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Valentine CARD Exchange!!!


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:-* :-* :-* 


*blows kisses and tosses around lots of red, pink, purple and white edible heart shaped confetti*


This is one of my favorite card exchanges in the Kin!!  *grins*  Maybe cause it was the first one I ever particpated in!!


Ok..if you have read the Cupid Exchange thread..same explanation for the earlier than normal sign ups for Valentines!!  *grins*  You know May, Mystie, Tay and Danya participate in many of our exchanges!!  Hopefully by doing this a bit earlier this time, we can get thier Happy Mail to them by the holiday we are celebrating!!  Valentine's Day!!


Ok this is the details here:


Sign up in this thread to exchange Valentine's with other Kinster's!  You can of course send a Valentine to everyone that signs up, or even everyne on the Contact list if you want too!  But for the exchange...you will have the names of TWO Kinster's to wish a very Happy Heart Day and send some lovin' to!  Easy huh?!? :D


Last year we also included the option of sending e-mail cards!! This was really cool!!  I know I got really excited to get fun emails and not just advertisements!! LOL!


Here is what I would like to suggest this year...if you CANNOT afford to mail any Valentines..like in envelopes..you can send e-mail cards to your fellow Kinsters!  AND...if you are sending out the two card..you might wanna send everyone else on the list and e-Valentine!  Shoot...*grins*  for the heck of it..you might send an e-Valentine to someone on the Contact list that hasn't signed up at all and surprise them! *grins*


here are the links to two free e-cards places we have used before:



(River Songs recommended by Tay)



(this is from the Holiday Insights and one I use!)



(Free Flower e-cards. This is one of my favorites!!)


Ok..sign up is from today until, Wednesday, February 4th for the mailed Valentines!!  You don't have to sign up for the ecards..but it would be nice to know if you think you might!!


Please check your contact info on the contact list to be sure your address and email address's are correct!!


Oh yeah..you might take a look at the Farm for couple fun and easy ideas of Valentine's to make!! :-*



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*grins*  ok I'm going to keep bumping this to the top of the board until WEDNESDAY!


That will be our cutoff for mailing Valentine sign ups!!  You can sign up for th e-card until the 12th!


Now then:


Would y'all please send me you correct e-mail address by pm?  I will then make a list of the email address's in one post on the contact list so they are easier to access!


Also..I know last year the card places were swamped on Valentine's day..so you might want to even send your e-cards on the 12th or 13th!  8grins* 


Thanks everyone!

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*twaps tay and smooches mmeesh*


Ok love i'll get you on the list!!  *grins sweetly at tay*  no rearranging the dates of holiday young lady!



LOL  Had a time warp the last two days folks!!  I will get the names of the valentine card exchange to you on Saturday..the latest on Sunday!!!  and the email list for sure by Sunday!!  Thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay trying to help out a little bit.  Here is a list of Kin members(with those on the Danger list removed) for the E-cards.  I know it is now after, but Ecards are easy.   ;)


Those in red are ones I have not seen post in a while(not to say they haven't and I missed it).   :-\

Blue are ones I have seen elsewhere but not here.


Auld Manriva







F Horn of Valere







Mayleigh Sedai




Poledra Sedai








Tiren Sormia




That should give everyone an idea of who to send to.   ;)

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I meant to send an e-card to just about everybody on the list, but then the card I chose was one I had to pay to send, and then I ran out of time to enter in the names and emails all over again, so I only sent it to about 5 people.




Happy Belated V-Day!

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I totally messed this up and didn't send anything. I'll make it up to you guys somehow, but I don't think I got a card exchange person anyway (only a secret valentine name) or did I miss something?


Anyway, with becoming sick and all that, things have been a bit on hold and I don't really see the point in sending stuff for valentine in march. :look


So I hope you all had a great time and I will totally make it up to you all sometime soon. *huggers*

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