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Do you have any RP pet peeves?


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I noticed that most people have their own little preferred way in which they RP, so thought it would be nice to share ours. Not only will it be interesting to find out what kind of things you like in your RPing but it may help others who want to RP with you to learn what to look out for and vice versa what they in turn like or don't like.


So share your thoughts. What kind of things makes you feel all tingly and good about an RP? And what do you prefer to avoid?

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Delayed reponses though RL gets crazy I know.  Umm good things.  Fighting comedy and seriousness when needed sticking to char is always good. OH YEAH AND KICKING BUTT!!!! LOL  Not really sure what else to say so like there ya go!!!




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lol I hear ya' Zander! BOOYAH!


Waiting for responses too long (like months in between each post) is definately a turn off for me too. It takes a bit to get back into the character's personality for me, so that works better if I don't have to wait too long in between. You kind of lose momentum a lot if you need to wait too long.


I'm pretty much ok with any style of RPing, really, so long as it's consistent within one RP thread. Like some people like to put the words of the other characters in a different color when they are repeating them in their posts. That's fine for me, so long as they stick to that then. (and preferably also stick to the same color for the same character). Others like to use a lot of paragraphs and still others like to use tabbed text without paragraphs. All works for me, but don't mix them up too much or else it gets confusing.

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oh, another one of mine.... Godmodding. I really don't like the super hero master fighter in all possible fighting arts with every weapon having an answer to everything being able to outdo everyone at all times no matter the odds and circumstance. They're boring. The best RP's and stories I've read are those about people with some serious issues and mistakes and flaws. They're usually the most interesting ones to read about too. And often the most funny to boot.

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My tingly-type moments in RPs occur when I manage to find a way to tap the extremes of my characters' natures.  Things like bringing Mehrin to the point that he becomes the soulless monster that he is capable of being, for instance.  I enjoy writing combat, but it's the little moments in combat, where you can feel the world around the character fading away as they focus on a specific task.  I also enjoy humorous writing, like the straight guy and the buffoon (think Abbott and Costello), or a critical error that leads to what I like to call a Han Solo moment (run around the corner into an entire garrison of stormtroopers).


Things that I dislike include, like Mysti mentioned, the all-powerful character who is so pretty and so perfect and so powerful and so, did I mention, pretty.  Basically, if it is an Edward Cullen-type character.  The flaws and the irrationality and the wrong moves are what makes a character fun to write with.

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I hate the rambling, what I call "self" posts that concentrate on the character's inner thoughts and feelings but doesn't allow anyone else to interact with them. It's fine if you're doing a solo RP but when you're meant to be RP'ing with someone it's hard to respond to someone that's sat there internalising/analysing all their thoughts and feelings grr!


I love witty banter in RP's and slightly kooky off-centre type characters. :P

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I hate the male channelers that 'embrace' Saidin ... one of my biggest pet peeves :P


On a more serious note, I dislike RP's with people who don't advance the thread at all.  You know, the kind of people who respond to everything you write, but then leave it hanging, waiting for you to keep going.  I know it has to happen sometimes, but I'm talking the people who do it on every single post, without fail.  Drives me nuts.

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Arath I would say that that would mostly stem from people being unused to writing collaboratively with others, not sure what they can and can't do with others' characters, etc.    At least I know that's why I hesitate.  But as I've gotten used to things I've started getting better at that. 

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can't that be solved by communicating OOC with the people you RP with? I know Asfa pm's me whenever he's got an idea for the RP we're doing or when he's not sure where I want to take my character from that point or to simply tell me when he feels I'm going off track or in the wrong direction. We also had a good talk beforehand of what we want to RP and the basic storyline of the RP so we're both on the same track to start with.


This can be done by pm but I'm sure it can also be done on the OOC boards, don't think any DL would mind that. Might even be helpfull to others to see how you organise/plan your RP's and give them ideas for theirs as well.


But yeah, you do need to provide each other with things to work with. It does get a bit one sided if it's always the same person that has to provide the next step, that's true.

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On the opposite side of that I hate when people move things forward too fast or too far without giving your char time to respond. Having too much to reply to is almost as bad as nothing at all. I don't mind long posts but they shouldn't have to be novels.


I also dislike people not reading posts properly. We've all done it now and again over minor details but when someone does it consistently, you start to wonder why you're bothering to write anything at all. Part of that, for instance, is writing with someone who hasn't bothered to read your char's bio.

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that's actually something that can frustrate me outside of RP too, the whole not reading stuff. Like when you take the time and trouble to write really elaborate information posts, with all the possible info you think people need, and then they come and ask you stuff that can be found in the first paragraph of the info post...... Then I'm like *twaps with rotten banana*

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Interesting thread, hope you don't mind me peaking in since I'm planning a FL character?  *smile* 


In the same line with people who ask you about stuff that can be found in your post, is also those who ignore what you wrote.  Telling someone that your character's hair is in a bun and then they comment about how it's in braids or you note that it's raining but then they mention the sunny day. 


Additionally I hate it when people "one line" you.  You write something meaningful, deep and wordy and then they respond with "Yes, I'm coming too."  and that's it. Seriously, I've had it happen before and you're left staring at your screen going ... 'how do I reply to that?'


Good to know some people share my annoyances too.  Thanks for this post.  :)

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Additionally I hate it when people "one line" you.  You write something meaningful, deep and wordy and then they respond with "Yes, I'm coming too."  and that's it. Seriously, I've had it happen before and you're left staring at your screen going ... 'how do I reply to that?'


Ah ... someone who understands where I'm coming from. :D


I'm not talking about new RPers who are really unsure of how to progress.  Light knows I have to deal with a lot of those as a DL.  I'm talking about the people who STILL do it after months and months of posting.


I *slap* just *slap* want *slap* to *slap* beat *slap* them *slap* with *slap* a *slap* shovel! *slap slap slap*

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Do these "interesting plots and storylines" include ritualistic sacrifice to the Black Beast of Aargh?  If so, then I'm all in for that.


In regards to the one-lining... sometimes it's all that the dialogue leaves for the character.  I've had to resort to it from time to time because there was simply no other way for my character to respond (and still be in character/not metagaming).  However, I absolutely hate doing it.

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Generally, if there's a question or a comment that needs to be made that can't be summed up in a short OOC comment at the beginning of the RP, I do.  Most of my big-time earth-shattering RPs are so well planned out that it's not necessary.

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