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Mat and the Aes Sedai


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At the end of Knife of Dream, Mat has a couple of Aes Sedai working with the band: Joline, a Green, and Teslyn,of the Red Ajah. Both are Tower loyalists. (There’s another sister with them, but I can’t remember her name. She’s a yellow, a rebel and refrains from the fighting with the band, if I remember correctly),


I’m wondering what will happen with the Mat and the Band once they get back into Aes Sedai country. Despite all the squabbles and fights Mat has had with Joline and Teslyn, I think the sisters will become quite protective (and possessive) towards Mat. Perhaps the Band will become and magnet for the Green “Battle Ajah” (and maybe even the Reds) as TG nears?


Mats bravery and daring in rescuing Aes Sedai from Shanchan captivity (and rescuing Morraine) is going to bring him high regard (and a attention) from sisters of all Ajahs, tower or rebel, I think.


And what about Bode? Might she not join the band at some point?



Edesina is the 3rd one.


I am not sure what would happen to them if they go towards the White Tower.

Not sure if they would.


Bode I would guess would train in the tower until she becomes Aes Sedia. After which I guess would depend on which Ajah she chooses.



All Bode will be for Tarmon Gaidon is a battery because she is only a novice.  All novices will be batteries, I am unsure of Sharina though.  As for the possessiveness I think you are right as far as the Greens are concerned, probably the reds too and this will end the feud between the Greens and the Reds.  Shen an Calhar will have plenty of Aes Sedai when it rides for war.

    I wish Brandon could give us all a christmas present, like the prologue or something.


Mat is more likely to not have the support of the White Tower since he is married to Tuan, who is determined to destroy the White Tower. Althoguh at Tarmon Gaiden Aes Sedai will be everywhere the Seanchan aren't since they are afraid of them.


Teslyn  for one will do  whatever  Mat asks of  her  we  know she is  bound  by the  three oaths  and  before her  rescue  she  stated  flat  out i  will do  anything  you ask  of me  if you free me period .  so  if he asks  her to  stay  she will( personally i think she will stay even if not asked),  joline also i  think  will stay  edesina  imo  will be the one to  break off from the  group.


Teslyn  for one will do   whatever  Mat asks of  her 

Did they not go walking into towns when he asked them not to and channel when he asked them not to. I can't remember if they flat out disobeyed him rather than just twist to their own benefit but they certainly chose to ignore him a lot and were generally ungrateful.


I really doubt that they'll hang around once their out of Seanchan territory.  Aes Sedai are very independent and they don't like answering to someone who is immune to the One Power.


Mat has to free Moiraine w/ only Thom, Olver and Noal, so they will be separated for a while and I'm sure that the AS won't hang around while there is a rebellion going on at the tower.


Mat is more likely to not have the support of the White Tower since he is married to Tuan, who is determined to destroy the White Tower. Althoguh at Tarmon Gaiden Aes Sedai will be everywhere the Seanchan aren't since they are afraid of them.


I think thats going to be a moot point.  When Rand strikes a deal with the Seanchan, Im sure NOT collaring Aes Sedai will be one of the stipulations.


Aty least until after Tarmon Gaidan...


They disobeyed him before they saw what he did to the Seanchan.  The tower Battle Ajah will coalesce around Mat and the band, as I said before maybe the reds to.  The biggest problem I see is the Rebels because of Egwene.  Disclaimer:  I hate Egwene so that could colour my opinion.


When Rand finds out that Mat is married to Tuon, I assume that she will tell him as soon as they meet, Mat will probably be put in charge of the lights forces at TG, he will be acceptable to both Seanchan and Randlanders.  Either way, I doubt that Tuon will like Mat having to do with Aes Sedai any more than he has to


They disobeyed him before they saw what he did to the Seanchan.  The tower Battle Ajah will coalesce around Mat and the band, as I said before maybe the reds to.  The biggest problem I see is the Rebels because of Egwene.  Disclaimer:  I hate Egwene so that could colour my opinion.


I agree, although i hate Egwene as well


I imagine Mat will lead the lights forces at TG and if the pattern of the last few books is anything to go by he will end up in the thick of it (hopfully with AS by his side) despite his best attempts to avoid just that happening.


E.g. Leading the band in a surprise attack when he is ambushed by SH and trollocs pouring out of a portal stone or something and using his awesome battle skill he turns the tide taking down SH in the process.


*rubs hand in delight*


I reckon Mat could very well lead his band against Demandred. It'd be even better if the Greens and their Warders teamed up with the Band and went against Demandred and the Dreadlords.


We should start an anti-Egwene campaign. Anyone else hate Elayne?


Yeah Demandred is the DO greatest general and Mat the lights. Plus id love to see him taken down by some one other then Rand and it seems that Mat and Logain would be the only others capable of doing so.


Yes Elayne goes with Egwene and Gawyn.  We can call it Dragonmounters Against Gayne or DAG for short.



We should start an anti-Egwene campaign. Anyone else hate Elayne?


Egwene? Elayne? These are my gals! I will start an anti-anti-Egwene compaign if this goes forward.


(I'm continually amazed at the strong emotional reacations various WOT characters ellicit, including my own emotional reactions.)


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