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November 2009 Report


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Sorry if I jumped ahead of you, Clairebear! Just didn't want to forget to do this!



The list for the Greens:




A Cause for Celebration? (Attn: Greens)


Jade walks in to find Lor talking about marriage to Kabria and Rasheta.




A Cause for Celebration? (Attn: Greens)


Loraine announces that she and Kyn are getting married...again.



Research (Attn: Carima & Accepteds)


Loraine is researching the Seanchan's beasts after a disturbing report from Kyn who's scouting for the Tower.




Warders in my head (atten: Dante and Visar)

Rasheta tries to smooth things out with her two warders.




To meet the second (Atten: Jaydena and Visar)

Rasheta takes Visar to meet her Ajah head.




Depression and life (Atten: Dante and later Visar)


Rasheta has a rather depressed episode and her warders pull her out of it.


Warders in my head (atten: Dante and Visar)

Rasheta tries to smooth things out with her two warders.



A Cause for Celebration? (Attn: Greens)


Loraine announces that she and Kyn are getting married...again.





A Couple of Ale+A Pretty Face= One Angry Warder?


Kabria and Perivar stop at an Inn so Kabria can rest after weeks of scouting along the Blight.


A Chance Encounter


Kabria and Perivar are scouting along the Blight and Kabria heals and wounded solider


A Tiny Spark (attn Kabria)


Kabria is still in a funk and in a effort to help her Perivar tries to find Shenesta or a Sea Folk Ship.


Two Years and Counting an Aes Sedai Introspective


Kabria begins to question the very root of what makes her Aes Sedai. Is she a shame to her Ajah and to the White Tower?

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1) RPs done in the preceding month (as always done - see here for example: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,48182.0.html)


A Cause for Celebration? (Attn: Greens)


Jade walks in to find Lor talking about marriage to Kabria and Rasheta.




A Cause for Celebration? (Attn: Greens)


Loraine announces that she and Kyn are getting married...again.



Research (Attn: Carima & Accepteds)


Loraine is researching the Seanchan's beasts after a disturbing report from Kyn who's scouting for the Tower.




Warders in my head (atten: Dante and Visar)

Rasheta tries to smooth things out with her two warders.




To meet the second (Atten: Jaydena and Visar)

Rasheta takes Visar to meet her Ajah head.




Depression and life (Atten: Dante and later Visar)


Rasheta has a rather depressed episode and her warders pull her out of it.


Warders in my head (atten: Dante and Visar)

Rasheta tries to smooth things out with her two warders.



A Cause for Celebration? (Attn: Greens)


Loraine announces that she and Kyn are getting married...again.





A Couple of Ale+A Pretty Face= One Angry Warder?


Kabria and Perivar stop at an Inn so Kabria can rest after weeks of scouting along the Blight.


A Chance Encounter


Kabria and Perivar are scouting along the Blight and Kabria heals and wounded solider


A Tiny Spark (attn Kabria)


Kabria is still in a funk and in a effort to help her Perivar tries to find Shenesta or a Sea Folk Ship.


Two Years and Counting an Aes Sedai Introspective


Kabria begins to question the very root of what makes her Aes Sedai. Is she a shame to her Ajah and to the White Tower?


2) Handle and character name(s) of members and when last RPed as that character, split into Active and Inactive


Jaydena- November 09

Rasheta- December 09

Loraine- December 09

Kabria- November 09

Janine- August 19, 2009



Ladria- April 17, 2009

Eladari- April 27, 2009

Dulcinea Velasques- February 19, 2009 (Muir as played as other characters during this time)



Zeveria (Nephitess)

Cemarillinin (Lii)

Eadon Isolde

Karissa Sweger (Matalina)

Kaylan Morin

Alyria al’Vire

Ashanda Kisain

Brid Rivalyn

Daenara Siltha

Eldrenne Ayschar

Gaea Berend

Jedaiyen Syrtis

Halvie Faury

Kara Bankshee

Raven Charisma

Taya Gille  

Tayline Jolryn

Tiassale Morobin  

Tinnulim mel’Rethal


3) RP plans / ideas

Jaydena bonding the first Asha'man to bond a Green

Loraine getting married and all the Greens in attendance

Midnight Vigils getting finished


4) Interaction with N&A (remember that recruitment idea we discussed in another thread)

Hmmm we have do a tea party and see if anyone is interested in being involved.


5) Problems, ideas, etc

Nope I think we are good!

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Brown Ajah



1) RPs done in the preceding month


Carina al'Tara



'The Wheel turns: Carina's testing and Oaths' - link

RP: Carina (Mystica) and Claire (Claire)

Summary: Carina undergoes the testing of the hundred weaves and swears the Oaths. She is raised to the Brown Ajah.



'An Unfortunate Encounter' - link

RP: Carina (Mystica) and Evaline Perry (Lavinya)

Summary: Carina comes across a girl who can channel in Caemlyn and takes her with her to Tar Valon to be entered in the novice book.



'Research' - link

RP: Carina (Mystica) and Loraine (Loraine)

Summary: Loraine goes to the library to research on the flying beasts of the Seanchan. She meets Carina there, newly raised to the shawl and struggling to assert her authority over some Accepteds who proceed in treating the new Sister as another Accepted. Loraine disciplines the girls and sets to teaching Carina how to behave as Aes Sedai.



'A chance Encounter' - link

RP: Carina (Mystica) and Anwashawn (Asfaloth)

Summary: Carina receives word of a man being held captive who appears to be acting more like a wolf than a man. She recruits Anwashawn, one of the Tower Guards, to come with her as she goes to try and help this man. While hoping to learn something about this peculiar fenomena.



'Burried in books and staring at shelves' - link

RP: Carina (Mystica) and Wilemi Kailadel (Arani)

Summary: Carina teaches the hundred weaves to the Accepted and they discuss the Brown Ajah



'Reconciliation and Determination'link

RP: Carina (Mystica) Kiyi (Taymist

Summary: Carina takes the accepted to visit the girl's parents upon hearing the father was dying. She Heals the man and they stay for a while longer, allowing Kiyi a longer visit while Carina makes use of the family library and establishes a relationship with them.




2) Handle and character name(s) of members and when last RPed as that character, split into Active and Inactive


Active OOC and IC in november

Carina al'Tara (Mystica)- First Chair

Claire al'Windischan (Claireducky) - Sister


Inactive OOC and IC in november (active as admin though and in other divs IC)

Cara Ramsey (White Wolf)

Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah

Bonded to Liitha Gaidin


3) RP plans / ideas


I have several ideas posted on the Brown Ajah boards and a call for others to give ideas, but so far no takers. There is potential for later when two accepteds that plan to go Brown will be raised.


4) Interaction with N&A (remember that recruitment idea we discussed in another thread)


I'm currently RPing with two Accepteds that will both go Brown after being raised.


5) Problems, ideas, etc


No problems. I think having 6 RP's going within one div counts as pretty good :) I could be wrong though :look

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White Ajah Report


1) RPs done in the preceding month (as always done - see here for example: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,48182.0.html)



2) Handle and character name(s) of members and when last RPed as that character, split into Active and Inactive

Active (No posts yet, sorry working on it, but I'm here!):

Umeka Marhadi - Taei



Taeadra Culthane - Taeadra - October 09

Lillith Izmorova - Raeyn (Extended LoA) - March 09

Carelia Noradien - perine - April 09

Sherrhiana Thymus - Liitha - December 08


3) RP plans / ideas

Change of First Reasoner

White Ajah Class (In Planning)

A look into the White Ajah and what it does.


4) Interaction with N&A (remember that recruitment idea we discussed in another thread)

Open for any and all ideas. :)


5) Problems, ideas, etc

Inactivity.... working on it.

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Gray Ajah




Lavinya Morganen, Aes Sedai


Land Beneath the Sky


Saline, Lavinya and Corin set out for the blight on their mission.


A Faceless Future


Corin is brought back to the warders yard. Lavinya intervenes on his behalf and rejoices in his return.


A Step Too Far


Corin faces Lavinya in a public hall and makes a big scene. Oooh.


Advanced Saidar Attn Nesyer


Lavinya teached Nesyer Advanced Saidar




Lavinya Morganen (Lavinya)

Pia Tovisen - Head Clerk, Sitter and MoN (Lavinya)



Cetaile (claireducky, last rped char June 2009)

Alicatia (Matalina MIA)



RP Plans/N&A interaction


~The Ajah Heads RP currently in the pipeine

~Esther Tremain's raising to the shawl and trial

~Run Gray Ajah class for interested novices and Accepted

~Some sort of inter-ajah rp


OOC Plans/To do list:


~Update sticky with Ajah info, traditions, etc

~Discuss possibility of Gray only weaves

~Organise Sitters - I am the only current active gray, as far as I am aware Quis and Tig are no longer playing Gray NSWs (they certainly never post on the Gray board)

~Recruit recruit recruit

~Discuss Gray Ajah traditions






Pia Tovisen, Mistress of Novices




100 Bloody Wastes of My Time attn Pia


Pia begins teaching Rochel the 100 weaves for the Aes Sedai testing, and Rochel questions their purpose


A visit to the Mistress of Novices (ATTN: MoN)


Ykoria is entered into the novice book


A New Beginning... [ATT: MoN]


Iraleia is entered into the novice book


Of Nobles, Illianers and the Tower [Attn Rytali and MoN]


Rytali and Dyrum clash and are entered into the book of novices


In which Serey becomes a novice (ATTN: MoN)


Serey is entered into the book of novices



Shiny New Novices: 6 - Ykoria, Iraleia, Rytali, Dyrum, Serey and Evaline


Novices: 17 Ykoria, Iraleia, Rytali, Dyrum, Serey, Evaline, Kathryna, Kasi, Kalinde, Aeryn, Venca, Gatlin, Evanen, Devrion, Azalia, Allisia, Katiana


Accepted: Rochel, Esther, Nesyer, Wilemi, Nenen, Kiyissalle, Jerinia, Deanne, Selenessin


(Some may be MiA, I will have better indication of active chars next month)



RP Ideas: (please note these are just in plotting mode and not yet completed plans - all are subject to approval and much more planning)


~Tea with the MoN - a series of rps where novices and accepted can meet with the MoN in an informal setting, tea and cakes, along with sisters from every ajah. This will allow the initiates to rp with Aes Sedai from their aspiring ajah or determine where they do not want to go, along with just have some fun interaction and get to know other members of the division.


~Initiate Masked Ball - a chance for novices, accepted and trainees to interact in a fun manner, while supervised by the MoN and volunteer Aes Sedai. It would involve all of them dressing in their own choice of clothing and wearing masks, and enjoying the provided feasting and dancing. Perhaps as a lead up a dancing lesson rp could be organised for more fun and interaction. I imagine it would take place on a scheduled IC freeday, or perhaps even be a Bel Tine or Sunday celebration. Must also run this by Eqwina Smiley


~MoN handover - I'm pondering Pia and Larindhra getting together for an rp as an official change of guard as it were? From one era to another, passing advice etc. Only if Elgee is interested of course. I wonder if they'd get along  ;)


~GGG, or Gruesome Girls Guild - A long time ago there was a group of novices who formed a private guild with the intention of pranking snooty accepted and aes sedai and having their petty revenge. I'm pondering suggesting the notion to interested parties (both prankers and prankees)to create something similar among themselves to give more opportunities for 'fun' rps. Getting caught and punished can also be part of the fun. I have some great ideas for pranks and punishments too! *evil grin*


OOC Plans:


~Create new page on website for novice/accepted reqs updating for purely active characters and make the other private (but not deleted - just hidden from view)

~Initiate more discussions for novices/accepted to chat with one another and the Aes Sedai (as part of overall RP chat thread plan)

~Create an "I need the MoN thread" to prevent any rps being overlooked

~Worship Elgee

~Restock liquor drawer in MoN's desk.

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Blue Ajah


Serena Morrigan- Head


Play Me 'Dem Blues


Serena and Estel. Serena returns,broken, to the White Tower after Watchers and losing another Gaidin.


A Breath of Tainted Air


Serena and Isha Talcontar discuss the insanity of the Taint, and other disturbing thoughts, images and events


My Heart in the Yards

http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,46072.0.htmlSerena is reunited with Thera, her one time bondmate. Now, there is a 'little one' involved. Is there still a chance at love?




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Mingling with a Yellow

Even after discovering that her "dead" warder is alive, Eqwina is still wandering the Yards trying to discover what she truly wants. 




2) Handle and character name(s) of members and when last RPed as that character, split into Active and Inactive


Active OOC and IC in november

Eqwina al’Caupthn (Eqwina)- Ajah Head



Inactive OOC and IC in November (active in other divs IC)

Nynaeve Sedai- Sitter (CotL DL)



3) RP plans / ideas


I do have an idea up currently, for the Yellows to be able to interact with the Warders when they do their Tournament. Also, with the impending invasion of the BT I am sure there is


4) Interaction with N&A (remember that recruitment idea we discussed in another thread)


I fail in this department, but since I am done with finals now I will be working on it. 


5) Problems, ideas, etc


No members is a large problem. I will start advertising to the New N & A and come up with RP ideas to involve them. 



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Mingling with a Yellow

Even after discovering that her "dead" warder is alive, Eqwina is still wandering the Yards trying to discover what she truly wants. (Will be Using Milking Tears)  ** This started off as just a Yellow RP and has become something darker.


[glow=orange,2,300]Raeyn:[/glow] N/A


2) Handle and character name(s) of members and when last RPed as that character, split into Active and Inactive


Active OOC and IC in november

Eqwina al’Caupthn (Eqwina)- Ajah Head



Inactive OOC and IC in November (active in other divs IC)

Raeyn Sedai- Sitter



3) RP plans / ideas


I have been wanting to RP out a Black Ajah initiation for quite awhile. I tried to advertise and did not get really too much response. I will be starting this again as I feel this will at least get people reading about the BA.

I would also like to have some sort of search in the Tower for the BA. I think it would be a great way to get the BA interacting more within their own Ajah’s.


4) Interaction with N&A (remember that recruitment idea we discussed in another thread)


I was not sure how actively I should be doing this??? I mean it is kind of a gray area with the Ajah that is not. 


5) Problems, ideas, etc


No members is a large problem. I will start advertising to the New N & A and come up with RP ideas to involve them. 


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