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How Rand started channeling

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I was just wondering, in the end of the Eye of The World, when Rand is being chased by Aginor, he notices a glowing cord coming from Aginor, and when he does, part of the cord breaks off to join him, and i could never understand this. i mean its obvious that this is saidin, but i dont understand how he can see it when it isnt being woven, and why only then. I always just thought that this is like how Aes Sedia see other Aes Sedia glow when they're channeling, but the cord is never mentioned when Login or any of the other Asha'man channel in front of Rand. Could it have to do with the fact that theyre using the Eye of The World?


That is exactly it, Rand and Aginor are siphoning saidin from the Eye of the World. The Eye was an artificially created pool of pure saidin that had been separated from the True Source using the One Power. As such it probably has different characteristics than Power drawn directly from the the Source which is why he could "see" it, at least metaphysically.


BTW, this episode is by no means the first time that Rand has channeled, just the first time he has done it when consciously meaning to...


For example on their flight from Emond's Field when Moiraine comes to "recharge" Bela she finds someone else had already done it and if you read the exact part when they're running flat out Rand's POV is that "egwene must make it she must keep up" and she's on Bela so it was actually RAND who "recharged" Bela before Moiraine could and that's why Bela could keep up with the rest of the horses


Although he never sees the cords again, he does make use of them. In his fight with Asmo, he remembers where he saw the cord connecting DO to Aginor and cuts Asmo's connection.


I think those were actually two different types of "cords". The golden cord he sees with Aginor is connecting him to the Eye (although he may also see the black ones around him as well) whereas the cords he severs around Asmodean are the ones connecting him to the DO and protecting him from the taint. Or at least that's the theory...


Yes, I agree Dice two seperate cords.


Also, I believe Rand lightning bolted that inn where he and Mat were nearly robbed by the inkeeper and kill by that merchant darkfriend. Soon after he experiences some "channeling sickness" I believe in the scene where Shiaine nearly kills them both with a dagger that nearly burned the haybarn down with them.


when they are fleeing emonds's field in tEotW this is from Rands PoV, shortly after Morraince remarks Bela is in no need of "refrshing"


"With all his heart and desparation he silently shouted at Bela to run like the wind, silently tried to will strength into her. RUN! His skin prickled, and his bones felt as if they were freezing, ready to split open. The Light help her, run! And Bela ran."


The WoT FAQ has Rands begining to channel really well documented...


OP use: cleansing Bela: [TEOTW: 11, The Road to Taren Ferry, 125]

Reaction: Baerlon encounter with the Children of the Light, [TEOTW: 15, Strangers and Friends, 186-190]

Time: seven days.


OP use: Hitting Trolloc with the boom of Domon's boat. [TEOTW: 20, Dust on the Wind, 258-259]

Reaction: Mast/trapeze stunt on Bayle Domon's boat [TEOTW: 24, Flight Down the Arinelle, 301-303]

Time: four days.



OP use: calling lightning to escape the inn in Four Kings [TEOTW: 32, Four Kings in Shadow, 407]

Reaction: fever/chills at the inn in Market Sheran. [TEOTW: 33, The Dark Waits, 423-426]

Time: two days.


OP use: at the Eye of the World.

Reaction: Forgetfulness, others?

Time: nearly instantaneous.


The black cord represents the attachment of the forsaken to their master, the DO. It stands to reason that the cord could not be the link with the DO's One power as well because only Ishmael rally used the One power. So why would it be coming out of Agnior?

Im guessing the connection is the same thing he cut with Asmo, a bond they secured with the DO, protecting the male channelers from saiden's taint, And makes them a forsaken.


Here is why I thought that:


In [TSR: 26, The Dedicated, 306], it is mentioned that Lanfear/Mierin had said she "had found a new source for the One Power," usable by both men and women. Considering that her "new source" turned out to be the DO, it is possible that this is a reference to the TP. Whether Lanfear knew that this was the DO or not is a different argument...


Yes, it was the True Power. Lanfear and her co-researcher (who's name escapes me at the moment) mearly thought that they had found a new source of the One Power, what they had actually discovered was the DO's prison and the TP.




Could possibly the black cords be the connection between the TP and the Forsaken because they are the connection between the Forsaken and the DO?


I mean whether or not the True Power is used there is still that connection.


Then why would they only be seen around the Male Forsaken? If they were a connection between the Forseken and the DO and the TP can be used by both genders, doesn't it stand to reason that you would see the lines surrounding the females as well?


Dont wanna sound total noobish, or like im not paying attention but;

New thought, will the Eye of the World make a reappearance at any date? They are Ta'veren, so things just happen around them, therefore it could make a 2nd apperance to them. Maybe perhaps in Tarmon Gaidin?

Guest Majsju
Dont wanna sound total noobish, or like im not paying attention but;

New thought, will the Eye of the World make a reappearance at any date? They are Ta'veren, so things just happen around them, therefore it could make a 2nd apperance to them. Maybe perhaps in Tarmon Gaidin?


Nope, there was a limited amount of Saidin in the Eye, and all of it was used up by Rand and Aginor.

Nope, there was a limited amount of Saidin in the Eye, and all of it was used up by Rand and Aginor.


exactly, thats why perrin, lan, mat, and loial could get the horn of Valere, banner of the dragon, and broken seal of the dark ones prison out: it was empty of saidin. therefore, it can no longer be used.


oh and i understand it now, thank yall for helping me, it was really bugging me. also, i knew of all those examples of rand channeling, i just meant the first time he channeled Consciously. Of course, its my fault for not specifying.


TheDiceAgain said...

I think those were actually two different types of "cords". The golden cord he sees with Aginor is connecting him to the Eye (although he may also see the black ones around him as well) whereas the cords he severs around Asmodean are the ones connecting him to the DO and protecting him from the taint. Or at least that's the theory...


Then why would they only be seen around the Male Forsaken? If they were a connection between the Forseken and the DO and the TP can be used by both genders, doesn't it stand to reason that you would see the lines surrounding the females as well?


I gotta answer a couple of your points. Yes, I know there are two different types of cords. At the Eye of the World he saw both the cord coming from the Eye (aka the golden one) and the black one from the DO. This is the only time he or anybody else saw the cords. The other times he made use of them, he was just remembering where he saw them before. The cords were only seen around the male forsaken because there was only a male forsaken present at the Eye then.


Not entirely true, he also sees them around Ba'alzamon (Ishamael) in The Eye of the World (p 637) as well as (I think, don't have it woth me right now) in Stone of Tear right before he stabs him with Calandor.


Also, Asmodean pretty much admits that's what they are in The Shadow Rising after he has been taken.


I thought it was mentioned in the shadow rising when Rand fights Asmo in Rhuidean, and sometime after it refers back to it, that those black cords where the siphoning of the taint from the source for the male forsaken, part of their bonus to throwing their lot in with the DO. Asmo comments later on about not having this anymore, and that he will eventually go mad if one of the others doesnt kill him first?


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