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Mafia - A Christmas Tale - Mafia Won


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no, it would have done absolutely no good rey, you might be wililng to let a self proclaimed miller living, but most people would not.




So you were in a no win situation then LZM? Claim - die, hide - die?

How tragic.

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you are not thouroughly addicted then.


and yes, i was in a sh!tty situation since you guys are too blind to see who the **** is mafia. Wombat is mafia. clean and clear.


EDIT: No swearing!!!!


You have until Sunday (tomorrow) 8pm. (If I get on and there is a lynch, then it will be so, if not then it will be until 8pm...enjoy ;D


Deadline was 2 and a half hours ago.


Again another night. Again the noises and whispering. You wake to find Al Jenn lying on a pool of his own blood. A Snowflake decoration sticking out of his chest where the glitter bended with the blood. It was a shame you knew, but as you look around you realise one person is still missing. There sat by a mirror, looking like she was doing her makeup was Elli. The lipsick was poisoned. No wonder she had been so quiet, she looked like she had been there a while!


Al Jenn - an Innocent Mason is Nightkilled

Ellie - A Mafia Roleblocker is Modkilled


There are now 8 left, it takes 5 to lynch. I will not set a deadline, just yet!




there is no deadli



edit, did not see that rey


Okay, thanks for giving me a chance to post, you guys are sweethearts.


First of all, cut the language, Zep.  That is totally inappropriate for a PG-13 forum.


Secondly, Rey, the deadline is Sunday 8 PM GMT.  We have time.


Which is what I wanted to say to Pallet; why do you have to hammer him now, when we have time till the deadline?  If you honestly care to hear everyone's side, go ahead and wait.  We.  Have. Time.




Okay.  I freaking give up.  Can't say anything without being beat to it.


Screw you all.  This game is stressing me out too much.  You figure it out for yourselves; I've tried and tried to help, but all I've done is screw us all over.  Don't listen to me, I suck at this game, okay?


I'm done with this damn game.  Should probably go back out of the Twilight game too.  Sick of feeling like I can't accomplish anything.


you kill me, you all lose.


i will have no regrets, cuz i fought like hell.


you guys are grasping at a clue that is nothing more than a persons unwillingness to reveal his role. and if you go through with it the town will lose this game.


edit.....its saturday? i thoiught it was sunday too




Okay, thanks for giving me a chance to post, you guys are sweethearts.

Okay.  I freaking give up.  Can't say anything without being beat to it.


Screw you all.  This game is stressing me out too much.  You figure it out for yourselves; I've tried and tried to help, but all I've done is screw us all over.  Don't listen to me, I suck at this game, okay?


I'm done with this damn game.  Should probably go back out of the Twilight game too.  Sick of feeling like I can't accomplish anything.


Chill out Meesh - you're the strongest town player, believe me without you we'd be stuffed. You contribute most and have done a really good job. You've had the game in your hand the whole way and I really appreciate it :)


Keep at it, we're not done yet woman  ;D


whew, i aint been that mad in a long time.


lets all just chill out.


I'm sorry meesh, my anger got the better of me.


come on back, you are doing a great job, and you know you don't suck at this game. Remember the Heroes game, you picked up on me like that!


Chill out Meesh - you're the strongest town player, believe me without you we'd be stuffed. You contribute most and have done a really good job. You've had the game in your hand the whole way and I really appreciate it :)


Keep at it, we're not done yet woman  ;D

You can say that, but how many mafia are dead, Rey?  Only one.  Because she was MODKILLED.  We have lynched innocents every single day.  I have not done anything that actually helped, when it came down to it.  I have not successfully protected anyone.  I have believed all the wrong people, and everything I've done to try and prevent lynching innocents has amounted to nothing.  I believe Zep is mafia, but I also believed Locke was mafia and he sure as heck wasn't.


The only people I honestly feel are scum are people that have good and practically indisputable reasons for me to believe they're Town.


People can say they trust me to do well, or that I'm doing a good job, but I'm really not.


**edit new**

Yeah, I picked up on you in the Heroes game because you slipped.  But if we'd had a better target to go after you probably wouldn't have been lynched.  It was all circumstantial.


come on meesh, you know your a good player.


We all have our games when we get miffed. but you have at least been trying hard to find clues. thats alot more than most people can say.



Chill out Meesh - you're the strongest town player, believe me without you we'd be stuffed. You contribute most and have done a really good job. You've had the game in your hand the whole way and I really appreciate it :)


Keep at it, we're not done yet woman  ;D

You can say that, but how many mafia are dead, Rey?  Only one.  Because she was MODKILLED.  We have lynched innocents every single day.  I have not done anything that actually helped, when it came down to it.  I have not successfully protected anyone.  I have believed all the wrong people, and everything I've done to try and prevent lynching innocents has amounted to nothing.  I believe Zep is mafia, but I also believed Locke was mafia and he sure as heck wasn't.


The only people I honestly feel are scum are people that have good and practically indisputable reasons for me to believe they're Town.


People can say they trust me to do well, or that I'm doing a good job, but I'm really not.


**edit new**

Yeah, I picked up on you in the Heroes game because you slipped.  But if we'd had a better target to go after you probably wouldn't have been lynched.  It was all circumstantial.


You're missing the point darling - we may be losing, but that doesn't mean you're failing. First off, its my fault and everyone else's fault as well - the blame ain't yours.


And the thing is whether we win or lose, you HAVE STILL kept the game going. You got the ideas flowing the people talking, the analysing going etc. You HAVE done good  :)


And if we lose - so what? It was a good mafia team - doesn't undermine the effort and work you put in.




Meesh don't give up. Just reading all the post gives me the feeling that led and pale are definately the reamaining scum. Led claims his the miller, correct me if im wrong, but how can the miller target anyone?


[glow=red,2,300]Led[/glow] There is an obvious flaw in his claims. I might be wrong, but isn't it obvious?


Oh, and just a recap, i found that piece of paper, and it was:


Elli who target Locke NIght 1.

Meesh targetted Lilly Night 2

and Led targeted Lilly NIght 3.


Forgive me for any mistakes. I was rellying on my extremely poor memory.



ok, that does it. im positive now that wombat and mcm are the last mafia.


as the miller, i cannot target anyone.


so. [glow=red,2,300]unvote[/glow]


[glow=red,2,300]vote meercatman[/glow]


You're not the only one feeling incompetent, meesh.  I feel like I've been counterproductive for most of the game.  I know Lily was beating herself up earlier too.  There's no use beating ourselves up.  We just have to do our best from here on out.  If we lose, we lose, but let's not go down without a fight.


Edit for new:  Tbh I'm not sure about meercatman  I was sure about mafia but then he revealed and got meesh's night action right.  The thing that bothers me though is his backtracking when Lily called his night one result a lie.  It could be as he says and he really forgot who he targeted and had it written down, or it could be he is mafia and backtracked a little bit then conveniently "found" his piece of paper after I revealed that I blocked Lily.


Thanks guys. :)

Guess I'm just really really frustrated because being Town is apparently harder for me than being scum, but I feel like for all the games I've played that I should be able to actually find scum, you know?  I just feel like there's something wrong with me.


But you guys are right, I shouldn't just give up.  Lily had the right of it; it's my problem and I don't need to screw the game up because I'm frustrated with myself.  Just gotta keep pushing forward and probably take a step back so I'm not so invested in this game.


Heh, all this still doesn't help me with who we should lynch...


**edit new**

Meercat, all you've done is pretty much repeat what other people have said.  I already said the miller can't target anyone.  Oh, and I went on at length pointing out his contradictory and anti-Town seeming posts.  You had to have read that, at least give credit where it's due.  I don't mind people repeating ideas of others, but if they make it seem like it's brand-new and their original idea and no one else's...that's, as Kivam once put it, a major scumtell.

Your list is exactly the same as the one you remembered, so you did fine in that regard.




I don't know if I want to vote Meercat again just yet, but I'm definitely wanting to go for him and Wombat again more every time MCM opens his mouth.


::) I WOULD forget the glow...




Okay, see, back to what I said before--we just have to choose who to believe.  I think that we're looking at either Zep/Pallet being scum or else Wombat/Meercat...


It's just so hard to say, because there are reasons to doubt each and every one of them.  Zep seems sincere, but he was acting so scummy that I just don't know, and it seemed like Pale and he were working together, although that was mostly my opinion more than anything.


With Meercat and Wombat, Meercat is the only reason I think they might be scum.  Wombat's role-claim, while fairly convenient, sounded too genuine.  Although, now that I think of it...Wombat's been the one who always linked to the Mafia wiki stuff regarding roles.  I wouldn't put it past him to have claimed a likely-sounding role that could possibly be in the game but that probably isn't, so he wouldn't have to risk being countered.  Anyway, Meercat just keeps acting like scum, regardless of the fact he got my night action right.  One of the main reasons I trusted him though is that claiming Elli roleblocked Locke doesn't seem like something that mafia would want to make up, since it doesn't make sense.  It would've been so much easier to just say "Elli targeted Lily Night 1." No one would've challenged that claim, most likely.

Still, it could've been a mistake but they don't want to take it back because that would make it seem more like they were lying...


Yeah that would be a stupid lie wouldn't it?  I still don't understand why Elli would have blocked Locke though.


Right now I'm suspicious of everyone but I'm most suspicious of Led.  Pale might be at the top of my list if Lily didn't find him innocent.  As it stands, he takes spot number 2 on my list, although my list really isn't clear beyond the first slot.  I'm leaning towards thinking meercatman is town at the moment because of meesh's point about the night one result.  Reyoru has been acting scummy as hell, but he would have to be a mafia mason to be scum and I think that's unlikely.  Lily I trust the most of anyone besides myself.  Meesh I think is town, but she could be playing me big time.  In the end, I know I'm not going to be sure of anything and I just hate that.  I'll just have to practice my decision making under uncertainty.  Also, why is everyone assuming there are only 2 mafia left lately?  There could be 3 and this could be mega LyLo.


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