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June Projects!


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We're building up a set schedule of projects so we know what's coming at us every month and I'd like to keep an exchange in the offing every month. Participation in the Exchange isn't required, so feel free to sit out a month if you need to. There'll always be some kind of activity that's not an exchange for you to get your points with OR just hang out with a bunch of freakin' awesome people!


So, this month's projects (sorry this is late, I was waiting on input that I never got...so, ya'll are stuck with my imagination... LOL):


~ The Kin's Birthday!

The Kin's Birthday is officially June 11th (put that on your calendars, it's a very important day!). However, we never celebrate something for just one day! The birthday thread has been started and I'm about to post a discussion topic. :D Let's see how many discussions and memories we can get in before the month is up!


~The Kin's Candy Exchange!

For those who don't know, June is National Candy month here in the States. To celebrate, the first of our exchanges was born. Last year, we had to send something that symbolizes where you're from. This year, let's send something that symbolizes something you love. Sending love to someone else is always a great thing and you'll be surprised how much it's reciprocated, in the end! :D

Friendly words of advice...don't send chocolate. It's HOT outside and it WILL melt! LOL


E-mail me (loraine.kilaine@gmail.com) if you're intersted in the exchange and lets see if we can pull off a great exchange even though June's halfway over!

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*grins* Doesn't matter to me, either way!


For example, I LOVE the bananas in Runts. I will pick every single one of them out of a box before I eat any of the others. (Yes, that drives Dana NUTS!) So, I might pack up a whole box...of just the bananas. *smiles and shrugs*




I love my garden. So, I might pick candy with flowery names. Or flowers that are the same colors as my favorite flowers in my garden. :)


*grins* See? Totally up to you! Just make sure you explain it! LOL Oh, yeah and E-MAIL ME so I know you're interested! :D

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ewwww the banana ones?


How about suckers? *grins* Or kelly...i know chocolate isn't a good idea..but i love kisses and hugs..so the hershey kisses would symbolize that...or if you like pranks..taffy for pulling someone's leg...*grins* oh i like this..I am going to have to think about some more...

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lol Twiny *huggls*




*HUGEgrin* yay for birthday month!! even though its a month late (totally not your falt though Lor lol *huggls*)? I think I can think up a few good memories *coughs* ;)


..besides I need some points I'm sure, lol - I don't think I've done anything for the Kin in like ohhh.. forever :roll: (dunno why I chose that emotion, its just cute :))

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Alright, I'm cutting this off tomorrow night, so anyone who hasn't signed up for the Candy Exchange, please do so (QUICKLY), so I can get the exchange lists out! We're late, but...*laughs and shrugs* It's our project, we'll do it when we feel like it. LOL

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