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Far Dareis Mai

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Okay, I wasn't going to do it...to tell you about my Sunday, and my mornings...but then I remembered that I am evil and stuff, and that this is quite an evil thing to do soooo...you will all inevitably read it.


****Far's Sunday****


So I was sleeping on the couch, because Friday and Saturday nights are my nights to sleep fully through the night, and the hubby will get up with Norah for her middle of the night feeding. I stick some high quality ear plugs into my ears, and my slumber is very deep. Well, I was shaken awake at 8:00 AM by my husband. I gently twist my earplugs from my ears (because if you don't they could pop your eardrums and it just sounds like it would hurt like hell), and look up at him with my "you better have a damn good reason for waking me up" glare. All he says to me is, "Look at your daughter". So I stare up at Norah, whom he is holding, and she looks fine. My eyes narrow at him further, beginning to think this is some sort of trick to get me awake so he doesn't have to watch them both at once...though his face did look rather upset...when he said, "No. Your other daughter."


All of a sudden Ashleigh comes streaking into the living room, naked as the day she was born, covered from head to toe in all this brown stuff. I blink a couple times, and then the smell hits me. It's crap. Lots and lots of it. It's stuck in her hair, all over her face, her body, her feet, stuck in her toenails and fingernails...EVERYWHERE. She's all excited for some reason and she says "Mama I've got poopoo on me". Ummm...yeah. So I jump up (dry heaving all the way), and grab some wipes from Norah's changing table, and start working on her hands. But it was all so dried up that it WOULDN'T COME OFF.


So I take her upstairs and throw her in the tub, deciding to give her a shower instead of a bath (not wanting her to play in water filled with crap), and she hates the shower, because she gets scared when water touches her hair (long story), but I'm adamant, and eventually get her all cleaned up (It took over an hour and all of our hot water). I'm soaked from head to toe, because the shower sprayed me and Ashleigh's frantic clinging while I washed her hair. I've got a huge headache for rushing around before I had a chance to fully wake up, and I need to go into her room to get her some clean clothes.


I sort of knew that it was going to be like a warzone in her room, if the crap all over her body was any indication, so I took a few deep breaths and was planning to dash in there quick, and escape before I had to breathe (I seriously have a very weak stomach when it comes to gross things). But when I walked into her bedroom...ugh.


It. was. everywhere. She has a rather large bedroom (15'x15'), and all of her walls from the floor to about 4 feet high were decorated in rainbow patterns of poo. She must have gotten bored at some point, because all of her books had crap on them too. And her toys, and her bed. The carpet had foot shaped poo-prints all over the floor. It was one of my worst nightmares come to life. The diaper was nowhere to be seen. So I start gagging and have to take a moment back in the bathroom to throw up nothing, and then I ran into her room, hopping over the pooprints and grabbed the first clothes I could find. I ran down the stairs as quickly as I could, and got Ashleigh all dressed. It took a few hours, but I finally got some rubber gloves on, the bleach and some sponges and went and cleaned it all up.


We're thinking she must have done it between 3-5am, since we had checked on her at 1:30, before we went to bed. She must have played in it for a while, got tired and then went right back to sleep. In crap. All over her bed.


And as for my mornings...I just had to watch a mind melting episode of the Wiggles. That blue Wiggle annoys the hell out of me.


So yeah. That is all.

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Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I didn't say it, because I think he was sort of looking to pick a fight with me, and I know it annoys him even more when I don't bite...so I just did it and then was sick the rest of the afternoon. On the plus side, I think he felt rather guilty so I had pretty much the rest of the day to work on my homework quietly without the kids in the room. :D

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ugh, I agree with Raeyn. he should've cleaned the room. or someone would die if it were me, lol


guess my sunday with my pain coming back from that weird sickness was better than I thought >_< yeah, I'd take a body full of every muscle aching nearly to the point of tears and high fevers all day over a poo-covered kid and room any day

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Alright, not that any of you care, but here's how my Sunday started out.


Ok, so I started dating this guy on Friday.  I've know him for a few years from around, and I've always thought he was cute but we've never been single at the same time or something I don't know.  Anyway, we wake up Sunday morning *coughcoughcoughblushes* and he sits up and notices my bookcase next to my bed and says... "Hey!  Is that Robert Jordan?"  I think I'm in love. LOL SQUEE!  I lent him my copy of Game of Thrones.  He'd never heard of ASOIAF.

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I was always the outcast, even in my group of friends, because I would start "spouting this nonsense about time and some kind of wheel and magic and strange creatures." it sucked -_-


but I got my mom started couple years ago. think she only read them to take pity on me and got hooked, lol

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  • 1 month later...

I'm thinking here... child covered in poop entirely = about 3 diappers worth of poop. An entire room covered in poop... depending on room size, guessing around 10m2 = 18 diappers of poop.


Just how many loaded poop diappers do you hold stored in your house, you know, just in case they're needed....? Interesting story btw :D

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Pain in the a$$ Chosen...


*prances around singing off-key*

I'm a tumor, I'm a tumor, I'm a tumor... I'm a tumor, I'm a tumor, I'm a tumor, I'm a tumor...

*then repeats, prances around a few more times and goes to the next forum*

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