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New Novice

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  • Club Leader

*is wondering when someone is going to come by wielding a PG13 sign and threatening her friends with it. Sits down to wait, so she doesn't miss the show*




*butts in* You can bond when you are Accepted or Manshima.  I'd know. I cheated to bond DSage. ;)  *butts back out* Carry on. :D

  • Club Leader

Meesha, how does one cheat on that rule?


*Listens with interest, always interested to know where the loopholes are located*




Well, once a year the Greens host The Feast of Fools, the main event of which is Swap Week.  For one week, novices, algai, Accepted and Manshima can be Aes Sedai of the Green, and the full-ranking members relive their novice days. Last year, I was a Green Sitter for a week. Sagey and I had already decided to bond as soon as I was Accepted. But it seemed too far away. So I bonded D toward the end of the week and no one stopped me. :D  I know, it's not THAT cool, but I had fun.

  • Club Leader

I think it's pretty cool. I thought you couldn't normally bond until you were a full member. Accepteds can bond?




Yes, so can Manshima. Hence why I am on someones bumm to get there. Then again he has to make his way back here.


You all are going to love the Feast of Fools. You will probably be Aes Sedai and der'Manshima by then, one would hope, and you get to go prank everyone like you are now. We Green Sister while being novices went skinny dipping in the moat. Not that I would suggest that to any of you now. You might get in trouble and I would hate for that to happen.


Okay so I started to try and catch up....then I decided that it was just too much work, so I skimmed, and all I have to say is.....since all the boobs are claimed, I shall just run around the room and jiggle them all.


*Does such until he is clotheslined by the sign*  :o


Min, I think Lily and myself have already done a spot of skinny dipping in the moat... not by our own choosing i might add  ::)


Is this the moat where I've been dunked at perchance?

  • Club Leader

We didn't actually get around to the skinny dipping, if I remember right, but it could be arranged, if someone's very, very good ;)




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