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Mafia - A Christmas Tale - Mafia Won


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alrighty, i didn't want to do this, but it seems im left no choice.


I am the miller. It seems everyone got good roles but myself. Like i said, i was hoping i could get around this, but im next on the lynch list.


for you newer guys, the miller is a townie role but upon being viewed is seen as mafia.


with that said, by process of elimination, [glow=red,2,300]wombat[/glow] is next


Okay, at this point I'm expecting everyone to have some sort of role claim, since that's the way it seems to be going...


The way I see it, Zep, Wombat, Pale and Meercat are the only possible scum (unless Lily is lying). Oh, and as for Meercat...while he did get my night action right, he or Zep has to be lying.


Notice how Meercat says Elli targeted Locke Night 1, then I targeted Lily Night 2, then Zep targeted Lily Night 3.  If Zep is really the miller, he couldn't have targeted Lily.


Now, if Meercat is lying, then he and Wombat are scum together, because Wombat helps validate Meercat's story by claiming to have roleblocked Lily Night 1 for "pro-town" reasons (oh, please please elaborate on what those are).  And it's totally possible they're both lying, too, because Al Jenn did kind of pick up that I might've been Healer, and I've been leaving hints all over the place, so it would've been a totally safe guess to say that I'd targeted Lily for protection, as she is the uncontested Finder.  Also, having experienced having a fellow mafia member false-claim in my very first game, I know that sometimes what we coach them to say and what they end up saying aren't always the same.  So, Meercat could've slipped up by accidentally saying "Elli targeted Locke" instead of "Elli targeted Lily."  And then Wombat had to save his butt by claiming some sort of roleblocking role as well (again, please share your "pro-town" reasons for blocking the Finder).


If Zep is lying, he at least didn't target Lily for a Night Kill, because I didn't protect Lily last Night.  If he's lying, I doubt he's Town, but he obviously wasn't dealing with the NK either, so he must have another ability, whatever that is.


The only other possibility I see from these conflicting claims... Lily is scum and was quick to hammer Meercat and quick to try and disprove Meercat's claim of being a tracker.  This one seems least likely to me, because that would likely mean Meercat's telling the truth, and in that case Zep is lying too, because a miller can't target anyone; but if Zep's lying, what role did he use on Lily on Night 3? Again, I did not protect her, so if she was targeted for a kill, she would've died.



I'm likely to believe the first option, that Meercat and Wombat are both lying.  Meercat just happened to get 3 people who have night actions that target others?  And he didn't bother sharing until he was hammered?  Also, Rey had brought out the possibility of a watcher and a tracker...it would be easy enough then to false-claim, and the worst that could happen is no one believe him, in which case he was already going to be lynched.  So, in effect, a last-resort gamble in hopes of avoiding being lynched.

Also, I doubt there are two role-blockers in this game.  I really do.


I did unvote, I know, but now Zep's claim makes me wonder...  I bet Meercat and Wombat are both scum.


thats not OMGUS.


process of elimination.


Lily - finder

Meesh - healer

Rey - mason (some sort of role)

Pale - viewed innocent, possibly godfather

Me - Miller


that leaves you.


Oh, and I forgot to say...  Wombat did seem rather eager to jump on my slip about the night action...  Anyone who thought about it would see that it didn't make sense that I would be scum, because the time frame was all wrong--Lily got a Finding Night 2, and Alanna died, so I obviously didn't target Lily for a Night Kill or role block her.  It would've been possible that I could've had some sort of..juggler role or something, that would've affected Lily's Finding, but I doubt that kind of role is present anyway, and I'm pretty sure in that case Meercat would've seen "Meesh targeted Lily and so-and-so."


Also, he was quick to vote to get me lynched...it would be great for the mafia to false-claim, guess someone's role correctly (again, I was dropping hints right and left), and then be able to take advantage of that person's accidental slip to push for a lynch on that person, and get a Townie Power role lynched.  That would've meant a certain win for the scum, because there would've been one less Townie and no chance of a healer blocking the NK.


Wombat, why did you block Lily Night 1, and who did you block Night 2 and Night 3? (assuming you're telling the truth)


I roleblocked Lily because I'm a jailkeeper (anyone I target is roleblocked and cannot be affected by night actions that night) and I didn't know the setup, so I thought it was not unlikely that Talya didn't give us a healer and that the mafia would be targeting Lily night one just in case whoever could save her didn't trust her.  I figured I would rather exchange what was very likely to be an innocent viewing early in the game for a guilty viewing later in the game.  I've been kicking myself since then as the mafia did not target Lily and it seems we may indeed have a healer.  The only solace I can take is that I was given a very nuanced role in my first online mafia game.  I know it looks pretty crappy for me Meesh, but in my defense, I would like to think that were I mafia I would think of something more plausible than this.  Then again, if I were mafia and meercatman were also mafia, I would probably cut him loose rather than come up with a convoluted roleclaim to somehow explain Lily being blocked by a townie night one.


Also, fyi I have targeted the following people:


Lily, night one

Reyoru, night two

Meesh, night three


Edit for meesh:  I'd like to think I'm as devious as you're making me out to be but this game I have been little more than a noob liability to my own team.


Hmmm...so now the main problem is who to believe.  Elli can't confirm or deny role-blocking Locke, and Zep obviously is denying targeting Lily Night 3.  So we have to choose whether to believe Zep, Meercat, or Wombat....


It kind of sucks that you targeted me, because if I had guessed right on who to protect, it wouldn't have made a difference.  But that doesn't really matter anymore, just an observation since you said you'd targeted me. (FYI, I didn't protect Al Jenn so it's not like you helped him die or anything)


I just don't know who to believe.  Wombat, your claim seems more genuine than Meercat's, but if you're telling the truth, Meercat likely is too, even though he comes across more scummy to me than anything.


However, if you both are telling the truth, then what Night action did Zep use on Lily?  She didn't die, that was Al Jenn, so it wasn't the night kill.  She viewed Elli, so we don't know if she would've gotten a false result (which would mean Zep has some kind of mafia role that alters/disrupts/messes with night actions).


I want to hear Zep's response to all this...you roleclaimed after Meercat said you had a night action, but didn't claim an active role.  Neither did you deny using a night action on Lily.

Also, throwing Elli under the bus would've been a good tactic for scum, since you were offering an alternative to the innocent Locke, and since she was obviously up for a modkill anyway.  It would've been the perfect way to "confirm" your innocence.


At this point I'm probably going to hammer Zep, though.  Just not yet, since I want to hear what he has to say.



This is getting a bit silly now, three people today claiming roles after looking like getting lynched, now wombats claim, are we too believe that elli being mafia roleblocker, wouldnt have blocked lily after her reveal night 1 and that it was wombat?


Personally I'm puzzled as to why Elli wouldn't block Lily night one, but I already explained why I blocked her.  Meercatman could be lying, but he did get one of the night actions correct.  That doesn't mean he isn't lying as he could have guessed Lily would be targeted by someone, but it does make me lean in his favor.


I know the whole thing seems unlikely, Pallet, but on the other hand Zep has contradicted himself.  He didn't dispute Meercat's claim at all when it was made, but his roleclaim does conflict with Meercat's report.  I want to know what his story is here.


It would've been nice if the mafia had targeted the same person I targeted for healing, so we'd know if Wombat was being truthful.  Because then the person would've died even though I protected them.


I think Pale and Zep are scum, personally, now.  I stated I'd hammer Zep, and Pale removed his vote after that.  Also, he's attacking Wombat's claim but not commenting on my thoughts regarding how Zep contradicted himself.


The reason i took my vote off meesh, is after wombats claim that he blocked lily, i cant understand why the mafia wouldn't have tried too block her or nk her themselves night 1?


I'm waiting to see what both LZM and meercat say as well, because neither of their stories add up.




Oh, hey, Pale, I just realized that I mistakenly thought your vote had been on Zep.  Forgot it was on Meercat until just now when I checked.


So, nevermind about the voting/unvoting thing I said about you. >.<


Though, if you don't believe Wombat, it would make sense that Meercat was lying too, so your unvote still doesn't make tons of sense.


I suspect Zep the most of anyone right now, but I don't see any contradictions in his posts.  he didn't actually confirm or deny that he targeted Lily night 3 and now that he's claimed miller I'm pretty sure he's going to deny targeting her.


I know he didn't actually say "Yes, Meercat's right," but neither did he say "Meercat's a liar."  He's the only one who was mentioned in Meercat's report that didn't say anything about it at all (except Elli and Locke, but they're both dead).  He actually didn't comment on it at all (I'm reading over that part of the thread again).  All he chimed in about was me having slipped and confirmed that I'd targeted Lily for a night action, and about me telling him he could gloat about Elli being scum.


Either he didn't read Meercat's post at all, which would infuriate me to no end and would make me wish to never play a mafia game with him again, or by not confirming nor denying he was in essence trying to avoid having to say anything about it.


After all, if Meercat was lying about Zep targeting someone, and with us wanting to get scum today or else lose, Zep should've said something like "No, I don't have a night action at all, he's lying."  That wasn't something that a Townie should've left unsaid.  That's why I did say something, although I wasn't sure I should've.  Because my night action would've been the easiest to fake, but on the other hand if there was a chance he was telling the truth, I felt like I should say something.  We needed to get this right.


Basically, being featured in that post...he should have said something either way instead of just ignoring it.  We need to know if Meercat is lying or not.  So, maybe he didn't directly contradict himself, but by ignoring and not helping the town figure Meercat out at all, he seems awfully anti-town to me.


Bah, I'm glad you understood my point.  I'm struggling to get my points across here in a coherent manner...  I'm just so anxious to get this right, and frustrated with how close we are to losing.


Like...I'm getting stressed out about this, silly as that seems. :D  I mean, if the Townies lose this, I'm probably going to go outside and scream at the snow for a few hours, kick things, and walk around in a towering mood.  I WANT TO WIN.


I just wish more people were online right now.  It kind of sucks that people seem to get online right after I get off. ::)


BAH, so I was right the first time about who your vote was on!  I need to go beat my head against a wall a few times... >.<


You still haven't said anything about Zep though.  What do you think of the points I've made about him?  What do you think about him not commenting on Meercat's reveal at all?  What do you think of him then continuing on to claim miller, which contradicts Meercat's claim (but he never openly contradicted it himself, and still hasn't openly done so)?


This may be the third time I've had to bring this up and ask for your thoughts.


Well i could have pretended that i never had my vote on him, since you weren't taking much notice :D


There is four people come out and role claimed today, all of them stink apart from yours because i was 90% sure you were the healer before that.


The biggest problem with LZM claim is his lack of response to meercatmans claim but then switching his vote too wombat for me. Either he is scum or he is too busy gloating about elli to have noticed.




good lord, you people can drag meanings (albeit wrong ones) out of my not saying anything at all.


I didn't feel i needed to say anything about MCM's statement for two reasons. 1, i didnt want to say anything in the case that i would need to claim my role to disabuse mcm's statement and 2, i wanted to gloat lol.




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