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What have you done....


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Thats right, what have you done in the month of July...


Here is the place to boast about what you have done this month. We don't believe in modesty here ;D


Oh and did I mention you get points for doing this! Thought you would like that. In fact the more you have done the more points you can get. ;D


So post away...and no spamming.


1. Posted 10 times or more (no we don't require links, but we can check...;) )

2. OP fight (number)

3. Entered Quizzes (number)

4. Took on tasks (number)

5. Entered other comps (number)

6. Wrote reviews (number)

7. Inter faction  comps (coming soon)

8. Community Wide representing the BT (coming soon)

9. Anything else you feel you want to let people know about and blow your own trumpet and get noticed, just not saying who will notice you. Demi has a sharp eye ;)



1. *laughs* I'm not quite sure, I'll have to check <.<

2. A whatnow? Pshaw! No, says I!

3. Guh?

4. I, uh. No

5. Man, this is making me seem lazy

6. I'm just gonna sit over here

7. ...

8. I suck, don't I?

9. I made a little drawing in a book!


Demi, I would give you points for your little drawing book...lol


1. Yep done this!

2. 1 OP fight


And thats it for me, not a good example, lol


Well, let's see . . .


Done #1 pretty handily . . .

Did one of the quizzes . . .


Hm, that's about it. Thankfully, my class at Ft. Belvoir is done, so I'll hopefully have more time and energy now. . .


1. ::)  You shouldn't HAVE to check.

4. If being Compulsed into doing a task counts. (1)

9. Well, I got my sisters old MP3 to work again, and she gave it to me because she has a crappy  iPod Nano. ;D


1. yep. Mostly in Staff...

4. Took on tasks (2) (Staff tasks?)

9. I made up the new OP element levels table. And created a new elemental calculator.


1. Yes. I believe I have!

2. 2 (looking for a 3rd Lighty to bleed! Any takers?)

3. NEIN!

4. Does slapping Lighties count?

5. Nope

6. Nada

7. Again, is slapping Lighties in the name of the Shadow considered Inter-Faction competition? lol

8. I always represent the BT. I'm like a walking advertisement  ;D

9. I am awesome. That is all.


Ah, now it's August. Either way, I still posted my original message when I considered it to be July  ;D


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