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Ajah Alliances


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I have been running through our topics and threads on here and around the site, and I have not been able to find an answer to my question. Since our Tower didn't "split" like in the books, we had made Alliances between certain Ajah's. This was important. Not only was it relevant to have a "split" between the Ajah's for storyline purposes, it was fun to RP our political differences and stand points, or even our prejudices against our opposing Ajah's.


The last I can find is this Alliance:


Blues are allied with the Browns and Yellows

Grays and the Reds who are both now tight allies

The Greens have joined the Red/Gray alliance.

The White remain neutral and throw their lot with whoever they support from moment to moment but more often than not that has been the Brown, Blue, & Yellow alliance...


This was in 999 and I am supposing that some things have changed. The Blue's were also upset with the Greens, because of the whole Lanfir not choosing Nasty incident.


If anyone has any questions, comments or suggestions about Ajah Alliances, please post them here. What Ajah do you think yours is aligned with? I would appreciate any information that you have.


Thank you!


Serena Morrigan

Blue Ajah Head



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Yeah i'm a little confused about Alliances because as a Green I usually play my characters with a prejudice against the Reds. (no offense sis ;)) But as I was doing that someone told me that the Red/Greens were friends now...so i've been trying to temper that prejudice down a bit, even though it makes it less fun for Rasheta. *laughs* but yeah haven't a clue which way I'm actually supposed to be going.

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I'll be honest, it's too much for me to keep up with. I hate politics and so does Lor. So she only doesn't like people who deserve not to be liked for their own reasons. *smirks* Heck, she's befriended two Browns in the last 2 years!

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Just because ajah's are allied (I use the term loosely :P) in the hall doesn't mean each individual green is suddenly going to love the reds, or the grays ;)


That's the last I remember of alliances too Serena, though that was before watchers. Does anyone think those actions and the upcoming bonding of asha'man would affect their ajah's current alliances? Would the bonding perhaps make the blues view the reds with less animosity?


I can actually see Grays agreeing with the measure - it's a compromise on both sides, it's peaceful, and could be the basis for a long lasting peace. In my opinion anyway, staying as enemies of the black tower goes against much of what the Gray Ajah actually stands for. What do you think about the other ajahs?

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Just because ajah's are allied (I use the term loosely :P) in the hall doesn't mean each individual green is suddenly going to love the reds, or the grays ;)

Gah you mean i'm allowed to play Rasheta as she was meant to be played with a prejudice against the Reds. *head desk* I was reprimanded for doing that earlier so I stopped. Now i'm going to have fun again *laughs* Elgee we need to rp LMAO Reminds me I need to update my bio. *head desk* I've been too busy with finals.


Lor i'm with you I leave the politics up to Jaydena as our Head. *laughs* She can work it out. I pretty much only Rp with my warders, and the Greens right now. *need to branch out more* So politics doesn't enter into it right now.



Does anyone think those actions and the upcoming bonding of asha'man would affect their ajah's current alliances? Would the bonding perhaps make the blues view the reds with less animosity?
I think the Greens are gonna start being amused with the Reds suddenly having warders. They may or may not be nice to them about it. Lots of teasing I can see that coming. Since with the History of the Reds being what it is to have warders is going to be a source of great enjoyment to the Greens. I don't know if the Greens and Reds will view each other with less animosity or not..its possible. I know for me personally even with Warders Rasheta isn't going to change her mind about the Red Ajah she doesn't like them and probably never will.
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I'm so happy to see people posting to this.  :P 


Just because ajah's are allied (I use the term loosely :P)


I do as well, and have for awhile. Especially because Serena had an awesome Mentee that was a Red, and had some really good friends in the Greens around the time she was raised to the Shawl(and her adoration of a certain Green who was raised to the Stole and the head of secret organization...); however, I often play Serena as loathing *most* of the Reds and Greens.


I used to leave the Tower politics to the Head of my Ajah, and now that I am one, I need to pick up where the old one left off. That is not my only reason for posting this, as I said above, I think the split is a good idea; Even if it's just within the White Tower.



Does anyone think those actions and the upcoming bonding of asha'man would affect their ajah's current alliances? Would the bonding perhaps make the blues view the reds with less animosity?



I think Watchers should have had made waves ripple through the White Tower. Not only that Aes Sedai were sent to the Black Tower and bonded by male channelers, but all of the things that occured with it and after it. The Amyrlin that had been raised from the Green disappears. The Amyrlin that is Raised from the Gray mysteriously dies, and now there is a Red Amyrlin in the White Tower where there hasn’t been one in centuries? (Isn’t that right? Centuries?) I am not sure yet as to how closely we were following the books on the past Amyrlins and have found the link that has some of ours and noticed that there weren’t many from the Red, but didn’t know if that was due to the things that occurred with the Red Amyrlins in the books.


All I’m saying is… I don’t think we should let the split disappear, especially since it becomes so apparent in the books. Yes, I know we are our own PSW, but I also believe we are following the books as closely as we can with slight changes.


I would be more than happy to take on this project  and see where it leads


Anyways, what else to people think?


*grins and plots*



Serena Morrigan








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  • 6 months later...

Time to revive and cement this, especially before the Ajah Head RP.


From the Reds side, we've recently become quite friendly with the Brown.




It looks like there are 2 major alliances, ie:

Brown + Blue + Yellow (3-way?)

Gray + Green + Red (3-way?)


With the White's sometimes jumping on board with the 1st one:

White Neutral, but sometimes with Brown + Blue + Yellow


And a smaller 2 way friendship between:

Brown + Red


Feuds / Enemies:


Only 1 so far:

Blue & Green

Blue & Red

Brown & ?

Gray & ?

Green& Blue & ?

Red & Blue & ?

White & ?

Yellow & ?



Each Ajah stands like this:


Blue with: Brown, Yellow, sometimes White

Blue against: Green, Red


Brown with: Blue, Yellow, Red & sometimes White

Brown against:


Gray with: Green, Red

Gray against:


Green with: Gray, Red

Green against: Blue


Red with: Brown, Gray, Green

Red against: Blue


White with: Brown, Blue, Yellow

White against:


Yellow with: Brown, Blue & sometimes White

Yellow against:



Now, is the enemy of my friend my enemy? Ie are those 2 big opposing alliances enemies with each other? Apart from the recent Brown / Red friendship?

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Lets not forget Blue against Red!!!




Let me read back over what you just said Elgee, my brain is not quite working this morning.


***Edited: So, I would love to see the reaction of the Blues when they find out that the Browns are traitors!! *gasps*  :o  It looks good, though, Elgee. Although, it seems as though it's the Blue's against the world, which would make sense because in the Books they're completely removed from the Tower.


I definately feel that the Alliance difference will make the Ajah Heads RP even more interesting, at least it does for me.

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Yellow love everyone. Can't we? *grumbles* Gawd this thread gives me a headache.


Okay, I feel like Yellows are Healers. And for that we probably abhor any Ajah that suggests violence as a way of solving things. As such I can think of Red and Green as being Yellow's thorn in foot. Which kinda fits in with the general alliance idea. We might hate Grays coz... I don't know... rotting body parts tend to turn gray. So... the rotting Ajah, as we secretly call them behind closed doors. *ahem*


Or maybe not.


But yeah... I think being anti Green and Red seems best to suit our temperament.


What do ya think?

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I never used to be a sitter (most unsuitable character for a sitter ever lol) so don't remember much about Gray Ajah politics except that they were allied with the Reds over the going to the BT issue. Not sure how it would have played out after the debacle, especially given that the Gray amyrlin didn't last long (even though she did all the early negotiations.) I can see them still being in accord with the Reds. So by nature I suppose against the Blues, but probably also friendly with Whites and ambivalent with the rest. The Grays strike me as most likely to change depending on the situation, going with their own opinions over alliances.

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