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Actually... Isn't she from Ghealdan? I think Codswallop in "Ghealdanese" translates to "Cadsuane" in The Common Tongue does it not?


No, she is from Far Madding--but there is a misprint somewhere in the books saying she is from Ghealdin.


Luckers might ride in here and trample me over the above answer, but Callandor is the one remaining tool spoken of most commonly, to go do battle at SG with.


I'd never!  ;D


Seriously though, I doubt we'll see the other sa'angreal--even if it survives. tGS makes clear that Callandor is the important one.


;D I was bein' a bit tongue-in-cheek with the "Ghealdonese" translation thing and I knew the Far Madding connection, that she'd been there for a long while and been "asked to leave," but I guess that misprint had me thinking she was actually from Ghealdon.



That more powerful sa'angreal IS interesting to consider though. Such as if Avi drops by Caemlyn and has a look and realizes it's important to Rand and schleps it to wherever Rand is (Tear I'd imagine) and then he learns something from it (the jolly dude holds a book) as well as it being the powerful dingus they've been needin. BUT most likely it's a gold paint covered hunka' lead Maltese Falcon. I mean the dissertation I read came from Theoryland, so how serious can one take anything from there? :o .. Waitaminute! Did I say that aloud?  ;D


  I was bein' a bit tongue-in-cheek with the "Ghealdonese" translation thing and I knew the Far Madding connection, that she'd been there for a long while and been "asked to leave," but I guess that misprint had me thinking she was actually from Ghealdon.




I'm a bad person.


She wasn't asked to leave. Romanda and Verin both respectively had problems with the law in Far Madding, but not Cadsuane. The last time she was there was during the Aiel war, during which she apparently had quite the impact on Aleis, but she was never asked to leave.




The confusion may be because she was growing roses in Ghealdean and having a problem doing it without the power (phaw!) when Logain happened in her backyard. (CoS I think) She's one of three sisters and two false dragons from Far Madding. Not bad given the city's aversion to channelers and scrappers.



  There are alot of prophecies out there that are expected to be fulfilled in ToM.  The Karthenon cycle, the seanchan prophecies, and the book egwene got from verin may all say different things.  Is it stated anywhere which prophecies are accurate and which have been rewritten over the 3000 years since the first writing?


Well there is the fact that the prophecies were all translated, which may change meaning.


But so far as we know the only 'changed' prophecy is the one about the Dragon kneeling to the Crystal Throne, which was a plant by Ishamael


Cadsuane, in her near-to-three hundread year old state, thinks she might have lived longer than Semirhage. Is there anything solid backing that up? Because I imagine all the Forsaken to be older than that, taking into account their strength and not being bound by an Oath Rod.


Cadsuane, in her near-to-three hundread year old state, thinks she might have lived longer than Semirhage. Is there anything solid backing that up? Because I imagine all the Forsaken to be older than that, taking into account their strength and not being bound by an Oath Rod.


Well there is the fact that Cadsuane is making assumptions based on the Aes Sedai life span, which she doesn't realise is shortened by the Oaths--by which I mean Cadsuane has a solid reason to think what she thinks, but she's wrong.


The "Big White Book" (BWB) states that it is a ter'angreal that inspires awe. Nothing stated about compulsion. Could be of course, but anything other than "inspires awe" is speculation.



Well it was stated in the book that she had done things to extend her life, was it not?


She says that she feels her determination extended her life, but thats codswallop. Her strength is what did it.


Codswallop indeed... that and she's mean as a snake with a sore tooth.


Actually... Isn't she from Ghealdan? I think Codswallop in "Ghealdanese" translates to "Cadsuane" in The Common Tongue does it not?


Um, I think it's "Ghealdannan" or "-in" not Ghealdanese. And I seem to recall Caddy being from Far Madding (or perhaps it's just because she spent a lot of time there).


Oops - I posted this prior to reading the other people's responses. Sorry for the redundancy. I am happy to have had that cofirmed though.


Cadsuane, in her near-to-three hundread year old state, thinks she might have lived longer than Semirhage. Is there anything solid backing that up? Because I imagine all the Forsaken to be older than that, taking into account their strength and not being bound by an Oath Rod.


Well there is the fact that Cadsuane is making assumptions based on the Aes Sedai life span, which she doesn't realise is shortened by the Oaths--by which I mean Cadsuane has a solid reason to think what she thinks, but she's wrong.


Thank you. When she said she was probably younger than a lot of Aes Sedai I just wanted Semirhage to rip her face off. I like Cadsuane, but my image of the Forsaken was threatened by her assumptions even though I was sure she was wrong.


I'm crazy or...

With all what was said about Cadsuane, Aes Sedai and White Tower aren't kind of reflexion of U.S. Department and White House?

(Additionaly some of the Randland flags are similar to some US Departments seals.)



Even though in KoD Rand knows via Lews Therin that the guy at Shadar Logoth used the True Power, and he became connected to that guy, and he now knows that guy is Ishamael, and Rand knows via Lews Therin that he drew power from the Dark One himself in TGS, why is it that Rand still calls it the unnamed/unknown power?


The sword Justice. How is it significant?



That more powerful sa'angreal IS interesting to consider though. Such as if Avi drops by Caemlyn and has a look and realizes it's important to Rand and schleps it to wherever Rand is (Tear I'd imagine) and then he learns something from it (the jolly dude holds a book) as well as it being the powerful dingus they've been needin. BUT most likely it's a gold paint covered hunka' lead Maltese Falcon. I mean the dissertation I read came from Theoryland, so how serious can one take anything from there? :o .. Waitaminute! Did I say that aloud?  ;D



I read most of your posts with vivid interest and really enjoy your use of vernacular. Unfortunately in this case you've used a scottish word which means a good whack on the head. "Daddio schelped his wife for not cooking the tea" You can picture the scene, Daddio's wife getting a good smack across the head. Normally someone is schelped after doing something naughty. Kids get schelped a lot more than adults because of their tendency to do naughty things, the fact that they are short, and over here hitting children is not only totally acceptable but an enjoyable passtime.





That more powerful sa'angreal IS interesting to consider though. Such as if Avi drops by Caemlyn and has a look and realizes it's important to Rand and schleps it to wherever Rand is (Tear I'd imagine) and then he learns something from it (the jolly dude holds a book) as well as it being the powerful dingus they've been needin. BUT most likely it's a gold paint covered hunka' lead Maltese Falcon. I mean the dissertation I read came from Theoryland, so how serious can one take anything from there? :o .. Waitaminute! Did I say that aloud?  ;D



Just thought, you maybe meant it along the lines of tiddlywinks and he sort of smacks it right over. I like that imagery.

I read most of your posts with vivid interest and really enjoy your use of vernacular. Unfortunately in this case you've used a scottish word which means a good whack on the head. "Daddio schelped his wife for not cooking the tea" You can picture the scene, Daddio's wife getting a good smack across the head. Normally someone is schelped after doing something naughty. Kids get schelped a lot more than adults because of their tendency to do naughty things, the fact that they are short, and over here hitting children is not only totally acceptable but an enjoyable passtime.




Here's a thought I haven't heard expounded on before (doesn't mean it hasn't been but :D) How much interaction has Rand had with the black ajah? More specifically, does he know the extent of their...existence I guess?

Reason I ask is because I have always liked Rand for his cunning and his ability to lay traps for his enemies that anticipate what their actions will be. And yet he seems to have this huge blind spot for black ashamain. From LTT's experiences in tWP and his own as Rand with BA and the 4 renegades, it seems to me that he should see that coming. Plus he's got Logain constantly harping at him about it, and yet he just acts like he doesn't care. Does anybody remember anything to indicate that he is doing anything about it?


He knows BA exist, he's been warned about them explicitly by Verin and Moiraine and he's seen with Elza how dangerous they can be in infiltrating his inner circle. The numbers, or the fact that Egwene has started to purge them, he doesn't know about and he won't, unless Egwene tells him. She should, since she knows that one Black sister is sworn to him and actually there's another one she doesn't know about. But she probably won't since the whole epic's plotlines is based on people not pooling information. 

About Black Ashaman, he's thought about it after Logain and he talked in KoD but he also placed higher priority on the treaty with Seanchan at that time.




  When does Shadar Haran appear?


  Are there distinct theories on his nature and provenance?


I have none of my own, just accepted him. At first I wondered about a relationship between him and Ishmael/Moridin since they appeared at a similar time and were never in the same scene whilst seemingly working together. I dismissed it later.


Shaidar Haran first appears in LoC. Demandred meets him at SG and then the two Gars have a pleasant chat with him.

An earlier beta version has a conversation with Carridin in TGH.

Lots of discussion of him, and his strange powers, and his rather unusual sense of humour.




That more powerful sa'angreal IS interesting to consider though. Such as if Avi drops by Caemlyn and has a look and realizes it's important to Rand and schleps it to wherever Rand is (Tear I'd imagine) and then he learns something from it (the jolly dude holds a book) as well as it being the powerful dingus they've been needin. BUT most likely it's a gold paint covered hunka' lead Maltese Falcon. I mean the dissertation I read came from Theoryland, so how serious can one take anything from there? :o .. Waitaminute! Did I say that aloud?  ;D



I read most of your posts with vivid interest and really enjoy your use of vernacular. Unfortunately in this case you've used a scottish word which means a good whack on the head. "Daddio schelped his wife for not cooking the tea" You can picture the scene, Daddio's wife getting a good smack across the head. Normally someone is schelped after doing something naughty. Kids get schelped a lot more than adults because of their tendency to do naughty things, the fact that they are short, and over here hitting children is not only totally acceptable but an enjoyable passtime.


*chuckle* How quaint! :D  .. My friend Taymist, the Fifer ( ::)Fife-ess, Firerian,Fife-a-rinian?) has never schlepped me in all these years she's been "Twapping" me (a smack up side the noggin, much in the manner of Agent Gibbs of NCIS) I must query her on said overlooking acceptable custom. I feel almost left out, so I does ;D  ... I'm not being flippant disrespectfully I assure you. I've been called down before for various infractions such as using "Buggers", "wankers" and for my infamous "Sacred Cows Make Better Hamburger" phrase wherein I was accused of belittling another's belief system..


MY use of "schleps" in this case is from the Yiddish, meaning; To carry clumsily or with difficulty; lug: as in "schlepped a shopping bag up and down "the High Street, in her night gown and curlers, appearing much as a bedraggled fish wife."  ;)


Not that Tay EVER would do has done has considered...such a thing  :D  (he wrote sitting in his new skull and crossbones jammies and "trust me I'm a pirate T-Shirt)

I always assumed that because the Forsaken know how to mask their ability to channel' date=' wouldn't it stand to logic that Mesaana would therefore mask her ability to channel? she could be any one in the tower, even a man, (though doubtful because men do not have any real authority there and the Forsaken are attention ho's) if she used the power to weave a disguise and inverted that as well... I for one have always been suspicious of the Head Cook lady whose name I cannot recall right now.[/quote']

Graendal states that Mesaana is disguised as a sister.

Furthermore, Brandon essentially confirms it on the TGS book tour (which is good, since Graendal's speculations on the subject are weak-ish evidence), and he also confirmed that Mesaana is not Laras.


Better yet, RJ confirmed years ago that strength as well as ability to channel can be masked, so Mesaana is apparently posing as a sister who is (of course) weaker in the Power than Mesaana actually is, and that most Aes Sedai don't know these tricks are possible.


[response to post about the other male sa'angreal stronger than Callandor' date=' which we know about from Lanfear']


Yep.. once again, I stand corrected. She did indeed infer that. Seems some speculation has it that it's a 2 foot tall man with a book statue that is in the pile Elayne has in Caemlyn.

That is an old faction from Theoryland (Tamyrlin is trying to figure out how to retire factions, but for now I still get members joining factions of mine that have been proven wrong, which amuses me).  RJ RAFO'd the question at signings and actually put it in the books (what that ter'angreal was, not what the other male sa'angreal is).  He confirmed on his blog that the ter'angreal - a stout bearded man with a jolly smile and a well-stocked WoT Kindle in his hands - was a cameo of himself.


lol.. Well stocked WoT Kindle .. typical of him that. Yeah, I kind of thought it was a bit far fetched, seeing as I think Avi glanced at it... Or maybe that was another one she thought was a library of sorts... But it was a nicely thought out and expressed theory...


Unlike some others I've seen.


   There are alot of prophecies out there that are expected to be fulfilled in ToM.


Bear in mind that BS has said that there are going to be some number of prophecies that will remain unfulfilled by the time the last book is written and the series ends.  Yes, some have to be fulfilled, but we may never know just what the "blade of light, three are one" refers to if it refers to something after the last battle.

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