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Getting to know the Green and Red Ajahs Week!


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Welcome to the [glow=red,2,300]Getting to know the Green and Red Ajahs[/glow] Week!


The purpose of this is not only for the Greens and Reds to get to know each other better, but also for others to get to know both.


We have a few games and topics that will hopefully help you with that, and provide a load of fun at the same time. If there’s one thing that the Greens and Reds have in common, it’s that we like a bit of fun now and then ;)


Here is the schedule of events:



1. Quizzes:


The questions will be about the Greens and Reds only. There will be one easy quiz, based only on the first 3 books of the WoT, and one difficult quiz, based on books 1 to 11.


At the Green Ajah:

Easy quiz: Link


At the Red Ajah:

Hard quiz: Link


2. Topics:


At the Green Ajah:

a) What are the similarities/differences between the Greens and the Reds in the WoT books? Link

b) If there were Ajahs here in our time, what would be the purpose of the Greens?



At the Red Ajah:

a) What are the similarities / differences between the Greens and the Reds on DM? Link

b) If there were Ajahs here in our time, what would be the purpose of the Reds?



3. "Spot the...."

At the White Tower:

A fun game. A photo-shopped picture is posted and people have to find the items hidden in it. Handcuffs, Spork etc.


4. Word-search


At the Green Ajah:

Word search based on the Reds


At the Red Ajah:

Word search based on the Greens



And once you're done with the spot, you can wipe it out. Can't do that with a man, or Motherducky will take away your mattress skiing privileges  :(


which is why we invented new fun things to do to, um I mean with a man! We Reds are nothing if not innovative. *nods*




Here's the link to the actual sized pic - for some reason Photobucket is resizing it here. http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l183/Rockdomchick/Redgreenpic1.jpg


Here's the Spot the Item Picture. There are 8 items to find:




Green Boa



Devils Tail


Red Shoes


PM me with what you've found and where e.g.: the Spork is sitting on the table on the back left of the picture. PM's to be sent in by Saturday - title "Spot the Item"

Good Luck!


Thank you Red, it was my first ever attempt at something like this and my photoshop skills were previously limited to cut&paste  :D


The fangs are the hardest to spot :P If no-one else can find them then I'll give a hint  ;)



Here are the Answers to the Quizzes! Winners will be announced shortly  :D


Easy Red/Green Quiz


1) What title is given to the Head of the Green Ajah? Captain General

2) What title is given to the Head of the Red Ajah?  Highest

3) Which Ajah has a long standing alliance with the Blues? The Green Ajah

4) Why was Elyas Machera wary of the Red Ajah? They wanted to Gentle him

5) Alanna tells Egwene "to be Green means                  "? to stand ready

6) Who did Thom say was Gentled by the Red Ajah? Owyn, his nephew

7) How many Warders are the Greens allowed? as many as they like

8) What is the Prime duty of the Red Ajah? hunt down men who can channel and gentle them.

9) What was the alternate name for the Green Ajah? The Battle Ajah

10) What part did the Red Ajah believe the Ogier played during the Breaking? they worsened/prolonged it by sheltering men who could channel


Hard Red/Green Quiz



1) Which Green is described as "shy at heart but works at being fierce"? Alanna

2) Which Red is said to approve of Warders?  Pevara

3) What does the Green Ajah have decorating their quarters in the White Tower? Depictions of Swords

4) How do the Sisters of the Red Ajah track men that can Channel? Read the residue of Weaves made by Saidin

5) Which Green gets spanked by Mat Cauthon? Joline

6) Which Red beats Leane for lying after she is captured? Desala Nevanche

7) Who is Elyas Machera's Aes Sedai? Rina Hafden

8) Which Red has the Talent Foretelling? Elaida

9) Which Green uses a Weave of Air and Fire to make herself seem a Giant? Alanna

10) Aside from the Blue Ajah, which other Ajah do the Reds not like? White Ajah


*slaps forehead*  so thats where those fangs were!!! 




this was fun :)  can't wait to do it again :D  really enjoyed this meet the ajahs


*grins wickedly at Mystica and doesn't say a gosh darned thing*


  This was a fun week!


*throws in a little innocent whistle while he's at it.*


And the winners are:




Easy Quiz (Green Ajah):


There were a few close answers, but there can only be one winner....


The Winner is Seafolk Sedai!  


Siggy to strut in: GreenAjahQuizWinner_002.png

Hard Quiz(Red Ajah):


Well this had to go to the QuizMistress, the one and only..... Taymist!!


Your siggy to strut in: RedAjahQuizWinner_002.png


Spot the Item:


There were a few close calls, but only one person found them all. The sharp-eyed winner is..... Ireond!!


Your siggy to strut in: SpotTheHiddenItem002.png



Congratulations to the Winners and thank you to all that took part! :)


The wordsearch solutions will be posted tomorrow :)





  "I have eyes like the eagle that's perched on that tree over there."

  "That's a Squirrel."



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