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Should she just Avada Kedavra him????

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Guest Cadsuane

Hehehe, Snape is evily fun. But I have to say Sirius is my fav. So upset when he died!!

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I think youre all fr!cken bonkers!!!


Im with geeky Leaf, kill all the little b@stards!!!


Burn all Harry Potter books and anything by Dan Brown. Im sick of sitting next to fat geeks with spectacles and overcoats on the train telling me how this is the 8th time they have read Harry Potter and the Philosophers Chamberpot of the Half Blood Secret Phoenix,and that each one is better than the last!!! :twisted:


Bitter much? :P


I love Snape too, no matter which side he is on.


What? She's only killing off two characters?

I suspect she means two main characters (maybe trio + Ginny, or trio + Weasleys would be my guess), not the total killings. She has already said that a lot of people are going to die in book 7.

Guest Cadsuane

*throws all 6 hardcover HP books at Oz*


*watches 6 large, nasty-looking bumps grow on his scone* (Ha, I remembered that term! :wink:)



And I hope Bluey Bloodnuts bites the dust too!!!


You aren't talking about me there are you????


BTW I dont think it will be a MAIN character as such (Harry, Hermione ) but maybe someone like Dobby, Mrs McGonagall or someone. And ofcourse Voldemort!


You like soccer and league, both very mainstream sports in Australia these days... Now if you said you liked horse riding and running on the beach I'd say something different!


She has said that nearly since day one. when asked about it in her Royal bookday session several years ago she worded it as "Harry will lived up to the seventh book>" Which was about as non-committal as one could get. Recently she was asked again but if she would do it to prevent other Authors from writing sequels and her answer, I think was taken out of concept as she was replying to why would she do as other authors had done it effectually end the series.


I say he lives.

Guest TigerToe

uhhh whats a "harry potter"?



Would i be able to talk my wife into trying it once?


i have never understood what the problem of liking whats "mainstream" doesnt that only suggest its good?? *shakes head* ifyou look at these forums, i'd say WoT is mainstream too.. cause it is so popular.


andi hope harry potter dies, but dont tell any of my blue sisters cause they would kill me :shock:


Wheel of Time is NOT mainstream. It's popular, it certainly has it's fanatic fans, but it is NOT mainstream.


In order for WoT to be termed "mainstream" it would need CONSTANT MEDIA COVERAGE. Harry Potter has that. If J.K. coughs, it's on the front cover. If Daniel Radcliff shows up on set, it's everywhere. The media is talking about the realse of the books and movies years before the books or movies are released. The merchindising of these books and films are everywhere, all the time. There are lines outside every bookstore for these books. Teachers make their kids read it, parents read it. It's EVERYWHERE. It's "contreversial" and gets noticed by the religious figures who believe that it will cause a rise in witchcraft.


WoT has none of that. It has fans, it's been a #1 bestseller for the past 4 books, but outside of those fans no one really cares. Outside of the fans no one cares that it may be made into a film. The merchindising outside of the books themselves is a bizarre CD, one calendar, a computer game, and a roleplaying game, that's it.


Harry Potter is a good series, and deserves most of it's hype, but I don't think it's any secret that series like WoT or ASoIaF is better written. This could probably be just because those series are written for more "adult" audiences, but really J.K.'s descriptions and plots aren't that detailed. Really it all comes down to jealousy that Harry Potter gets more notice then WoT.


If and when WoT becomes a film, you'll see exactly what is meant by "mainstream", cause they'll put it EVERYWHERE, and if the first film does well, the popularity and media coverage will freaking explode.


i agree with Kadere on this one...


the funny thing is when i ask one of my friends if they've heard of Wot and they're always lik, "Wheel of What?"...



I like that feeling, it kind of makes it feel like something Exclusive... :D


Offhand, has anyone thought that reason WOT has been #1 is because it hasn't come out at times that it would be thrashed by other more selling books?


Snape should show his true colors, come out and be good, and then get blasted to oblivion.


Potter should live. Get rid of Draco.


i believe that she sould do something completly random...



Like have a HUGE battle between Hogwarts/The Ministry of Magic and all of the evil people, then at the end of it...


the only ones still alive are Gobby and his House elf friends, and the clueless Moggles :D

Guest Cadsuane

Rofl, Incubate.


I agree with Red States (the DM member, not the political affiliation :wink: ). Except...


Don't kill Draco, he's too pathetic to kill. :twisted:


I think it's time for a real battle in HP! Of WoT-size, 100000 wizards against each other on a big field! Imagine that!


- The plot -

Snape will be elected Minister of Magic and Harry will get his @ss kicked by Voldemort, and then, when it looks like he's going to die, he will kill Voldemort with a geek-curse he learned in his first year. Yep, that's it. Don't know if there's any point in reading the book for you all when you know what's going to happen?


(But seriously, either Harry or Voldemort has to die for the series to finish properly. I don't know who's my favourite though...)

Wheel of Time is NOT mainstream. It's popular' date=' it certainly has it's fanatic fans, but it is NOT mainstream...,



Harry Potter is a good series, and deserves most of it's hype, but I don't think it's any secret that series like WoT or ASoIaF is better written. This could probably be just because those series are written for more "adult" audiences, but really J.K.'s descriptions and plots aren't that detailed. Really it all comes down to jealousy that Harry Potter gets more notice then WoT...,



Harry's hype is solely because it got kids all over the world to start reading again. Truly a phenomenal feat considering up until it came out the average kid said "Why read when I can see it in a movie." Thats what the hype is all about and well it went extremely merchant when Warner brothers jumped on the band wagon.


Now WoT is more of an adult read by a truly talented Author I don't wish to diminsh here but his talent has not done what JKR's has done other than to entrap myself into reading an outstanding saga, but Robert Jordan would most likely turn off the first kid to read it.

Harry's hype is solely because it got kids all over the world to start reading again.

I think it's unfair to say that's the sole reason for the HP hype. If it weren't a good story, all those kids (and adults) wouldn't have read it in the first place. It's nowhere near as complex as WoT -- it's just got the one plot thread, really -- but that doesn't mean it isn't any good.


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