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All hail Chipotle!


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WHAT!!!!  Have you people been living in a fog? 


Do you have Moes where you live?  Moes SUCKS compares to Chipotle. 


Do you have Qdoba?  Well... Qdoba is good too... and the same concept of Chipoatlles. 


It is a burrito place. 


I go every week... sometimes twice.  When I go twice I go to the other one so people don't look at me weird.  I was the first customer is all the Chipotles that opened in Philly.  See I came from OH where I first discovered this treat and then moved to Philly where the closest was in mid Jersey.  I actually drove hour out of my way once to go there before I got them around my place.  Now I live in between two Chipotles.  It is like heaven.  I know all the people at both locations.  I have TV shirts from their place.  I actually thought about getting a part time job just to get a discount!!!!


I'm a freak yo!!!!  Just like you guys!!!

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Something like.  I don't know - I've never calorie counted.  But then, I've never had need to, either.  Thank the Great Lord for my evil, evil, evil ability to stay slender and adorable. <__<

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