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July 21: National Junk Food Day


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The best part about online junk food... no calories, fat or bad cholesterol.




are you a sweet person or a salt person?


What's your favorite junk food? (don't feel you have to restrict yourself... what do you munch on when you're watching TV at night?)


Does it matter who makes it? (ie, different bakeries make the same little cakes, but they sure taste different!)




C'mon, inquiring minds want to know!


how else do you want to celebrate this one? I started it early because I love junk food... *grins broadly*


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**Is poked**


HeHeHe American and proud!





Umm... I think there are 2 kinds of people. Popcorn people and ice cream people.


I am an ice cream person. Vanilla, chocolate, peanutbutter, chocolate chip, cookie dough. Whatever kind I will eat it.



I think we should have a junk food night. We can all get our favorites and sit down at the computer and eat them. Then describe what it tastes like. **drool**




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I am either a salty or a sweet person; it changes.  I find I'm that way with lots of things, for example:


I read a book because I'm "feeling" it.


I don't eat spaghetti one night because I'm "feeling" a PB&J sandwich (causes problems for me at dinner time, because we eat family-style, so I have to wait till everyone's done sometimes before I can eat)


I listen to whatever songs have the right "feel" to them, at the moment.  So, one day, I might skip over every song that isn't Christian Alternative, while another day I might sit and listen to only pop music, or I might skip "Leave It All to Me" one day and listen to it avidly the next.





Same with junk food, when I eat it, which isn't often.

I think that I tend more towards salty, though.  More often than not, chips and popcorn and such catch my eye if I'm in the junk food market.


Come to think of it, if it has mostly carbs, I crave it.


See, can't even make up my own mind here! :D

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I prefer salty stuff usually, though I do have a soft spot for chocolate cakes and milk chocolate. Hum, I have the same problem with mosquitoes..... We must just be that sweet Lor.  ;)

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To be honest I don't know if I can choose between the two... I LOVE sweets of all kinds, cakes, pies, brownies, candybars, whatever... but I also really love salty stuff too: popcorn, chips, pickles, fries.


My favorite snack of all time is an example of this:  Chocolate covered salty pretzels.  :D

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Oh you unhealthy people!  LOL! 


I am both a sweet and salty person..


I love popcorn and rootbeer!  That is the best!  but then I also love fudgecicles!


Because of my diabetes though..I do try to stay away from alot of snacks and when I do, try to eat healthy stuff....like cheese and crackers!  No not the stuff in a can..or cheese and pretzels!  Or apples, oranges and in the summer watermelon is almost a nightly thing!  and I LOVE strawberries..*giggles*  chocoloate dipped ones are so easy to make and tasty!  *licks lips*


graham crackers and milk is another one I like....*thoughtful look*  I'm a lot like my mmeesh and kind of go with whatever I am craving..in the winter though..I love to just have a mug of hot steaming hot chocolate!


oh and nuts!  Peanuts, cashews and pistacios!  Of course I love white yogurt covered pretzals and m&m's too...but really try to not have them around!


You know..I guess I don't crave sweets that much..except for icecream..cause I always have a fresh baked pie, cakes and cookies here for bill...and it is extrememly rare that I have any of them..

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