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Guardian's Gathering (Attn: ALL AND OPEN)

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OOC: This is a flow on from http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,44492.0.html. Except this stage its now open to everybody. All anybody knows at the moment is that you've all been called together at the assembly grounds.


Covai left his quarters with Arath and the two new Attack Leaders following him. Waeyl and Haykes had left a few minutes before and would be waiting for them at the assembly ground. Running his hand through his hair as they walked down the corridor, Covai starting going through everything in his mind from the start. Today's gathering would not be easy. Light he wished Jarron was still around. The damn Ta'veren effect was exactly what he needed right now.


Shielding his eyes as he stepped out of the inn, Covai was surprised to see how late it was. The sun was starting to dip below edge of the tree tops. Mutterting under his breath, Covai really hoped he didn't have to look into the sun whilst making his speech. He had enough to focus on without squinting like he had just swallowed a lemon.


Waving Arath, Tai and Sereth ahead of him, Covai paused for a moment to collect his thoughts. Checking to see that nobody was around, he rested for a moment against the side of a building. The Storm Leader's would have had everybody gathered already, and Covai knew the area surrounding the Inn would have been cleared first, so he had a moment to relax without being caught.


Pushing himself off the wall after he had finaly decided on what exactly it was that lay before him, Covai turned the corner to the assembly grounds. The area was packed solid with Soldiers, Dedicated, and Asha'man. The Tsorovan'M'Hael stood gathered at one end of the grounds. With the sun to their backs, thank the light. The Baijin'm'hael in the meantime had spread themselves around the other rim of the crowd. It was exactly the set up Covai had asked for. He quickly thanked the light once more that things had gone this smoothly in such a short time.


It was a Dedicated that spotted Covai first. Covai wanted to hit the man as he nudged the men next to him. Within moments the whole crowd had started to turn his way. Wrapping himself in the void as the crowed slowly started to quiten, Covai decided to let it slide. At least everybody's attention was on him now.


He just wished he didn't have to walk around to the other side of the crowed to reach the speaking podium.





OOC: Just post arrivals and reacations for now. EVERYBODY is welcome/encouraged to post in this thread. Seriously, do it or we'll hunt you down like Brent! :P

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Tai walked with the rest of the men to the assembly grounds. His mind was still reeling and he had no clue how to handle it... It was just all too much.


Arath took his place with the other Storm Leaders and dimly through the turmoil, a spark of pride for the man shone through. He had worked harder than almost anyone else he knew here at the Tower. He had personally mentored countless boys into men.


Numbly he took his assigned place and looked out over the crowd. Realizing just how many men he had seen come and go at the farm, he tried to summon the names of all those he had watched raised to the sword and dragon pin. Sighing to himself and attempting to look the part of Attack Leader, he resigned himself to await Covai's speech.


OOC: Short but sweet  :P

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Vykor, having decided to head over to the Inn for something other than his own lackluster cooking and a mug of cool ale, was in time once again to see a large croud of black coated men gathering, though it was more of a milling mass then the crisp lines of a formation.


Curious, and because the Inn was also that way, he fell in among the rest of his fellows. No one greeted his arrival, he was still too newly returned and between his efforts to rebuild his house, Traveling back and forth in secret to Tar Valon for his lessons with the Warders, and also filling the remaining time with classes here at the Black Tower, it had not left him with any true social time.


He caught sight of Covai and felt his heart sink. He had been meaning to approach the man, but between the fellows convalescence and the other issues plaguing the Black Tower, Vykor felt a great deal of reluctance and a bit of fear. But all that was pushed aside for now as he blended himself in with the crowd. Perhaps after this he would be able to slip in and meet with Covai in private and explain what he had been doing...maybe.


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Covai certainly isn't wasting any time with this, Arath thought as the small group made their way to the assembly grounds.  Only a short time had passed since he had woken from his day long nap, and already he was back to kicking the anthill.  At least things were happening, unlike what had happened, or not happened rather, under Brent.  Arath wondered how long it would take to undo the damage the former M'Hael had done to the Black Tower.


After the other Storm Leader waved them on ahead of him, Arath led Tai'Dashan and Sereth along the familiar path to the nearby assembly grounds.  As they walked, Arath couldn't help but pause and stare at the site of yesterday's battle.  Little trace remained even after so short a time.  The bodies of the Storm Leaders had been disposed of, and the wreckage of the ruined stable had been completely cleared away.  A pile of construction materials stood to the side of the newly cleared site, ready to be thrown together. 


The only thing that hadn't been touched yet was the black charred pit where Brent's body had been destroyed.  It seemed nobody could bring themselves to do anything about that yet.  Arath bit off a laugh as he realized that the pit occupied the place where the Traitor's Tree used to stand.  A fitting end for a man who would only be remembered as a traitor.


When they reached the assembly grounds, Arath motioned for the two new Attack Leaders to take up their positions around the edges of the crowd, while he made his way up to the podium with the other Storm Leaders.  He heard a few comments from the crowd as he took his position, wondering murmurs and hushed whispers.  Apparently the activities of the previous day had not only increased Covai's reputation, but his own as well.  Not that it was avoidable he supposed.  Nobody could get away with fighting the M'Hael and killing a Storm Leader in front of half of the tower and avoid notice.


Leaving the handful of questions that floated up from the crowd unanswered, Arath waited patiently for Covai to collect himself and make his announcement.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Linten still couldn't believe it. His eyes held a darker edge of color to the skin under them. He had spent the night fully awake and ready. Sleep had not visited the man as he pondered all of the possible angles and results that could come from yesterdays events. For now he would count his stars lucky in that he had survived the night unchallenged and the party under Covai had not come hunting him .... yet. He was not likely to let his guard down for some time now. The fact the same group had arranged this assembly did little to ease the tense knots in his shoulders. Linten made a point of avoiding eye contact with all those he had ties to. If the web was to unravel, he did not want to get caught in the threads. There was no reason given for the meeting so it was anyone's guess just what Covai had in mind at this stage.


With the small party Linten had been able to re establish a quiet conversation with he was going to keep his head low for now so that it remained affixed to his neck and shoulders. It was evident that the new party had a difference of opinion in ruling standards then Brent. It had taken Linten a long time in figuring out the man's buttons. Now he would have to start a new, at least he had his life to start a new with unlike Brent. His eyes glanced at the dark burned patch that had once been his partner in a previous coo and later an adversary with the witches. Now once more Linten was forced back into the shadows to begin again. One day, one day he would have all the strings in his hand. But for now he would do as he had many times before. Become one of the obedient and slowly milk out the information he would need to step out of those shadows again.


Taking his place in the milling mass he watched as Arath made his way to the podium. Quietly he sifted through his memories of what he knew of the man and what he had said to him during earlier attempts to recruit him when he was still low in the ranks. It appeared in Linten's absence the man had made a position for himself in the ranks of what now would be a ruling party of sorts. How close he was to Covai and whether there was a fissure between them that Linten could begin to exploit was still hidden. But he would be watching the interaction of those two carefully. Especially after what had transpired yesterday. Catching Arath's eyes glancing over him he lowered his own gaze to the ground at his feet briefly and then back up once the man's eyes moved on. A measure of meekness would be needed for a spell.




A cautious observer


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"Listen up."


Covai's words echoed across the assembly field from his position between the other Tsorovan'M'Hael. Saidin flickered around the edges of his senses as his eyes took in the men in the tower grounds. Scores of the men here had barely started growning hair on their chins, and others had a lifetime more experience the him that he doubted he could begin to imagine. Regardless though, all eyes and ears focused on the young Andoran, barely into his mid twenties.


"I'll get the top questions on everybody's tounges out of the way first."


Soldiers and Asha'man alike started nudging those standing next to them and muttering to whoever could hear them. To Covai's Saidin enhanced senses though, it was just a nuisance.


"Knock it off!"


Whether it was the tone of the words, or the effect they had, Covai couldn't say which surprised him more. Silence overcame the men within a heartbeat. Releasing the fist that had clenched by his side, Covai stepped down from the podium that had been assembled and stood in from of it. If he was to say what he would, it wouldn't be from an old symbol of power.


"First, Brent it dead. Deal with it."


Covai could see the eyes in the crowd darting from his position to the other leaders of the Black Tower standing around.


"Next you're all probably wondering who will replace him as M'hael. The simple fact that I'm standing and he isn't seems to have been enough for most people here to assume that I have taken that role."


Covai spread his hands to the side as if to acknowledge the point.


"Fair enough assumption. But fair enough is not good enough. There will be no more M'hael at the Black Tower."


It took a few moments for his words to sink in. People started looking beyond him to the other Storm Leaders. The Attack Leaders around the perimiter seemed to be sharing their fair share of questioning looks as well. Unbuckling the Asha'man pin tha annointed the collar of his robe, Covai held it aloft.


"This will be your only loyalty. The Dragon, Jarron Al'Tanin."


"I can see some of your are a little confused.... to put it politely. So I'll clarify things so there will be no misunderstanding. I have already seen FOUR M'hael since I first came to the tower. Dramon, Aginor, Dalinarius, and then Brent."


Covai's speech was broken my a heckle from the crowd.


"Aginor? You expect us to believe one of the Forsaken controlled the Tower?"


The Storm Leader's vision narrowed on the man as his eyes and voice turned to ice.


"Not only will you believe it, you will shut your damn mouth and show some respect for the four Tsorovan'M'Hael, six Baijin'm'hael and the scores of Asha'man, Dedicated and Soldiers it took to take him down. Every one of those men knew what it meant to be a part of the Black Tower and they all laid down their lives protecting what was important to them!"


Pulling his gaze away from the man before he killed him, Covai continued with his speech.


"As I was saying... each of these men took the title of M'hael, of Leader. Some, like Dramon and Dalinar thought that meant to lead us to a path where we could exist safely, without killing our families when we went mad."


"Others, like Brent, felt the term translated more litterally, more military. They felt that whoever held the position of M'hael possessed an inate right to command the men and women of the Black Tower to do as they, and they alone see fit."


"Their translation was wrong. Or at least the context of the translation was, and is wrong. The phrase M'hael translates more accurately as one who guides. A leader in battle stands around shouting orders. Any man with a set of lungs can do that. A leader in the community stands around telling people what they should do. Again, any man with a set of lungs can do that."


"We are Asha'man above and beyond all else. We are guardians, protectors when all else have fled, and we will still stand when all is lost. Standing infront of you are the Tsrovan'M'hael, The Storm Leaders. And were are here to do more than stand and shout orders."


"When we arrive in battle, the enemy will be helpless against us. They will know nothing but the sheer fury of our attacks, the unrelenting strength that we wield. They will know that they have more chance surviving a storm of nature than a storm of our power."


"Yet for the survivors, a storm brings new beginings. Old buildings and structures may be torn down, and soil and supports washed away, but what remains is the grounding for a new beginging. A fresh start amidst the ruins of destruction. Crops will grow again, grass will grow, and animals and life will return to the land."


"That is the Black Tower's role come Tar'Mon'Gaidon gentlemen. That is the sole purpose for why we exist. Our loyalities are to the Dragon, and through him every man woman and child alive. After the Storm of Battle has blown, and our existance is all but forgotten, there will be proof of our deeds and actions in what we leave behind for those that follow us."


Covai paused to let words sink into the men assembled. It had been a long time since somebody had voiced words such as these in the Tower Grounds on such a scale. Walking back to the rest of the Tsrovan'M'Hael for a moment, Covai used the pause to rest his throat. The words so far had come naturally enough as he had believed in them, as should have the rest of the Tower. The next stage though would be a little hard for people to swallow.

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Aslan had returned that midmorning, the message had come in the early hours that they all were to return to the tower by midday. They had finsihed up what seemed most pressing, and he had left to his cabbin to pick up some things, since the message had not said anything about how long they were to return for. As he returned alone he was not sure if he had come before or after the rest, as he soon got from the atmosphere that something had happened. The hours after had been filled with trying to consume all the rumors and info flowing around, till the point his head was aching in a dangerous way.


While curious and shocked, wanting more info, wanting to dig, wanting to go around the ground to look for proof, his wise side had won out, he had withdrawn too his room to rest, so as to not risk leting Jakar out, as there was one thing he was sure of, that was the last thing needed.


In his room he had brewed tea and leaned back to try and puzle things together, trying to absorb the jumble of info, from the rumors sorounding the leadership, the speculations of what were to happen forward, the info that the Dragon had rescently walked the same streets he himself was so familiar with from his training days, and lastly the odd tidbits of info about the white tower.


He had contemplated going out to the inn for dinner, but had ended up geting some food from his backpack, and wandered the outerperimiters of the tower to get some fresh air without intermingling. He had learned they would gather towards the evening, and as such descided to wait till then, to be fresh and in control for whatever would come from the meeting.


He waited in a corner of the place, wanting to be able to withdraw should he feel the need, and not stand in the middle of the crowd and the buzz. Suddenly people were turning, and as he turned his head he saw Covai, the man was walking quite well to be in the coma he had heard he was in, this just confused Aslan even more, how much of the info was pure gosip, and what had bits of truth to it. He closed his ears to those closest and focused on trying to see what was going on up infront, the call for silence had an effect that turned the moments into dead silence after it, almost too silent after all the buzzing in the background.


Then Covai spoke, and he slowly for each sentance started to sort things into place in his head, piece by piece, so Brent was dead, he had never known the man, and couldnt make himself feel any sadness, he hadnt really conected with that many in the tower. Some he knew who was through studies, but there was very few he felt any bonds of friendship or the like too. He knew what was spoken was the truth though, it was what he ultimatly lived to do if he was given the time before the taint took him, at least it would mean his life wasnt wasted for nothing, it may give the chance for some of those he had felt love for once at the place where he used to call home, to live on to build up again and start afresh.


His eyes followed Covai towards the other leaders, among them was one of those whom he earned a great respect for, a man who had helped him adjust to his fate. The rest he knew about, but didnt know personaly in any way, and from all he knew they were good men. For him the change mathered little, mayhaps his time spent away from the tower had disconected him too the politics to a degree, as his eyes wandered the crowd he saw this wasnt the case with everyone, and many showed emotions of some kind.


He wondered what more was in store though, because there had to be something more with all the rumors flying around, they had to have ground in something, farfetched or not.  One thing he knew though, even with a lack of sadness just the info already verified was a shock in itself, even with all the rumors, and he was sure regardless of what more was to come that he would need to retreat after, to be able to digest it all, and contemplate how it would affect things, as little as he liked politics and games, having grown up as he did, he understood the ring effect they could have, even if the court of his country was far from the most well known for game playing.


His eyes wandered back towards the new leadership to see what else they had in store.

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Nakor was sitting down reading a message from his father when the gateway opened and a Soldier came through to deliver the news.  Seizing Saidin he fought to maintain control and opened a gateway to send the boy back to the Farm.


The M'Hael was dead.  Now that was momentous.  And killed by a Storm Leader?  That should cause quite a stir.

More importantly to him though, was the fact that that M'Hael had exiled him to this boring post in Tear nearly six months ago, and with his death he should be free to return.  At least he hoped so.


Officially the regiment of black coats at this manor house was led by two Asha'man, seven other Dedicated beside himself and a contingent of Soldiers.  In reality the responsibility for the success or failure of this mildly important mission had fallen on Nakor's shoulders almost from the first day he arrived.  The other Dedicated were so busy playing games of vying for the favor of the two full Asha'man that they never even realized that they had begun following his lead in nearly every circumstance.  Two weeks after his initial arrival it became clear to the Asha'man that were there that they could force Nakor to do their jobs while the one entertained girls and the other got drunk.


Not that he'd minded of course, the truth was that it had taken him a week to get the neglected paperwork in order but after that it had been mostly smooth sailing.  And he'd had ample opportunity to meet with the nobility of Tear.  Actually, he'd had the freedom to do almost anything he wanted so long as he agreed to let the Asha'man take the credit for his successes.


But, he'd been bored out of his mind and he'd received no training at all during his time here.  He needed to get back to the Tower if he were ever to earn the dragon pin.  He'd have gotten it already by now if he'd simply kept his mouth shut when Brent came to power.  But no, he'd had to voice his disapproval and of course it had gotten back to the newly self-appointed M'Hael.  But with his death, Nakor finally had the chance to return and complete the training that would forge him into a weapon for the Dragon to wield.


Ringing a small bell on his desk Nakor summoned a Soldier and sent him to deliver the message to the other Soldiers and Dedicated currently stationed at the manor house.  Then he went himself to find the Asha'man, wake them from their slumber and fill them in on what had happened.  An hour later the entire house had gathered in the courtyard and Nakor opened the gateway that would bring them to the Black Tower and whatever new leadership had taken hold there.





   When he arrived at the Traveling Grounds the others he'd sent through ahead had all scattered their separate ways, but that didn't mean he was alone.  No, far from being alone the Traveling Grounds resembled nothing so much as a anthill stirred by a stick.  Asha'man and Dedicated were Traveling or Skimming in from whatever missions or assignments they had been on, many with Soldiers at their side.  Just as when Brent had killed Dalinar all the Black Coats were being summoned to assemble and learn of whatever plans the new leadership had in store for them.


   Many were fearful, those were Brent's more loyal followers and it was easy to guess why they were so nervous.  Others like himself were excited, relieved almost, at the news that the man who'd caused them such personal grief and taken the Tower in a direction they disapproved was finally gone.  Most though were simply curious, open to whatever new twist their lives would be taking.  Nakor studied them all as they arrived, embedding their faces into his memory and striving to remember precisely who fit into each of the three groups.


   Eventually the tide of men began to slow and soon enough it became more of a trickle, with only the occasional Gateway opening with a single Dedicated or Asha'man stepping through.  Deciding that he had learned all he would from this vantage point Nakor spent the rest of the day mingling with the inhabitants of the Tower, looking for all the world as though he cared about nothing and heard nothing but in truth remembering every detail and piecing together a surprisingly accurate tale of the events that led to this gathering.


   By the time they were all summoned to the assembly grounds he suspected he knew not only who would be leading them forward from here, but had a pretty good guess of the direction they'd be taken.  As Nakor stood and listened to Covai's speech a smile crept across his face.  Now this was the kind of leadership he could get behind and support.  His animosity toward Brent had mostly been fueled by seeing much earlier than most that Brent had no intention of following the Dragon's orders or authority.


   As he scanned the crowd he noticed Tai'Dashan standing with and dressed as an Attack Leader.  That was an interesting development.  He'd have to catch him after the meeting and congratulate him.  Nakor scanned the groups of civlian onlookers near Tai'Dashan, hoping to catch sight of Aria but not seeing her he assumed she must be back at Tai's room waiting for him to fill her in later.  Nakor was anxious to see Aria again, it had been too long really.  Growing up she'd been the only one of his sisters' friends to treat him kindly and had on a few occasions defended him from the teasing the other girls gave.  Truth be told he was closer to her than any of his sisters and had wished many times that they were siblings in truth and not just his imagination.

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Seyneru was one of those at the back of the crowd, but was able to see the scene before him easily due to his large height.  His black robes were loosely made, worn over a white shirt and pants that were there to insulate his body from the ice cold that had suddenly descended upon the farm without any reasonable explanation.  Secret letters from his grandmother Estean and from his sister Neres from the White Tower had explained the recent turmoil of the weather.  But that was not what he was here now to discuss or explain.  Rather, he was here to listen to someone else explain what the course of the future awaited.


He had been there when Covai and Arath took down Brent, back in the shadows, watching, always watching, though not many people knew that.  A feat for someone so large as himself, who had a presence magnified by his height.  However, his black robes helped to hide him from observation and notice in the shadows, and brought him out of harm's way when Brent attacked Arath and Covai, injuring some other people in the process.  Seyneru had managed to step out of the way in time behind a partially open door, which took the brunt of an attack by Brent as a fireball that missed its target slammed into it and exploded.  Seyneru still had the burn marks.


But the upshot of it all was that Brent was killed, and Covai unconcious, while the Storm Leaders waited in a circle as Covai recovered, which of course he did, judging by the simple fact that he had come out an was about to address the gathering that had been growing for over some time, until it consisted of over a thousand people.  But still, it was not difficult for Seyneru to see over the heads of most of the people to the podium where Covai now stood, flanked by Arath, snowflakes drifting around them all.


When Covai spoke, it was into a silence so deep it was almost shocking.


"Listen up.  I'll get the top questions on everybody's tounges out of the way first.  First off, Brent it DEAD.  Deal with it.  Next you're all probably wondering who will replace him as M'hael. The simple fact that I'm standing and he isn't seems to have been enough for most people here to assume that I have taken that role."


Covai spread his hands to the side as if to acknowledge the point.


"Fair enough assumption. But fair enough is not good enough. There will be no more M'hael at the Black Tower.  This will be your only loyalty. The Dragon, Jarron Al'Tanin."


At this, there was a lot of muttering and low discussion starting.  Seyneru stood alone, his own thoughts for his own to know.  He approved of what Covai was saying, but he did not approve of Brent's death, even though the reasons were legitimate.  If he had to be killed, it would have been preferable not to be in a fight to the death between Covai, Arath and Brent, but in something which was slipped into his tea or drink.  A quick, painless death compared to the agony that Brent must have suffered in his last moments.  A madman, though dangerous, could not be accountable for all his acts near the end of his sanity and life.


"I can see some of your are a little confused.... to put it politely. So I'll clarify things so there will be no misunderstanding. I have already seen FOUR M'hael since I first came to the tower. Dramon, Aginor, Dalinarius, and then Brent."


Covai's speech was broken my a heckle from the crowd as Seyneru frowned in disapproval


"Aginor? You expect us to believe one of the Forsaken controlled the Tower?"


The Storm Leader's vision narrowed on the man as his eyes and voice turned to ice.


"Not only will you believe it, you will shut your damn mouth and show some respect for the four Tsorovan'M'Hael, six Baijin'm'hael and the scores of Asha'man, Dedicated and Soldiers it took to take him down. Every one of those men knew what it meant to be a part of the Black Tower and they all laid down their lives protecting what was important to them!"


"As I was saying... each of these men took the title of M'hael, of Leader. Some, like Dramon and Dalinar thought that meant to lead us to a path where we could exist safely, without killing our families when we went mad.  Others, like Brent, felt the term translated more litterally, more military. They felt that whoever held the position of M'hael possessed an inate right to command the men and women of the Black Tower to do as they, and they alone see fit."


Seyneru did not know the first two names, but he did know about Brent, even though he had only arrived a few days before his death, and had gained a disdain for the man, even though he had not met Brent personally, the stories told about him were far from complimentary, including things about directing attempting to disobey the Dragon's orders, even though the Dragon stood at the pinnacle of the Black Tower, who had founded it, and who had the ability to command the respect of everyone in this place.


"Their translation was wrong. Or at least the context of the translation was, and is wrong. The phrase M'hael translates more accurately as one who guides. A leader in battle stands around shouting orders. Any man with a set of lungs can do that. A leader in the community stands around telling people what they should do. Again, any man with a set of lungs can do that."


"We are Asha'man above and beyond all else. We are guardians, protectors when all else have fled, and we will still stand when all is lost. Standing infront of you are the Tsrovan'M'hael, The Storm Leaders. And were are here to do more than stand and shout orders.  When we arrive in battle, the enemy will be helpless against us. They will know nothing but the sheer fury of our attacks, the unrelenting strength that we wield. They will know that they have more chance surviving a storm of nature than a storm of our power."


"Yet for the survivors, a storm brings new beginings. Old buildings and structures may be torn down, and soil and supports washed away, but what remains is the grounding for a new beginging. A fresh start amidst the ruins of destruction. Crops will grow again, grass will grow, and animals and life will return to the land.  That is the Black Tower's role come Tar'Mon'Gaidon gentlemen. That is the sole purpose for why we exist. Our loyalities are to the Dragon, and through him every man, woman and child alive. After the Storm of Battle has blown, and our existance is all but forgotten, there will be proof of our deeds and actions in what we leave behind for those that follow us."


Seyneru nodded.  A brave speech, but yet he sensed that there was more, and whether he liked it or not, yes it had to be obeyed.


Seyneru Yoshan

Crafter of the Five


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