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It was worth it....


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It was worth paying for my daughters friend to go to the cinema with her to see Hannah Montana The Movie. It meant I could leave them to watch the film and have a couple hours to myself, and not having to sit through that!



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I had to take two little girls to see Hanna Montana. I hate hate hate hate HATE billy ray cyrus and any devil spawn of his. I couldn't even be a proper dirty old woman and drool over the love interest in the movie, cause he wasn't cute! And maybe I have reached old age, but when have bowl cuts come in style for anyone older than 9? 

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I think I saw a trailor for the film, and it was enough for me, she on;y usually watches the show when I'm not in the room. When I get in there the remotes is all mine...Mwuhahaha!


I agree Carwyn he didn't look remotely interesting. But you have my deepest sympathy.

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