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Say, Eyes Sidai People


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I've read quite a number of initiation tests so far but not one that is about a rercruit actually becoming a real Green. Is this done in private somewhere perhaps? Just curious, after reading all them 'you are no green yet' rp's ;)


How about the other Ajahs? Do you also have such intro rp's or 'look! a new X!' rp's or anything of the sort?


spill spill ;) Share, share.

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We have a loose sequence of events that happen after attaining the shawl in the Brown Ajah, but they don't have to be roleplayed out.  It basically involves being gifted the Quilt of Knowledge from the last Sister raised to the Brown Ajah, and doing time in the Library copying texts and/or doing a few shifts as a Librarian.


The Quilt of Knowledge contains a square done by all Sisters of the Brown Ajah as far back as the tradition goes (which we'll all pretend was yoinks ago), and the newest Brown Sister has to both create and add her new square to it, as well as read what other Sisters have put on there to better know the minds of their fellow Browns.

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The Gray supposedly has one, but I don't know if it was ever done. Basically, the new Gray is put on trial for something she did as a Novice or something and she has to defend herself. I think it was on one of the old ajah websites I found. I'll see if I can find the page.

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oh now, that sounds like a fun rp to read, Tiggy. I can just see it.










DID SOOOOOO TOO!!!! *twaps* -end trial-


*smirks* nah just kidding. But it sure would be fun to read these rp's though.

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Well, in the good old days when I was raised, we had to RP our initiation, our battle weaves and then our acceptance to the Ajah. But then, we had a zillion Greens and we had to make it harder so the other Ajahs got a shot at the new peeps.


Then I took a haitus. When I came back, there are hardly and Greens (or anyone else for that matter), so I don't know whether those requirements have been abolished or we just haven't had anyone stick around to take them once getting a shawl.


So yeah. Hope that helps. *laughs* don't shoot me!

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The green's still do that Lor,least I knew.  In order to be considered full sister by the other Greens you have to undergo a second acceptance into the ajah.  It happens after battle weaves and something else I forget.  I'm still on my battle weaves last I checked but my As tend to take second burner.



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