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Bubble of EVIL....POP!

Far Dareis Mai

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what follows, as I take of my helmet and beat the person who just shot blanks at me, is of course not for a PG13 board, but if you are a 'chan, then put yourself in the shoes of the one who shot blanks. If you're a SGer, imagine yourself as the helmet, grinding the shooter into a pulp *nods*



Just thought I'd bring some graphics into this thread, carry on...



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Talya, that certainly is an enticing offer.  Definitely merits some thought...


Empy, your evil shenanigans are more like kids games compared to teh amount of damage any one of these SG'ers could do.  You best worship the ground FDM walks on because she's the only thing preventing mass chaos and disorder right now...


You don't want to know what happens when she lets Roka off his leash...

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I don't think so, not anymore.  Roka has become bitter in his old age.  He sat in the dark stewing for years, waiting for the right moment to emerge from the sewers.  Only then when he saw the Nude One, did he dare speak with another. 


Some people blame Demi for bringing him back from the depths. I for one cannot. Our poor Norwegianese friend new not what stood before him on that fateful day.  It has taken many a shadowspawn and darkfriend to cover up the trails of destruction left by Count Slovenia. His presence in a room is enough to knock the air right out of your gut. The aura of distraught souls that are chained to him to be tortured until his own demise can fill your mind with their never ending screams of agony.


No, my dear Canadian pen pal, this is not the same beast as before...

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Eclipse is a fast one he is.  Not a big hello kitty fan I take it?


I'm more of a "Hellllooooooooooooo Nurse" fan, myself...



And yes, I have been known to be quick on the draw, and Moggy is always starving for attention, but BadCo usually gives it to her ;)

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