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What's happening, White Tower?


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Love you, Mia!! :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*


I'm working, in school and ministering in church. I'm super-busy, and completely exhausted. Not being a morning person, starting to teach every morning at 7:45 is torture. My husband, being a night owl cant take my schedule either. I wanted to call in sick today but we just had off on Monday for a Jewish holiday. Sigh.  :P So, that's my life! What are you up to these days??? (As if I didnt read your LJ... *shifty look*) Hehe.


Hi, Barm. Lovely to see you too :P


Chariiis *snuggles* Nothing much is up with me. I'm going to the US on Friday to visit my friend, and I'm kind of ridiculously excited about that. I'm also pretending to write a history paper right now, which is why I'm here, obviously Not Writing. :P


Hi, Seryanne! It's very nice to meet you =)


Heh heh heh, it is lovely to see you... and for the record, the cleaning lady my parents hire is named Maria. :P


Of course, there's no way I could ever actually confuse you and her.


Yes, Seryanne. Sorry. Haha. There was supposed to be an "again" there.


And I'm glad to hear it, Barm. Really. *wonders if now's the time to say that she also cleans for a living. Outside of the studies, that is* :P


Charis, I'll be in Vermont. Sry. <3


Jaaade *snuggles*


Hey, Mia!  How did you get back over here in the main part of the Tower?  :o I thought I glued your feet to the floor in the Blue Ajah (to make sure you "stick" around! LOL!)  ;D


I am so glad you are back!  *unobtrusively tethers Mia in place using heathline (real elvish rope)*


There!  That should hold you!

  • Club Leader

Hi Maria. It's good to see you again. I haven't been able to say hi to you since I joined DM, but you may remember me as one of your Hufflepuffs.




Maybe us former Felix Felicis peeps should go join Revelio.net? I've been looking there, but there's so much info, I have to read it in pieces before I start. =P One of our Gray Sister, Calypsa is in there. Just dont know what she goes by. Will PM her. Anyone interested?

  • Club Leader

I'm not, really. It was fun during the time the books were coming out, but it's been years since they finished. I'm not a movie person (I've seen them each once, even though I own them all...) so the releases of the movies doesn't hold the same excitement for me. But it was fun in its' day. *sigh*




*sings* Maria! I just met a girl called Mariaaaaaaa!




Hey there! welcome back!  ;D Staying long?


Charis! Sit on her! that way you stick around a bit too ;)  ;D


Charis! Sit on her! that way you stick around a bit too ;)  ;D


What do you mean, Kara??! I'm always around! I've been busy playing mafia... *shifty look* and I posted in one of your Green threads!  ;D


*pokes Kathana* You do.. uh.. baby?


And I don't know about D*Con. That's a looong time off. Got to get this US trip out of the way first lol.


And yes, Dwyn. You are more than welcome. Just the other day I was telling Charis about the Cranky Keepers Club. We have your rocking chair all set up. <3


Charis! Sit on her! that way you stick around a bit too ;)  ;D


What do you mean, Kara??! I'm always around! I've been busy playing mafia... *shifty look* and I posted in one of your Green threads!  ;D


Hehe! I noticed.  :-*


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