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The Kin's Fantasticle Postcard Swap!!


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*bounces and grins*


Oh boy!  oh boy!  oh Boy!  May is not just about flowers and rain!!  It's about giggling mailboxes too!!  LOL  At least for the Kinster's it is!  Turning out to be one of the most fun and lengthy exchanges...it's time for our annual




One of the reasons I like this exchange is that usually folks end up getting postcards way past May!  Sometimes people are posting they got postcards for six weeks even!!


Now in the US a postcard stamp is 27 cents!  Sorry, I don't know the prices for our friends outside the USA!  However, in most cases it is about 90 cents to mail a letter..so I'm thinking fifty cents?

Anyway, this is an economic and fun way to do Happy Mail and be part of one of the Kin exchanges!!


Here is how this will work this year....


You sign up here...sign up will be until a week from today..Wednesday, May 13th!!!


You will be given three Kinster's names from the Contact list to mail your postcards too, one of which will be part of the sign up!  This way we can include some folks that may not otherwise get Happy Mail..or maybe havn't been around for a bit and need reminded that we miss them!!


Mail your postcards and wait for YOUR mailbox to giggle!! LOL!  ENJOY!!


**Just as a note:  We have several Kin members outside the USA!  This includes Canada, Belgium, Scotland, Ireland, England and Norway!  If you DO NOT want to send overseas..please indicate that when you sign up!  This goes for you folks in Europe too!  Not sure if the cost is more for you to mail to USA than in EUrope, but if you prefer Europe please let me know!!  THank you!*


I really hope we get lots of people involved in this exchange this year!  I know the economy really sucks and things are tight..but for less than a dollar in most cases..you can reach out to a friend and send them something JOYFUL to find in the mailbox instead of just another bill...*smiles*


Now whos game? :D



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WOOHOO!!  Tay i'm  so glad you will get to play this time!!  Oh i've missed you!!



RUNE!!???  oh yippee!!  ok hon I need your address though!!  Either you can add it to the contact list at the Farm..or just PM it to me!! 



And i know you're here...*winks*  even if other's don't....

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YIPPEE!!  C'mon folks..still have a few days to sign up!!  *grins*  Some of you that have done this the last few years are missing still....do I need to come hunt you down? *winks*


OH!  and I went to the post office to by my stamps..and they go up a penny on Monday..so the cost of a postcard stamp is 28 cents! 

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Ok the official sign ups for the postcard swap are CLOSED!!  *grins*


Expect a PM in the next day of the three folks that you have to send a postcard too!  Remember it will be one of the folks that signed up..and two from our contact list!! Have fun everyone!! and thanks for playing!!  *winks*



by the way..if anyone wants to join in AFTER this post..just let me know..pm or post and i'll get you some addresses and make sure you get on somebody's list!!  LOl  It'll be a good list...

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and just an FYI...*winks*


i usually try to send everyone a postcard in the Kin for the postcard swap just to say hi and touch base..especially if I havn't seen them around here for awhile!!  Well..last month we were supposed to have Twinnie Mail..and I didn't get it sent..so I have sent cards instead THIS month to y'all!!  *grins* 


AND..I will still be sending out postcards, but AFTER my vacation so I can get some fun and cool ones to share my adventures with y'all!!  Love ya!



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OK  the folks I have signed up are:











Check your PM box for the three Kinster's you have to send your Happy Mail Postcards too!!


*Remember if you want to send out more than three..just check out the contact list at the Farm!!*

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umm May..you mean I only sent you one name in the pm?


I'll pm you again hon!




Ok May..i screwed up when I sent your PM about the Postcard swap!  I'm so sorry!!  I have sent you the correct information hon!! 


SAM!!  I am sure I posted in the Moments of Joy thread about the wonderful sweet package you sent me!!  I'm sorry!


Everyone..Sam the Man had me for Valentine's day!!  *grins*  and he really went above and beyond to satisfy.. ;) :D  He got me M&M's, and dried fruit..the tropical mix is amazing!! by the way...AND yogurt covered pretzels..my absolute favorite!!  *hugs tight*  Thank you hon!!

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