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Wolfie Charge!!!!!!


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Just as the men and women at the black tower are waking from their night's slumber, a large group of wolves and oddly hairy humans come charging from the cover of the nearby forest howling and downing as much tequila as they can at full sprint.


Get em' guys!!!!  *howl*

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Red shakes the mud out of her strawberry blond furr and begins to throw TQ and Chili filled balloons at Ellianora and Reyoru


passes some of the Balloons to her fellow pack pates


*Jumps out of a Gateway just in time to have mud splattered across his pristine black Asha'man jacket*




*Looks down at the mud with a slight frown, then looks up at the wolfies*


You are so screwed now...!


*Draws on Saidin through his Sa'angreal, weaving hundreds of threads of air simultaneously, snatching all of the tequila away from the wolfies and thwapping them all with sticks!*




You can have it back when you pay for my dry cleaning! Damned animals..! No respect for Van's clothing...


...Ought to just Balefire the lot of them...


*Starts drinking the tequila as he walks off, brushing the mud from his jacket in disgust, mumbling to himself with a mad edge*


but we didnt start it!!!  *innocent pout*


does a running huggletackle to Vanion in an attempt to recover some of the TQ





Ok fine, we can play nice too

*channels fire and spirit, causing lightning and a storm to break*

I believe that wolves like getting their costs wet?


*snatches Red2111 out of their air with threads of air and hangs her up in a tree, tying off his weave and continuing to walk along, drinking the tequila*


Damned crazy dogs... attacking Storm Leaders... Sheesh... You'd think they would attack the civvies instead of the most powerful channeler in the Tower...


*mutters to himself a while longer before taking a bowl out of his jacket and catching a batch of chili in it as it goes flying through the air*


Mmmm... chili...!


*produces a spoon and starts to eat the chili, not even having broken his stride*


hangs upside down for the moment, gaining a new perspective on life


me thinks the suit of armor made from the grass of the stedding was a good idea afterall  :D


Runs in after hearing all the clatter and skids on the mud and dives head first into Van and has some TQ land in her lap


Good to see you were bringing me this stuff Van ;D


States at the wolfies..


Now what do we have here...


Whistles and out of the kitchen comes a platoon of civies carrying umteen cream pies. Lines them up and...


Well,  what are waiting for guys...




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