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Well, time for another "what you would do if you were in Randland" thread!


Pick a country, and tell us what you would do to improve the state of your country, but at the same time, not bankrupt your country, so don't go of and build massive stuff just for fun, be realistic.


This iwll also be my final thread about this stuff, so there will be no more threads like these from me, if you guys don't think I shoudl make more threads, but I don't think so.


    Bear with me please. I am from Utah in the United States and for along time this state was not settled because everyone 'assumed' it was a dessert and nothing could grow. In fact, a mountain man named Jim Bridger made a bet that he would give ten dollars (a big amount in 1847) for the first ear of corn. The pioneers used irrigation and turned a treeless waste into our state.


    So, I don't think there is a "King" of the waste, but I would like to see part of it to be irrigated and see if you could get fertile soil enough to become useful. The other part I would use as a training ground for people who would like to become Warders, Ashaman, Borderland soldiers, basically anyone who wants real training in a 'hazardous' environment.


What would I do? Whatever the hell I want. I'm the King, damn it! Cult of Personality, for starters. And a program of industrialisation. Possibly involving five year plans. And proabably some purges. Show trials. Secret police. Yes, this will make things better. No, this is not at all Stalinist.


In the aiel waste,


I would  intrduce mass production of their fabric (I forget the name) and I would sell it in mass quantities to the main part of the world.


I would send 1 aiel men a week to scout Shara, going progresivly farther out, so we could learn about them.


I would make a deal with the Ashaman/warders/wolfbrothers/aes sedai that they could use a part of the waste as a training program, in exchange they will make underground irrgation from the sea all over the waste.


I will attempt to create a lush area in the waste so we could grow trees


MOst importantly I would attempt to create strong LASTING diplomatic ties with the rest of the world.





Guest Dreadlord

My nation would be Ghealdan, and to improve it I would kill Masema. Nice and simple


I would pick Cairhien, kill all opponents, and reshape the country in my vision, while conquering more territory.


Oh, that just sounds like a mix between Stalin and the DO.


in exchange they will make underground irrgation from the sea all over the waste.


I will attempt to create a lush area in the waste so we could grow trees



Ah, but sea water isn't good with most plants.

Guest Dreadlord

After killing Masema and sorting Ghealdan out, I'd do what every single channeler whos been to the Aiel Waste was too dumb to think of. Id use the Power to make it rain and tie off the weave. Of course Rand has already done something similar, but mine would have been done earlier, and better


Well, I would NOT utilize any climate change in the Aiel Waste.  Dreadlord's weave in particular would probably be responsible for killing hundreds of species which couldn't be found elsewhere.  Yeah, I probably would have chosen Brown Ajah.

Guest Dreadlord

There are ways around that. If you weave Fire on its own you get fire. If you weave water on its own, ta daaaaaa! You get water. Place that weave in the air about the massive bowl thing in the Waste where the clans met, tie it off, and you get a constant downpour that would eventually fill the bowl. Simply done without meddling with the weather.


My point is that constant rainfall will change the climate, from arid to moist.  However, if that constant rainfall is only in certain areas, then things are different.


we are talki9ng about climate change here. Wow, this sounds like a news channel ^^ Anyways, I have always wondered why snow that is on the top of the World Spine doesn't get to the Waste, as if nature couldn't dug out channels for water to flow. At least that's what happens over time on the mountain side.


Yeah, the climate-change behavior on Arrakis in the Dune series is a good example of unintended consequences.


I have no idea what I'd do to improve my land, actually. So many things are inter-related with neighboring countries, but creating a High Lord Council in Ghealdan probably would help. The King is a figure to be attacked, not listened to, at present.


If there is an oversized distillery.


with two holes, one for salt and one for water then you have pure water, AND Salt which is another profitble trade item. it would never overflow or become stagnent, because it would have a return pipe from the bottom of the tank.



After killing Masema and sorting Ghealdan out, I'd do what every single channeler whos been to the Aiel Waste was too dumb to think of. Id use the Power to make it rain and tie off the weave. Of course Rand has already done something similar, but mine would have been done earlier, and better


Remember how the male Aes Sedai were able to create mountains during the breaking?  The thought that I had was for a bunch of the Ashamen to use those same weaves (once they figure them out) to lower the tops of the the dragon wall mountains by moving the dirt into the valleys leaving a nice level plateau all along the range.  This should take away the moisture barrier and allow the moist winds from the "wetlands" to enter the Waste.  Given time, the land should gradually recover and become fertile without any major negative affect on the rest of Randland.  They might have to do the same on the eastern border, too, which would soften the border with the Chinese easterners.  Just thinking "out loud".


out loud, MAH BOIIII


Hehe, well, I see no one is gonna be serious, so I will just drop it. No one really doesn't have to be serious, if they don't feel for being so.


OK.  I'll try to be serious.  But, it's hard.  I usually save all of that boring crap for that "other" world.  But, you asked for it, so here goes.


In all seriousness, I'd learn a lesson from Hawkwing.  He succeeded in taking dictatorial control of all of Randland in his lifetime.  He was forced into it, true, but that doesn't change the outcome.  He unified all of his known world and even stretched his influence into the unknown world which became Seanchan.  He achieved what Rand is presently trying to parallel.  And what did it prove?  When he was finally bumped off, as remembered by Matt, things dropped into chaos and the Hundred Years War followed his greatness.  A time when all of the known world turned it's back on the Justice of Hawkwing and chose instead to cut one another's throats in favor of land grabbing.  Total civil upheaval (similar to what we caused in Iraq, but that's a different subject, isn't it).  Nations were born and quickly died because their existence was against the will of the Pattern.  Almouth Plain.  (Something) Grass.  The country north of Carhien where they were digging for the statue.  The one down by Illian that built the statue with the Crown of Swords.  For all of Hawkwing's miraculous accomplishments, nothing was really accomplished (other that Seanchan, and that was by accident more than by design).  His legacy was that his name lived on in legend.  Some hold his name in awe; others as that of a super villain.  Rand, the Dragon Reborn, will probably suffer a similar fate.  All of his efforts and successes will one day fade to vague, distorted memories.


So, besides avoiding Hawkwing's fate, what would I do?


I would concentrate on Rhuidean.


I know...I'm obsessed.  But, out of everything that has happened in this series, I see that as being the most overlooked and neglected.  That city was the last hope of the Aes Sedai who planted the final remaining seeds from the Age of Legends.  If the greatness of the Age of Legends is ever to be recovered, Rhuidean is the key.  At the very least, the Tree of Life is there.  My ongoing wish is that Loial can sing to it the way he did to the Green Man's oak tree.  Maybe he can undo the damage from the Rand/Asmo fight.  They didn't balefire it, did they?  ???  What more can be learned from the glass columns?  All we got to see was Rand's visit.  One blood line.  How many countless more bloodlines of information are contained in those columns?  Perhaps all of the knowledge of all of the Aes Sedai libraries from the entire Age of Legends were passed down through the memories of the thousands of Aiel who were in that original wagon train.  How will we know if their decendents don't enter the columns?  And, could the Tinkers handle the experience better than the modern day Aiel do?  Since they are allowed to travel freely through the Waste, and because the Aiel wise ones are accepting of the idea that this is the time of change, I can see Tinkers being allowed to enter the glass columns.  It still seems possible to me that if a Tinker and Aiel entered together, that they would somehow reassemble and emerge as Jenn Aiel (undo the separation/heal the wounds).  Anyway, if I were a person of influence in Randland, that's where I would concentrate my efforts.


Sorry...but you asked for it.  ;D

Hehe, well, I see no one is gonna be serious, so I will just drop it.
I was being serious.


No, this is not at all Stalinist.
No, of course not, Mr Ares
I'm glad you agree. Now I don't have to put on a show trial and send you to the gulag.


I would pick Cairhien, kill all opponents, and reshape the country in my vision, while conquering more territory.


Oh, that just sounds like a mix between Stalin and the DO.

You've been taking lessons! I'd like to offer you a job. How would you like to be Chief of Staff of my armies? It comes with a brilliant retirement plan - I get jealous of your popularity/success/etc. and send you to the gulag. Then you work until you die. How does that sound? Bearing in mind refusal may make you seem like a traitor to the DSSR, and execute you. Alright, maybe this is just a tad Stalinist, but a little Stalinism never hurt anyone....admittedly, a lot can result in millions of deaths, but that's just statistics.


Anyway, with my safely annexed buffer states, I don't have to fear invasion. I can improve the quality of life of millions of peasants (those who don't get sent to the gulag, or executed, or starve to death, or murdered, etc.) - Peace! Bread! And Land! Bread & circuses! I will build roads, cars, cinemas and theatres, get rid of religion. By the time my reforms are complete, you'll be hard pushed to find anyone in the Westlands who doesn't think life has improved under my brutal tyranny reign of peace and plenty.


If there is an oversized whiskey distillery.
Corrected for you. I'll be sure to build one of those.

I would choose Carahien and start by showcasing the school to the world.  Then I would build a railway throughout the country connecting all the towns and cities.  Then I would organize a national army and restrict the number of private soldiers a noble can hire.  Then use this national army to patrol the roads and rails to increase public safety.


And raise taxes on the noble to fund this.  The have no armies now so what are they going to do, fight me? 


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