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Ask A Simple Question, Get a Simple Answer (No AMoL Spoilers)


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When Tam is talking to Rand, he mentions that Morgase is alive and with Perrin.  I don't recall reading about Perrin finding this out.  Am I missing something or was there just absolutely no set up for that particular revelation?  I was really curious to find out what would happen if/when Perrin found out about Morgase and it was treated in a very cavalier fashion.  I think that disappointed me more than anything else.  Except maybe Rand's little mountaintop love-fest.

It's simply an issue of overlapping timelines.  We will see the revelation on screen in the next book, when Brandon catches up Perrin's plotline.  I don't feel like it's been ruined just because Tam mentioned it, though....we all knew it was going to happen.  It will be fun to read the scene regardless.

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Did Rand ever tell anyone specifically that he used the True Power, or just 'i killed them' and then go about banishing caddy to the far reaches of his peripheral?


LTT obviously knew what the True Power was, and mentioned it a bit amongst the ramblings when Rand used it against Semi and Elza, as well as a few other times I believe when Rand was wrestling between it and the CK.


So Rand should have been able to guess that it was -something- other than the One Power from LTT's ramblings, but if he didn't, depending on the extent of what he knows of LTT's memories after his 'love is the answer' epiphany on the Dragonmount, he should know from that.  But aside from that, I doubt that anyone's sat down with him and told him "What you used is the TP, this is what it does", since the only people who would know are the Forsaken.

Actually, Rand figured out that Moridin was using the True Power at Shadar Logoth in Knife of Dreams, when he first recognized Moridin's face in the sickness visions.  From Lews Therin's memories, obviously, but Lews Therin didn't 'tell' him anything - he just remembered.  He knew enough about it then to know that it can't be sensed.

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How did the Dark One get Lanfear of the 'Land of the Finns'?

Sure, he is the Lord of the Grave, but we kinda know Moraine isn't dead, so i think it is safe to assume Lanfear/Cyndane wasn't killed by the ter'angreal either. Does he have some power in 'Finnland'?


We don't know. My guess is that he didn't, and that the Finns executed her--the snakes, at least, have a recorded aversion to things relating to the Shadow--but that is just conjecture.


I've often wondered this, myself. My own theory on it is that Moiraine (who we all know is an evil genius when it comes to cleverly out-manipulating others) actually used the Finn's game of wishes and such to kill Lanfear. It's also possible that Lanfear tried to channel too much and that/the Finns killed her for it. Remember- no channeling in Finnland.


It is highly unlikely that either got wishes, but if you want to discuss that you should create a thread in the General Wheel of Time Board. It's not really a simple question/simple answer scenario.


Is it possible Caddy has lived longer as she somehow took less oaths than the other AS?


Cadsuane's extended life is due to her strength in the Power.


Well it was stated in the book that she had done things to extend her life, was it not?


She says that she feels her determination extended her life, but thats codswallop. Her strength is what did it.



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[i realize now, after listening to Brandon’s answer that I was making an assumption about the One Power too, that it is separate from the Creator because of what we have been given in the books and the BWB, but I should have asked [b]if instead the One Power is the essence of the Creator[/b]…]


Matt: Ok. So, obviously a channeler uses the True Power. We’ve discussed this before they weave the True Power just as they weave the One Power...


Brandon: ...they do and you don’t have to learn, and so that should tell you that the weaves are similar if not identical to the One Power. There are certain things the True Power can do that are different and it goes about things in different ways, but you don’t have to relearn everything.

(my emphasis)


We've seen many times in the text, and from several different PoV's, that the male and female ways of creating any weave with the OP are quite different.  Dealing with fire, and traveling are just two examples.  Those differences are attributable to the differences between males and females of course. 


But in the quote, Brandon seems to be saying that functionally the OP and the TP are close enough that the user does not need to relearn how to create a certain weave when switching from OP to TP. 


So whether or not the OP is the essence of the Creator (if that had been asked im sure it would have been RAFO'd anyway) this connection between OP and TP has some disturbing implications for the nature of the OP.  Anyone have any insights into this?



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[i realize now, after listening to Brandon’s answer that I was making an assumption about the One Power too, that it is separate from the Creator because of what we have been given in the books and the BWB, but I should have asked [b]if instead the One Power is the essence of the Creator[/b]…]


Matt: Ok. So, obviously a channeler uses the True Power. We’ve discussed this before they weave the True Power just as they weave the One Power...


Brandon: ...they do and you don’t have to learn, and so that should tell you that the weaves are similar if not identical to the One Power. There are certain things the True Power can do that are different and it goes about things in different ways, but you don’t have to relearn everything.

(my emphasis)


We've seen many times in the text, and from several different PoV's, that the male and female ways of creating any weave with the OP are quite different.  Dealing with fire, and traveling are just two examples.  Those differences are attributable to the differences between males and females of course.  


But in the quote, Brandon seems to be saying that functionally the OP and the TP are close enough that the user does not need to relearn how to create a certain weave when switching from OP to TP.  


So whether or not the OP is the essence of the Creator (if that had been asked im sure it would have been RAFO'd anyway) this connection between OP and TP has some disturbing implications for the nature of the OP.  Anyone have any insights into this?




This too is probably outside the simple question/simple answer range, and if you want full discussion raise it in the metaphysics section.


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You don't need to learn anything new to use TP, but if a man suddenly began using Saidar then he'd have to learn. Why is there no mention of the differences between men and woman. When making a gateway a woman brings the two points together, a man tunnells through, TP punches a whole. Closer to the male part I agree but no learning? I can not accept that I'm afraid.

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Rand notices how folks seems happier under the Seanchan then under his rule.  Does it not seem werid that Rand takes over and most folks seems angry and yet many seem to like the rule of the Seanchan?  I think his relevation of this will push him to the bending a knee to the crystal throne.

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Hi you Dragonmount Guru's!

nice thread this, so i'll ask away. (My second post, although i've read lots on these forums)

First question that comes to my mind is this: How did the Dark One get Lanfear of the 'Land of the Finns'?

Sure, he is the Lord of the Grave, but we kinda know Moraine isn't dead, so i think it is safe to assume Lanfear/Cyndane wasn't killed by the ter'angreal either. Does he have some power in 'Finnland'?

Anyone can shed some Light here? (I am aware i made some assumptions here: Moraine=alive and Lanfear=Cyndane, but they seem pretty safe)




We don't know for sure, but the most likely answer is that she died at some point. She didn't die when she went through - a Cyndane POV states she was a prisoner of the Aelfinn and the Eelfinn, and as she mentions offering Rand the opportunity to rule the world alongside her (which lanfear did earlier in the series) we can be pretty damn sure that Cyndane is Lanfear. Also, Moiraine being alive seems near certain, due to Min's Viewings. So you're right they are safe assumptions. As it is, though, we cannot be sure about the exact circumstances of her "death". Some possibilities include killed by the Finns, killed by Moiraine, or even suicide.


Still would like to know how many sisters are nameable in the WT at present, out of the hundreds that are there. But here is another question which must have been answered before -


Is it possible Caddy has lived longer as she somehow took less oaths than the other AS?

Not really. Cadsuane has stated her belief in the importance of the Oaths, so for her to have removed one or more seems unlikely. Also, she has the ageless face, which requires more than one Oath. Also, she is just under three hundred years old - which is old, to be sure, but not so much so that it is beyond the bounds of possibility for one bound to the Three Oaths, and she is of the opinion that she probably doesn't have long to live, so it doesn't really fit with what we know.


Rand notices how folks seems happier under the Seanchan then under his rule. Does it not seem werid that Rand takes over and most folks seems angry and yet many seem to like the rule of the Seanchan? I think his relevation of this will push him to the bending a knee to the crystal throne.
Well, it's partly a result of them bringing stability to previously chaotic lands, and also that Rand is supposed to break the world again. There are reasons for the people to be in favour of the Seanchan so it is not all that weird.


Do the two Finn races like each other? The game snakes and foxes makes me wonder if they're old enemies.
Well, we don't know much about them, so we can't say for sure, but we have no real evidence of enmity, and they were both involved in holding Lanfear prisoner, showing a willingness to work together.
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In regards to the use of the TP: I believe in several interviews with either RJ or BS they state that the TP is very different than the OP by how it impacts the pattern, use of the OP manipulates or uses power within the limits of the pattern while the TP actually destroys or impacts the pattern in a negative way (the example often used is when Ishy Travels in the prologue of tEotW, while traveling with OP works around or through the pattern, the TP in this instance actually burned a hole through the pattern for Ishy to get to his destination). Nothing has been really pointed out in the series that the weaves would be all that different from switching over from OP to TP use but the implications on the pattern are certainly there. There could possibly be some hurdles to overcome but we've only seen Ishy (a man very well versed in using it) and Rand use it breifly (but Rand has a ton of info backlogged on use of OP and during times of struggle tends to have these moments of clarity with the OP, its not too much of a stretch to think he couldve done this with the TP at this point).

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Has anyone ever asked if the Crystal Throne was a compulsion terangreal?  Based on hints that have been dropped here and there, about the overwhelmingly commanding presence of the Empress, and based on the sheer level of almost blind obediance the Empress is able to command, it would not be suprising to find that the Crystal Throne itself was putting the mojo on people.


Just curious if this has ever been explored.

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The "Big White Book" (BWB) states that it is a ter'angreal that inspires awe. Nothing stated about compulsion. Could be of course, but anything other than "inspires awe" is speculation.



Well it was stated in the book that she had done things to extend her life, was it not?


She says that she feels her determination extended her life, but thats codswallop. Her strength is what did it.


Codswallop indeed... that and she's mean as a snake with a sore tooth.


Actually... Isn't she from Ghealdan? I think Codswallop in "Ghealdanese" translates to "Cadsuane" in The Common Tongue does it not?

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With both Choeden Kal junk now, is Callandor the most powerful Sa'angreal left?

According to Lanfear in TSR when she spoke to Rand in the Stone of Tear, one male angreal existed that was more powerful than Callandor. We don't know what it was and we don't know if it still exists.


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Ummmm.. I believe THAT particular sa'angreal was the male accessible Choeden Kal. So yes Callandor would most likely be the most powerful one left.


Luckers might ride in here and trample me over the above answer, but Callandor is the one remaining tool spoken of most commonly, to go do battle at SG with.

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No, Lanfear said there was one other than the CK that was even more powerful than Callandor.


Yep.. once again, I stand corrected. She did indeed infer that. Seems some speculation has it that it's a 2 foot tall man with a book statue that is in the pile Elayne has in Caemlyn.

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Min might know if she was conscious and processed Semi's reaction.

AS in general will wonder how he got loose from the Domination Band.

But he didn't explicitly discuss it onscreen.

Rand also asked Dyelin and other Andor noblewomen carefully about his genealogy and Andor family trees because he was scared of cosanguinity to Elayne. He's shooting to give Elayne the Sun Throne because of the Damondred connection.

So, he knows about Galad, I think, unless he's failed to put it together, which is very unlikely.

Galad doesn't know about Rand. Apart from his half-aunt and a few other AS and Aiel WO (who don't know who Shael was), nobody does.


I agree that he likely knows about Galad, but he really couldn't care less. Galad has been nothing more than an inconsequential name in his universe thus far, though that might certainly change in ToM or MoL.


I'm curious if Rand actually KNOWS he channelled the TP and whether or not he knows what that signifies. In the books, he seemed to simply recognize it as this 'other' power source, and never really seemed to explore or even consider after the fact the ramifications of that.

I disagree. I think he does care. He realized he had a half brother and he certainly took time to ask questions about the people in Caemlyn that he looked like. We will see hopefully. Perrin is headed back towards Rand and brings Galad with him.

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Actually... Isn't she from Ghealdan? I think Codswallop in "Ghealdanese" translates to "Cadsuane" in The Common Tongue does it not?


No, she is from Far Madding--but there is a misprint somewhere in the books saying she is from Ghealdin.


Luckers might ride in here and trample me over the above answer, but Callandor is the one remaining tool spoken of most commonly, to go do battle at SG with.


I'd never!  ;D


Seriously though, I doubt we'll see the other sa'angreal--even if it survives. tGS makes clear that Callandor is the important one.


How many Gholam have we seen on screen? I recall a mention somewhere of how many were made.. but have we seen more than one?


There has been some discussion about whether the one who killed Fel is the same as the one from Ebou Dar, but we don't know one way or the other. We can say we've seen at most two Gholam.


It's likely the others died of old age during the Breaking.


this doesnt have anything too do with WoT but how do you do multiple quotes per reply?


See the button that looks like a yellow speech bubble up above the text box. Hit that and copy and paste what you want inside it.




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Still would like to know how many sisters are nameable in the WT at present, out of the hundreds that are there. But here is another question which must have been answered before -


Is it possible Caddy has lived longer as she somehow took less oaths than the other AS?


I always assumed that because the Forsaken know how to mask their ability to channel, wouldn't it stand to logic that Mesaana would therefore mask her ability to channel? she could be any one in the tower, even a man, (though doubtful because men do not have any real authority there and the Forsaken are attention ho's) if she used the power to weave a disguise and inverted that as well... I for one have always been suspicious of the Head Cook lady whose name I cannot recall right now.

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