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Back to School Wish Lists!


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It's that time of year again!  The smell of crayons, new paper, erasers, glue and the sounds of kids and parents arguing about this or that backpack and the 'ouch' yelps of three ring notebooks snapping on fingers fill the air of stores and supercenters!


The sad thing..not all kids, students and teachers get to experience that!  Money just isn't available for school supplies, clothes sometimes even lunch!  It is a sad fact and situation of our society!


Lor and I came up with the idea of doing a School Wish List!  Just like the ones we do at Christmas, when we tell what WE want..with one exception...the wish isn't for things wanted..but for things needed for school! 


Here is what you do!  Post a list of things that your kid, yourself as a student or as a teacher need for school!  Be detailed and specific, and try to estimate the cost if you can!  The next step is we look at the list..and if you feel you CAN help somebody and be thier Fairy Godmother, either by sending the supplies or money for the supplies, let Lor or I know in a PM.  We will post that the wish has been fulfilled!  It's up to you if you want to reveal your identity to who you help!


If you can't cover everything on the list, and but can some of it..let us know what you will be doing.  THat way we can check it off the list so nobody is doubled up on supplies and someone else gets passed over!


OK...got it?  Then let's do it!!

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Well I guess I should add a few things, since my car just had to have 1700 dollars in work and we are now in debt to our eyeballs. *sighs*

1 box crayons (48 count)

2 large Pink Pearl erasers

4 Low odor Dry Erase Markers (EXPO)

1 box colored pencils

1 large box Kleenex

20 #2 sharpened wood pencils

1 bottle white school glue-8 oz.

1 school box for student supplies in desk

3 folders with pockets (e.g. PeeChee)

2 wide ruled spiral notebooks

1 pair pointed scissors

1 box of 8 washable, wide classic colored markers

Girls Backpack

Girls Lunchpail




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Just put the markers in one of those bubblee envelopes Torrie..a small one should work fine and cost about a dollar to mail!


Any color of kindergarter mat?


Jade could you give us a price estimate?  I know here the Walmart and schools have done that and it really helps!!  And..backpacks and lunch pails are very important in school!!  *grins*  What color and who is on them is VERY important!!  LOL!


Ok Sam..you need anyhelp?  C'mon you guys..I know that many of you have kids..and lots of you teach school...or I would even include those of you who are teaching/leading afterschool activities!  College students?  You know coffeepots and towels aren't cheap!  *smiles*  There is no grade limit on this offer!


Has anyone seen Taie?  I imagine she may need to help with her kids stuff...


Here is another thought....if we don't have many to help here..you might check with your child's teacher...many times they have to buy supplies for thier classroom!  You could bring that list here too for us to help.  I know my brother and I used to help out my neighbor who taught 4th grade.  She always needed extra paper, crayons, pencils etc.  (She is retired now)  Anyway..if you don't need help..some child in your child's class might!

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Well, been trying to see what I would have to work with, but I'll go ahead and put a list up of what I know is needed. I was going to be seeing what I could get with my next paycheck which will be next Friday, but here's the list anyways. (And I know there's more that the school asks for, but this is just what the district has posted, I need to go grab the lists from WalMart.)


Adel (girl) - Second Grade


  • Crayons
  • Erasers
  • Glue/Glue Sticks
  • Notebook (1-subject/3-subject)
  • Notebook Paper (wide rule)
  • Pencils
  • Pencil Box/Pouch
  • Pocket Folders
  • Scissors (blunt tip)


Jason (boy) - First Grade


  • Crayons
  • Glue/Glue Sticks
  • Notebook (1-subject/3-subject)
  • Pencils
  • Pocket folder
  • Scissors (blunt tip)


Cameron (boy) - Kindergarten


  • Crayons
  • Glue/Glue Sticks
  • Pocket Folders
  • Scissors (blunt tip)


I'm also going to try and buy them some new backpacks. The oldest two's are almost worn out and the youngest one has a backpack, but it has wheels, which are forbidden at the school. I guess kids were hitting people with them or something, anyways, I have one for him, but I either have to get rid of the wheels or get him another one. As far as style goes, Adel loves anything pink and Cinderella, Jason loves Spiderman, and Cameron loves every superhero.


Okay, list posted in case you want to help some. Every piece helps. hehe (Just think, next year and the 8 years after that I will have four to buy for. *sigh*)

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Adel got a new backpack, and getting the boys soon. There's a shop right next to where I work and they're looking for them for me. 50 cents each, a bargain you can't pass up. So, I think those are taken care of now. :) Now just gotta wait till Friday for my next paycheck.

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ok folks...Ursual pm'd me asking about how to get the help to you guys.


I'm thinking the smartest way to do this, is for the person wishing to HELP sends money directly to the person being HELPED!


This way there doesn't have to be money spent on shipping, and the person recieving can get what is specified for thier school.  I mean it isn't even just the notebooks, pencils..its also new shoes, some places have to follow a dress code and wear a uniform..



So...mail directly to the person(s) who have signed up needing some help!  Then PM me to let me know so we can make sure we help everyone that signs up!


Again..an estimate..ball park figure would help a lot for those of us who want to help!


did I make sense?

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Alright, I got talked into start a list for my class. So, I'll keep it to stuff that I really would appreciate not having to spend my time being creative to get around. How's that?


All About me posters (for our star students, which are a requirement in my school):

I found them here (These are the ones I really want, since they're more involved and require the kids to think a bit before filling them out): http://store.schoolspecialtyonline.net/OA_HTML/ibeCCtpItmDspRte.jsp?a=b&item=1419815&minisite=10046


And here (these will also work, and they're cheaper): http://www.orientaltrading.com/ui/shared/sharedFlowController.goToBrowseController.do?demandPrefix=18&sku=57/6601&requestURI=processProductsCatalog



And I'm ok with ya'll focusing on people whose kids need stuff. This is just ten bucks, I'm sure I can swing it once bills are paid...

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im sorry guys, but all this is chinese to me. I have no idea what 'notebook wide rule' is (I know notebooks with regular lines, squares and long squares and notebooks with music lines on them and notebooks with just blank paper without any lines. But what 'wide lines' are supposed to be. Iunno... *scratches head*) or how old a kid in second grade is or what a pocket folder is or any of that. I know this is mostly aimed at Americans, so I'm sure for you all it makes perfect sense, but yeah.... I'm sitting here with a blank stare wondering what's the what and who where how.



Twin, if I understand you correctly, we should send money to whoever needs help? Why the need for the lists then? Why not just say how much they aproximately need to get the stuff? Just wondering if I missunderstood something.




And you guys... I believe Twin's asked three times now to post an aproximation of the cost of your list. Doesn't have to be correct to the cent, but just an estimate.

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Our biggest expense this year will be school uniforms.  The entire district has a uniform policy but is a bit more relaxed in that the polo shirts have to be certain colors depending on the school and the shorts just have to be khaki or navy blue.  However . . . the charter school my boys attend have more stringent requirements.  We have to get the uniforms at a specific uniform shop, no exceptions.  Shirts are embroidered with the school logo so I can understand that part.  But the pants HAVE to be a specific type that is only sold at the uniform shop.  Arrrrrgh!  They are good quality but a bit pricey compared to, say, Wal-Mart and Target.  Sometimes I wonder if the school gets a kickback from the uniform shop . . . !


The shirts are $19.50 each.  Shorts are $18 each. Pants are $21 each.  They are good quality clothing items, though.  The pants have reinforced knees, and both pants, shorts and shirts have stain guard.


My oldest didn't attend this school last year and my youngest has worn his shirts to tatters or ripped them and he has outgrown his shorts and pants.  So it'll be an expensive refitting for us this year to get uniforms for both our boys.  However, I am not asking for anyone to send money to us!   Things will be tight but we are making it okay and my mother, an absolute saint, is always willing to help when it comes to her grandsons!


I am posting that info to let everyone who wants to help know what some people might be looking at price-wise, outfitting their kids with school uniforms.   If someone needs more basic uniforms that they can buy at a department store, they can get more bang for their buck quantity-wise but will probably end up spending more through the year replacing what's worn out.  I had to refit my oldest with dept store stuff several times last year and he only needed the uniform from December through June (August through November he had attended a private school with no uniform policy).  There was that much difference in quality. 


The uniform shop we use is Zoghby's (http://zoghbyuniforms.com/).  If someone here needs basic school uniforms (polo shirts and khaki type stuff), they can put together a wish list using the zoghby's link and post the wish list here.  Then, if someone else wants to help with the uniforms, they can PM the lister and get their address, buy an item or two, and have it shipped directly to lister.


Bless all of you who are willing and able to help those who are struggling!


And, no, I don't get a kick-back or commission from Zoghby's . . . I only wish I did!  ;D

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Mysti -


'notebook wide rule' - for younger children.  It's easier for them to learn to write with the lines farther apart.  The alternative is "College-rule" smaller spaces between the lines.


how old a kid in second grade is - about 6 or 7 yrs (7 or 8? when I started school K=5, 1st=6 2nd=7)


or what a pocket folder is - usually heavy paper folders with side (Peechee is a brand name) or bottom pockets to hold papers inside the folder


Just say it's all "American" to me!

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Second grade is usually 7 or 8 year olds unless they were born earlier in the year. *G* Yup that all makes sense what Twinnie says, I am working on an estimate right now and what I have come up with is 30 dollars American. That of course varies on store locations and stores, some are having massive sales right now, school starts on the 2nd of September. *G* We also get a second list with like cracker, tissues, etc on it from the teacher. We have to provide class room snacks and such in our school. So I tried to factor that into the cost and if it's a bit high I can always buy her a pair of pants or a shirt for school, or undies. *winks* Thanks to anyone who can help out. *snuggles* Dar see I thought about trying to get into the private charter thing and all that but wow all that stuff sounds expensive and that doesn't even include the tuition. Though seems like they get a quality education. 

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Our charter school is part of the public school system so it doesn't cost us tuition for them to attend.  The uniforms do get pricey and they are pretty strict with the uniform policy.  We do have to buy school supplies and help out with additional purchases through the year as needed (paper towels, copy paper, Kleenex, etc.).


When my oldest was attending private school, it cost us $6000/year.  We can't afford that now, though, so I'm glad we got him into the charter school.  It's hard to get in unless you have a kid already there.  I don't know what we'd have done if he hadn't gotten into the charter school; the school we're zoned for is so far out of our way it's ridiculous.  We'd have to drive 10 miles farther out of town, drop him off, drive back again and to work, only to repeat the process in the afternoon.  I sometimes wonder who draws up these zoning maps; it honestly makes me wonder about their sanity! LOL!

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*hugs mystikiss*


Well we don't need the lists...*shakes head*  I wasn't really thinking about it, as sending just the money, and saving on shipping and handling!  And I am a list maker!  And as said in a thread somewhere around here..I love school supplies and tend to get a bit crazy when they all hit the shelves!


Thanks Dar..I was trying to point out the idea that some of the funds could be needed or used for school clothes and uniforms.  I know for my nephew, my inlaws buy them every year and it costs a good hundred cause they DO NOT last well! 


So get your estimates up...and if you help someone out let me know and we can be sure to cover everyone!  You know..you don't have to do say..like the whole 30...do ten, there are enough of us we should be able to cover it all!


I know last year, Taie had mentioned shoes for her little ones too..don't know if that was part of her needs or not!

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Sorry for any misunderstandings. I don't have the complete list yet, hoping to pick that up today. Last year they also asked for things like hand sanitizer, tissues, ziplock bags and the like. As for a price range, I don't know yet, or I would have put it up. :( Hopefully I can get it up soon. I hate the way the school system is around here, you don't know the full list until a couple weeks before school starts, and that's only if you go to the right places. *rolls eyes* Anyways, hopefully will have more info up today.

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That is one thing OKC is good about!  School supplies hit Walmart the same week as the 4th of July and the school lists for every school in that Walmart's district was available too!


I know I looked at one and was amazed!  One teacher wanted like 15 folders for thier class for projects and specified how many of each color!  Plus the baggies, and wipes and hand stuff too!  Very different from when I was in school!


The kids here start on August 20th!  Most of the shelves are already bare and consolidated!

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