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Leigh Butler's review of TGS

Jason Denzel

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But see, now I have to agree with you, Jason, because I've drunk the Leigh Kool Aid.


I spend every Monday/Wednesday/Friday feverishly refreshing Tor.com hoping she has a new blog post up.

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Leigh and I.... we have an understanding you see:  Blindly tell the world to love TGS and everyone will follow us.  Muwahaha. We shall rule the world!

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What am I? Chopped liver? That's it, I'm taking back that mix tape I made you and going over to RAFO.com. They said I could crash on their couch if this happened again. And here's your damn flannel shirt back.


Dude, burnt.


Kathana from my experiance generaly the guy is the one who is kicked out home?




Anyway, that review, like all the others I've read, has made me pee my pants a little. I can barely tolerate this.


It seems like the three reviews I trust the most say it's great (To be hones, I would buy the book even if it was only good enough for toilet paper).


It's great to hear favorable reviews because it vanquishes any doubts I have of Sanderson but then again, it's making the three days seem like forever.

  • Community Administrator

Who's this Leigh Butler?

Is she at least hawt?




She's the Tor read-through ladeh.


But... Is she hot? Like a 8 or a 9?


Who's this Leigh Butler?

Is she at least hawt?




She's the Tor read-through ladeh.


But... Is she hot? Like a 8 or a 9?


That's obviously what the "*sniff*" was in response to.  >:(


*Hops from one foot to the other* ... I might only get it on the 11th! Aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrgggggggghhhhhhh!!!


I am practically about to go crazy waiting on this book, and I just read the review...WOW...I think I will buy 2 copies because I cannot control my emotions and 1 copy may very well go through the wall. it is a test to avoid he spoiler thread, it i trying to wait, but it has been so in the past and so shall be again..."The wheel weaves us all into the pattern, and I am 100% sure I am not tavereen because I could not buy this book early lol


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