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This is what I get for taking a LoA...


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yes, folks, you guessed it. When they say "flash flood warning" in Savannah, they mean it. *laughs and sighs* This is my car about 2 hours ago in the parking lot of my office. I was stranded there until my knight in a shiny burgundy Nissan came to pick me up. My car is still in the lot and probably will be for the rest of the night. The water level, when I left, was halfway up the piece of the body just under the door. I don't THINK it got in my car, but the cars moving and creating a wake sure as @#$@*& weren't helping.


*laughs* that'll teach me to take some time off, won't it?


PS- No, I'm not back, just needed someone to share the hilarity with. *laughs* Enjoy!


PSS- Sorry the pic is so small. One of the curses of using your cell phone to take pictures. *sighs*

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Its true that you can't replace a person


But its not exactly cheap to replace a car either :P


Well, its good your Ok Lor!!


Oh and at least your car is now all clean and shinny!!

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So far, the car's ok. It started alright, and the water level didn't get high enough to get in the door. However, Dana moved it today and said "Tiff, it smells a little like water got in the car." *sighs* I have no sense of smell, so yes, it takes other people smelling it to tell me it might be a problem. *grumbles*


The good news is that the office is high enough that it didn't flood and my plants got a nice drink of fresh water without the monsoon that the office got. My new pitcher plant really enjoyed that. *grins*

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