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April Showers bring Kin Flowers!!


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April Showers bring Kin Flowers!!


Ahh Spring!  That wonderful time of year when tornados and thunderstorms rage, blizzards and floods blanket the earth and then---COLOR!  Flowers answer the call of the sun and nature to burst forth with colors and perfumes!  Leaves uncurl on branch and vine giving shade from a strengthening sun and sing with the breezes of the season….*grins*  I hope all of you Kinster’s will get at least a moment to enjoy  these things as we go from winter into spring!


It’s April..you know what that means?




April is National Poetry Month!  In honor of this, the Sashes are challenged to compose four different poems!  Remember Acrostic Poems?  The kind where you take a word and write a line for each letter?  You will also have the opportunity to write an Epitaph for your favorite DM member to celebrate National Epitath day!   Then let the stories of your Sash and Kin family pour out in a traditional Ballad!   Rounding out our fun, we will compose Haiku’s in recognition of Earth Day!


But Twinnie..I don’t know HOW to write those poems!!!   Oh but you do!!  *grins*  Check out your Sash boards for more detailed instructions and examples of each type of poem!  It is also on the Sash boards where you will be working and playing with your fellow Sashies to write and choose your entries.  Be sure to check them each day!  The Epitaph, Anacrostic and Ballad your Sash chooses from among yourselves will be posted on the Tuesday’s of the month!  The Haiku will be posted the final Monday of the month.  Complete details for the Challenge will be posted in the Challenge of the Sashes thread! 



April also brings about thoughts of gardens, flowers…*grins*  and Lor’s Green Thumb!  LOL  For those of you experiencing your first Spring with us..don’t be surprised to find out that our Elegant Eldest has a flower named for you in her Garden of Friends!  You may even inspire what that plant is in our annual Spring Exchange!  We will be tweaking it a bit this year, to being SEEDS ONLY, rather than including plants, bulbs or actual Springs….Read more about this and sign up in the Swap thread!



*sassy grin*  Yup folks..I’m feeling better and have an idea!  LOL!  I haven’t heard from some of you in a while..and it seems if I send you a bit of mail, you at the very least come say Howdie!  So, in honor of National Poetry month,  I thought it would be fun to scramble up a poem, send each of you a word..then see if y’all can put it back together!  LOL!  So keep an eye out for a Twinnie sending, then come and post your word!  I’ll be giving you clues!  Also, I doubt if I find a poem that is the same number of words as Kinsters…so I will also post any words not mailed to y’all!!   Hint:  Check out the thread for this for a little bit of a twist…*wink*   Mostly though..come say hi!  I miss those of you who haven’t been able to be around as much lately!


Kin Business


Business seems like an awful formal word in an Org that is so fun and relaxed!  LOL  But here it is!  Mostly reminders of ongoing activites and things to keep in mind  for this month!


Check in thread 

This thread will BE the check in thread for April!  I want to try to be sure everyone is aware we do post this monthly, and gets the chance to support your Sashes!  *grins*  and to make it a bit more fun…post your favorite flower!  We can never have to many!  And it might give your Seed Swap friend an idea of what to send you!


April Birthdays

Our Birthday Girl, Mayleigh, has been swamped with school and life!  It’s been a bit tricky for her to have any time online with us!  So this month, here is a list of all the APRIL BIRTHDAYS! 

~14   Horn

~17   Tigara (4-17-91)

~21   Mayleigh Aes Sedai (4-21-88)

~28   Staffy


Kin Birthday Planning

To all of our Red Sash and honorable Golden Knitting Needle members…Don’t forget that time if flying and we need to get our Kin Celebration planning done!!!



Don’t forget our Kin Paypal account is open and available for deposits!  LOL  The funds are for our Adopt a Kinster program in December, and for other possible needs through out the year!  It’s easier to kick in a five now and then,  a bit at a time, than to do it all at once in the Holiday Crunch!


In General…

Don’t forget to stop by the Resolutions thread to update us on your progress and to cheer each other on!  You’ll also want to visit the Farm for the latest Raisings and Golden Knitting Needles members!  *grins*  And, don’t forget to let us know what you’re reading on the Bookshelf, or share your latest pictures in our Family Album!!


One Final Note….

The Kin has got the Baby blues…the Blue Sash Baby Blues!!  LOL  Please welcome our newest members to the Kin!!!   Dragonsworn, Torrie, lion-lamp-love(TipL) and mcs00(mathias)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   You’ll find a place to introduce yourselves in their joining threads and at the Blue Sash boards!  We sure are glad to have you all joining our Kin Family!!


Peace! Joy! Love!



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Checking in!  Aside from the spam thread, I've been awful about checking in here recently, but I'm going to try to keep up a little better in the future.  I just realized today that I was raised to the Green Sash back in November!  Not so observant....


My favorite flowers are lilies and orchids.

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ohh pretty pictures!!  *grins*  thanks Quis!!


*tacklehugglesmoochies and sits on Mmeesh*  There you are!!!  *grins and ties Mmeesh to her wrist with a flow of air*


Now stay!!  lOL!  I just bought BLeeding Heart bulbs for my garden btw....


LOL  oh leanne..that would be alll flowers!!  Like yellow for jade's sunflowers and well most all colors for the roses too...

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*enjoys being tied to Twinnie*  :D


I'm planning something over at the Aiel that had me researching the meanings of different flowers.... It was kinda cool seeing what different flowers stand for and signify!  :)

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um, don't really have a favorite flower (and I don't really have green thumbs either :look) but lemme see if I can find something I like... *dives into google images*


oh this is a really nice one!



Calathea Plant



Say Twinnie, not all of us will be able to join in on the seed exchange as most countries forbid the importation of seeds, plants, etc. They won't allow it as a precaution against agriculture disease imports. I believe the States are one of those that don't allow the import. I know for a fact Canada, Australia and New Zealand and most European countries don't allow it.

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oh shoot..I wondered about that..darn it..was hoping to just kinda get away with it!  LOL


Hmm..well maybe for those outside the states..we could send an artificial flower? or just the card and no seeds?  Of course there is also the "spring"  thing....lol.  Horn and Lor came up with that one year..maybe for this very reason!  That the exchange buddy got something with a "spring" ..like a slinky...or ursual sent me candle holders made of springs....


Oh mmeesh..were you getting into Floriography?  LOL  I love that and have done a lot of research in it..and a couple of seminars!!  If I can help..just give a holler!  *squeezes Mmeesh's hand*  It does feel nice!!


*blows a kiss to Taei*  LOL  you aren't the only one honey!!  Why do you think I did it???  I wanted to find out how many Kinsters actually use this to find out what's going on!!

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I am planning some TLC time with my garden this week. That is, if mother nature doesn't kill it for me! *sighs* I've already had two of my friends come up and wither away because she decided that we needed Canada's cold for a day or two. *grumbles*


I need to find friends for some of my new flowers, though. *grins* I do have a dahlia in there... *ponders*

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Personally I like White Lilly Flour




And Powdermilk Biscuits ... "Made from whole wheat raised in the rich bottom lands of the Lake Wobegon river valley by Norwegian bachelor farmers; so you know they're not only good for you, but pure ... mostly." They give shy people the strength to get up and do what needs to be done. Heavens they're tasty and expeditious."


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Howdy, y'all.  Checking in.


I love roses, and jasmine, the night blooming kind.  Ooh, that scent!  I HATE pansies, if anyone cares.


Mystikiss - the "spring" thing was way fun.  Slinkys, and mousetraps, and bouncy-shoes, and candle holders made of springs.  ANYTHING with a spring in it.  Quite a giggle.  And no legal restrictions. :)


Love you all.  Going nuts, but having fun, I think.



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*grins  and hugs Ursula*


Hey you!  Good to see you!  Wondered how faire and school were going..sounds good!


and THANK YOU!  lol you explainded spring thing better than I did..*grins*  i remember getting the springy candle holders...

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Dropped my class.  I wasn't doing well enough. 


Faire is fine, except for the people I want the strangle and the people who run the company.    My son is a veteran of the Battle Pageant, now, and I really did want something new to wear this year b ut it may not happen.

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Personally I like White Lilly Flour




And Powdermilk Biscuits ... "Made from whole wheat raised in the rich bottom lands of the Lake Wobegon river valley by Norwegian bachelor farmers; so you know they're not only good for you, but pure ... mostly." They give shy people the strength to get up and do what needs to be done. Heavens they're tasty and expeditious."



*smirks* they have names for people like you... ;)

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