origional auther  ;)).


As I understand, the problem is that the authors of Left Behind aren't writing a story based on the Book of Revelations in any way that we would recognise. They have a very specific and peculiar set of beliefs, which they call a "literal" (read: non-literal) reading of the Bible.


The Left Behind series depicts what they actually believe will actually literally happen in the very near future:


  • God will personally intervene to prevent Russia and, uh, Ethiopia nuking Israel. The nukes will detonate harmlessly in the atmosphere.
  • The UN will become a One World Government led by the Antichrist.
  • All world religions will happily come together to form the One World Religion. The entire world will be at peace. Shia and Sunni, Israel and Palestine, India and Pakistan will all be friends.
  • Jesus will personally walk the earth, nuking and destroying like Godzilla.


And when all this happens exactly as the authors predicted, everyone will be sorry for mocking them.  ::)


Alright it's not the easiest of reads, but I'm talking about a loose basis on the book. The final battle between good and evil the battle of Armageddon. Take whatever conspiracy theory you want Israel vs Arab world, America Russia, (just not the Stand which got boring towards the end and I still haven't finished it) but written well by a good auther.


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