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I'm tired, and since I'll hopefully be getting ToM on the 16th, I've decided to take a week's leave and finish my reread then read that.


I'll be popping in, but I need a break from DM too - been on here almost every single day for the past 4 years, bar internet failure.


If anyone needs me urgently, Mystica, Taymist and Vanion know how to get hold of me.


I should be back by the 22nd.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Semi LoA for the rest of March and the beginning of April.


Hello lovely folks!


I don't want to give up my free time *sniffles*, but I have my weddings coming up soon and finishing up stuff for that is taking a LOT of my free time away. I will still be around, and will still try to respond to my rps that are ongoing, but just want you know that I'll be slower for awhile. Also, that's why I've been slower with responses lately anyway, I just couldn't admit to myself that I needed to drop something *laughs*.


Here's what's on my plate for the next few weeks and why I won't be around much. SOME! I'll still be around some, just not a whole lot.


March 2 - meet with wedding favors person after work

March 3 - late night program for teens for work

March 8 - late night program for teens for work

March 10 - meet with DJ after work to discuss songs

March 11 - 27th birthday

March 12 - carnival for work; teen program

March 15 - Meet with food people for wedding

March 24 - bachelorette party

March 25 - rehearsal & rehearsal dinner

March 26 - wedding

March 28 - leave for NY

March 30 - non-bachelorette party with sister and cousins

April 2- NY wedding

April 6 - back to TX

April 12-15 conference for work




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  • 3 weeks later...

this is not so much an LOA but a warning that i might be LOLA until after the 15th May.


I'm currently a month out from the first anniversary of losing my mum, and throw in the 9th anniversary of losing my son in the middle of april and i am not doing so well at the moment. I am also off to Rome for a week in May. It's not to say that i won't be around... just that i might be scarce depending on how i cope.


Elgs can contact me if there is anything urgent - as can those who have me on MSN.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

LoLa for me from about a month ago (yes that didn't work out so well :rolleyes:) till the books are done for the auditor. That NEEDS to be done before the end of this month (April), but how quickly that will happen will depend on how much of my time I can concentrate on it. Try not to break my concentration too much.


And by LoLa I mean devoting about 3 or 4 hours per day to DM, as opposed to my usual 6 or 7. I have a lot more to do now than I did with my previous yearly LoLas, though, so everyone's help would be appreciated.

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Hey guys i'll be sorta LOA till May 6th just about. I've got a bunch of school to do and we are hosting a German exchange student here. So I feel its rude to be on the internet for a long time while we have a guest. I should be around some but i'm pretty booked up till she leaves.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My books are done and sent to the Auditor (and not a cent out of place, might I add). Give me a few days to recuperate, and I should be back into full swing.

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this is not so much an LOA but a warning that i might be LOLA until after the 15th May.


I'm currently a month out from the first anniversary of losing my mum, and throw in the 9th anniversary of losing my son in the middle of april and i am not doing so well at the moment. I am also off to Rome for a week in May. It's not to say that i won't be around... just that i might be scarce depending on how i cope.


Elgs can contact me if there is anything urgent - as can those who have me on MSN.




I didn't cope, i had a breakdown and have been to hell and back. My apologies to those i have let down, but my mental health had to come first. i hope you will all understand.


I am doing okay now and am feeling very happy to be back at DM :)






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  • 2 months later...

Hey guys, I'm going to go on a (mostly) LoA for the month of November while I attempt NaNoWriMo for the first time. I'll be around on the Social side some and I'll probably post here occasionally for Carys to keep my Warder happy, but other than that I'll be scarce for November. I should be back in full force in December though!

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