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I'd like to join the Kin


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Hello! I'd like to join the Kin. You guys all seem like a really fun, friendly bunch :)


I'm Alanna, and I'm a 21-year old college student, currently going to school in Boston, but I'm moving to L.A. in the fall. I like reading, writing, traveling, going to the movies, learning languages, and spending time with my family.

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Guest dragonsworn1991

Welcome Alanna I am glad to see a new face here.


Twinnie should be here soon to for the snoopy dance

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Welcome to the Kin, sweety!


We are a great bunch, if I must say so myself.  :)


Right now, as you can see, we have Disney month going on. Feel free to jump into any of the games.

We have our special identies, which you can ask for clues at in the threads of Inquisition and then guess a charitor in the Discovery thread! I think most people have been guessed already but there are still a few out there!

The Movie of the week this week is Robin Hood and you can always play Wheel of Disney.


If you need anything just yell and someone will come running.


Its good to have you here.  :D

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:D More Newbies! :D


*wraps a blue sash around Alanna's hips and kisses both cheeks*


Welcome to the Kin! :D


Keep your eye out for Twinny, she'll have your needles, but she's on this fabulous trip where she's meeting lots of DM'ers and stuff (yes, i'm totally jealous), but she promise to duck in from time to time!

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*dances in, kisses Lor and waves to alanna*


Hey you!  wELCOMe to the Kin!!  *grins and hugs*  here's your own very special BLUE KNITTING NEEDLES!  LOL  Nope you don't have to knit here..those are for freindly and loving poking and goofing off with each other..like this..


*snoopy dances around the newbie poking and tickling at the same time*



*giggles*  hey eveyone!  Having a blast!  Taking lots of pictures and hopeing to see Kelly tommorrow!!  Graceland was AMAZING!!  lol and have a bag of souvenairs!!  Hope you are all good!  Love you!


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Thanks for the welcoming, everyone! (Rashi, of course I'm stalking you *evil grin* LOL j/k).


Ooh, Disney month, sounds fun. I love Disney. I just watched 101 Dalmatians the other day, because I wasn't feeling well and I always used to watch that when I was sick as a little kid :D


*admires new blue sash* *tries out poking with knitting needle* ;D



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