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Funny Story...


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So.  I get off work and go with my friend to the swimming pool.  We swim for an hour-and-a-half until the pool closes.  We go into the locker room to get showered and changed so we can go home.  So what's so funny about that?      Well.  I'm in a stall changing, and my friend's right by the doorway drying her hair with one of those hot air hand dryers.  The building is pretty small and sound carries, so we could hear the last few lifeguards and... (to be continued in a new post b/c of limits)

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Heehee, this could work, I might stretch it out into a long dramatic story. O.o  :D



Anyhoo, to continue.


We could hear the lifeguards talking pretty clearly, and they should have been able to hear us, what with the hand dryer and the fact that we were talking and laughing fairly loudly.  So, I'm hurrying to get ready, because the pool's closed and everyone's going to want to go home.


My friend is like, "Meesha, are you almost done? We gotta get going."


All of a sudden, the lights get shut off.  We can still hear the lifeguards, and my friend starts giggling because she's nervous.  I'm all like, "Whatever, they can hear us, I'm almost done, chill out!"


Then, we hear the doors being shut and then...silence.  Absolutely nothing besides us.


I finish getting ready and my friend leaves the locker room.  And we find out that we're stuck inside the building, because all the doors to the outside are LOCKED.  O.O


It's dark. We're all alone in a building, and can't get out, and the pool wouldn't open until 1 pm the next day..... (to be continued....)

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Shall I tell you the ending of the story BEFORE or AFTER you guys come and rescue me?  :D


Before: you get to hear it and it doesn't sound duller.


After: after your dramatic rescue in style, the real ending may sound somewhat boring.


Your choice, mates! ;D

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