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Bringing the Darkness Home?


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"Should we allow the Accepted to leave and explore the city till dinner is served? I think Jerinia is going to explode with anticipation." Loraine let her eyes wander to the Accepted as she reentered the room. Her heart was saying she should let the girl go, but her head was saying it was a bad idea. This was a relatively safe place for Aes Sedai, so she had no fear of that. It was the girl's excited state that disturbed her most.


"Perhaps after dinner is served?" She met Rasheta's eyes and then Jerinia's. "Patience is something every Aes Sedai must master before she's deemed worthy of the shawl. While I am intrigued as to what would drive you to such an obviously excited state, Jerinia, I am concerned that it has clouded your duties and the purpose of your presence here. It's not often that the Tower allows Accepted quite this far from the Tower, so it's a priveldge that you're here, at all. Your duty, however, would be no different regardless of where your journey took you."


Light, perhaps she was showing her age, after all. How many times had an Aes Sedai berated her for her excitement as a Novice and Accepted? How many times had she made faces behind the woman's back? "I will make you a deal, Jerinia. If you can contain your eagerness until after dinner, I will arrange for a guard to help you find what you're so eager to locate."

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Kynwric nodded at Perivar's assessment and agreed. "I know, but Kabria was behaving in an unbecoming way and the only way to stop it was to remove you from the area and her as well... I've no problem with how you behaved." He waved him out the door and reminded him to ahve them both rejoin Rasheta and Loraine in short order.

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Kabria paced furiously in their room, kicking her skirts in front of her.. 6 paces this way and  6 that. She was going to wear a hole in the floor if Perivar did not arrive soon. What right did Kynwric have to speak with her that way, it didn’t matter that he had been bonded to Loraine before she was born she was still Aes Sedai and he was a Warder and Warders did NOT call down Aes Sedai.


When the door crept inward Kabria turned her glare on Perivar, planting her fists on her hips and her feet wide.  While she may not always have the best control over her outward appearance she had mastered an icy clam with her voice. “Tell me Perivar, how did Kynwric know I was acting foolish? I showed no outward sign, so..that leads me to believe that you said something to him.”


She held up her right hand to forestall any comment. “I for one do not care what it was, what’s done is done.” Muttering under her breath she resumed her pacing. After a few passages she stopped and turned her gaze on Perivar again. “ You will do as Kynwric says until we get back the Tower even if it means you having to watch over those girls.” A surge of jealousy flowed through her veins but she tamped it down. “Just watch yourself and the flirting, I will try to be with you as much as I can.” Running her hands across her skirts she set to composing her outward appearance.


“I cannot wait until these children are safe in Tar Valon and you and I can be off again, answering only to ourselves. The ageless face would be nice as well, if one more person passes me over as an Aes Sedai I may just scream.”

She allowed Perivar to say his peace, but right after headed them towards the door and back to meet the other. Kabria had a small smile on her face as she and Perivar went to join Loraine and Kynwric.


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Selene went to Loraine's outstretched hand like an eager child seeking a mother.  She nodded to her question and bobbed a curtsy. "Yes, Loraine Sedai, I'm Selene.  My brother has spoken very highly of you and Kynwric Gaidin." She tucked herself against the woman's side and followed her.  She cast her gaze to Perivar as he, Jerinia, and Kabria went off to speak with Kynwric.  She didn't know if she had ever been so nervous since she approached the Arches.


Talking was a comfort to her and after Loraine spoke with Jerinia about seeing the city, she spoke to the Sedai again. "You seem very comfortable and at home here, Loraine Sedai.  Have you spent much time in the borderlands?  I've never been this far north before.  I'm glad Jasine has put so much work into training Rao, she's my fil- er, Mare.  When I rode her up to Tar Valon from home she was only a half-trained filly.  This is the first time I've had a chance to ride her outside of the yards since I came to the Tower.  Do you have a horse of your own, Loraine Sedai? I love horses."


She realized that she hadn't given the woman even a chance to speak and blushed furiously.  She was not usually so ill at ease in company, but Rasheta Sedai seemed on edge, Jerinia looked like she might make a break for it at any moment, and Perivar and his Sedai had looked very serious when each of them had disappeared in the same direction.  Selene hitched in a deep breath and let it out in a rush.  Learning to be wise, worldly, and at all times calm was just terribly difficult.



Selenessin Accepted

Still just a girl

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Perivar had felt her frustration but he did not think it would be directed at him.  He stopped in his tracks when he saw her standing there with her fists in her hips and her feet wide.  She looked commanding, it made him think of his parents when he had gotten in trouble as a child.  Her words shocked him, Light she thought he had said something to Master Kynwric to make him think her foolish.  Did she not know him better then that.  He had done nothing of the sort, nor would he ever!  He opened his mouth to tell her though she held up a hand which cut him off.  She would not let him talk now but she would hear him out.


He knew his face held a look of shock as she ordered him to do as Master Kynwric said.  What made it even worse is that he caught a surge of jealousy through the bond that she quickly tamped down.  She thought he would be foolish enough to flirt.  He tried to be polite but he most certainly did not flirt.  Light did she consider being polite flirting.  She couldn't wait for them to deliver them back to Tar Valon?  They couldn't travel fast enough for him.


Finally she let him speak.  "Light Kabria! I said nothing to Master Kynwric to make you seem foolish.  I merely said that I did not think you would want me looking after the Accepted.  I told him that you didn't like me training them when I was a Tower Guard so now that I am your Warder I did not think you would want me to have anything to do with them.  I told him that I must do as you wish of me.  I reminded him that I am your Warder."  He didn't think he had said anything wrong though who knew.  Anytime he opened his mouth he ran the risk of saying something wrong.  "I am your man and your Warder Kabria.  I would never intentionally say anything to make you seem foolish.  If I said something that displeased you then you must know that it wasn't on purpose.  If I said something wrong then I am sorry."  He sounded half pleading though his body language said otherwise.  His eyes never left hers, his face looked harder than usual.  He believed that he had done nothing wrong and was put off that she thought that he had said something to Kynwric to make him think her a fool.  By his reaction, she may as well have told him that he had no honor.


The look on his face changed to one of grim determination and he stood looking like a stubborn mule as she spoke."Kabria, I will do as you say but why must I be the one to watch over them.  Surely it would be better to assign some of the Guardsmen to watch over them, would it not?  I am your Warder not a babysitter..."  He shook his head seeing that his words were having no effect.  She had made up his mind and nothing he said would change it.  "I will do as you command...Kabria."  He almost called her Aes Sedai and bowed to her formally out of habit though he stopped himself.  That would certainly have sent her over the edge.  It would take him days to recover from that slip.  Too often for his own good he was quick to open his mouth to let out a foolish comment or take an action which would land him in hot water with her.  He was a stubborn fool at times. 


Saying that he would do as she wished was apparently enough.  Some of the tension between them seemed to have eased.  Light he had said that he would obey her and the tension seemed to lessen.  Did it make it better that the order came from her?  Did it make it better that she knew that he would obey her and no other?  Or was it that she thought he would refuse?  No, she knew he would not refuse.  It had to be the other.


When they returned to the others she seemed at ease, as if nothing had occurred.  She was smiling and he felt relief.  Well just a little relief.  He could not help but glance at the two Accepted.  His face was like a stone, his brown eyes scanning the room as if he expected Trollocs and Myrddraal to burst through the door.  Inside he was...torn, frustrated.  He had too much to worry over.  Pleasing his Aes Sedai which was a task in and of itself, keeping an eye on the overly excited Accepted who wanted to bounce off the walls, and keeping an eye on Selene all the while trying not to seem too polite or overly friendly. 


Light they expected him to be like a juggler in a circus when all he wanted to be was Kabria's Warder.  Being her Warder was enough of a job for any man.  He wanted to go work the forms to ease his frustration, or go practice the drills that the lancer had shown him, or bury his head in the snow yet he could do nothing of the sort.  So Perivar simply stood next to and behind Kabria obediently like a puppy on a leash.  Well the way he stood and eyed everything in the room he looked more like a wolf than a puppy.



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“Is there some reason you feel the need to paw at my Warder like a kitten searching for milk?”


- "Eh?"


Jerinia cast a puzzled glance at Kabria, stepping closer to look the woman in the face. Stepping closer still, she looked the newly raised Aes Sedai straight into the eyes, squinting slightly as if to make out something. Yes... Yes, there was a small hint of that ageless look stuff, but it would be easy to miss if one wasn't actually looking for it. Which meant... Hoo boy, Larindhra here i come again.


- "...Omigosh, you really ARE one. Though it's hard to spot... Have you been an Aes Sedai for long, Aes Sedai?"


Then, Kynwric intervened -- and to be honest, Jerinia didn't know if that was a good or a bad thing judging by the glare Kabria was giving her -- taking them all to a separate room where she was berated. She wanted to get a word in, to explain that she really didn't mean to have done that had she known Kabria was an Aes Sedai. That Rasheta had told him to guard her so she assumed it'd be okay to go. Unfortunately, Kynwric ddn't allow her to and sent her off before rounding on the other two. Maybe going back to the others wasn't such a bad idea after all...


Once there however, she felt much like the first time she had stepped into the Mistress of Novices' room for a penance. She could feel their eyes on her, and braced herself for what was to come. They wouldn't be able to send hr to Larindhra until they'd all have returned to the White Tower, but that meant they would decide her penance right here. She just wondered what it wa--


"Should we allow the Accepted to leave and explore the city till dinner is served? I think Jerinia is going to explode with anticipation."


Huh? Well, that certainly was unexpected. Maybe her luck was starting to get better after all? She flinched at the condition though, she already felt as if a wagon team was trying to drag her out of that door, and keeping herself resisting that urge was harder than it actually sounded. Still, she nodded excitedly, going out under conditions was always better than not going out at all. Light, she'd go mad if she didn't grab the chance to ask around now!


- "Mhm, yes, i'll try Aes Sedai! Umm... That is... When is dinner served anyway?"


Shooting the two an apologetic look, she bit her lip as she waited to hear just how long she'd need to hold out. Dinner also meant sitting at the table with Kabria Sedai and that Warder of hers, Perivar she believed he was called. She heard Jasine ask Loraine a couple of questions, and instead focused her attention on the conversation rather than out of the window next to her.




Impatience personified

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Walking back in the door to Jerinia asking when dinner was served almost had him loose his demeanor, it hadn't been 5 minutes since he had told her to tend to the Aes Sedai and she was already being impertinent again. He glanced at Loraine and then Rasheta and decided his concerns could wait till later in the day to discuss. He did speak up though, "Perhaps we should let those who have just arrived freshen up before dinner is served?" He hoped Loraine would catch his desire to speak to her without the audience, but he also knew she felt obligated to look after the newly come Sister. Add to that Kabria and Perivar had not returned from whatever discussion they were having and it was just about enough to drive him to throw up his hands and dump the whole mission on Kabria and Perivar and be off again on their own.

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Perivar continued studying the room.  The arrival of the others should have eased the tension though it seemed to magnify.  Was the mission on everyone's mind or did they all have personal issues like he was experiencing.  Everyone did their best to not let it show but he would have guessed that everyone was on edge. 


Perivar glanced at Kynwric, the man was like a stone.  Was he on edge?  There was a lot riding on his shoulders but it did not show.  Even when he called one of them down it was no different then how he had been with the trainees in the yard.  It was the same tone that Perivar recalled as a trainee, luckily he had not had cause to yell at him often.  Was his mentor mad at him?  He hoped not but if he was what could he do?  Things were different now, he was Kabria's Warder.  Even though he was a Warder he still deferred to Master Kynwric and would continue to do so as long as there was no conflict in the orders he received from Kabria.  He had thought that things would be so simple when he became Kabria's Warder yet in some ways it seemed to complicate things.  Had Master Kynwric ever felt caught between his Aes Sedai and another?  Probably not he thought, Master Kynwric was too wise to let himself be caught between a rock and a hard place.


The Aes Sedai showed as much outward emotion as Master Kynwric which meant they showed nothing at all, at least not to his eyes.  The most he saw from any of them was a look of concentration or study as they interacted with the others though that could be anything.  He shifted his focus to the Accepted and smiled.  It was a wry smile that formed as he looked at one then the other.  They could not be more different, like night and day.  Selene was deep in conversation trying to be the picture perfect Accepted.  On second thought perhaps she was trying to emulate the Aes Sedai.  She was doing a very good job of it.  The other Accepted, Jerinia seemed to be trying to contain her excitement, a blind man could see it but she managed it well enough now.  He wondered what had her so excited?  Why did she want to go into the city?  Were they really going to let her out of their sight?  If they were he hoped that Kabria would be accompanying them, she said that she would try to be with him as much as possible.  An Accepted would certainly listen to an Aes Sedai before she would a Warder.  He did not worry about Selene listening, when he trained her she was always the model student.  Maybe Jerinia would see how Selene acted around him and try to emulate her.


Kabria was looking at him again.  He could not control what went through the bond.  From the moment they entered the room until now he had gone through a plethora of emotions.  Focus, determination then consternation followed by amusement back to consternation then concern and finally love, love as bright as the midday sun in a cloudless sky as he looked at her.  A smile formed on his lips and he shrugged slightly.  She was obviously paying attention to that bundle of emotions moreso than he had been.  The whole time while he was in deep thought he had not noticed anything passing through the bond from her but he knew there had to have been.  Even without be aware of it something was always there.  The bond definately took some getting used to.


He made another observation.  Why was he standing within arms reach of Kabria as if guarding her from cutpurses?  If either Loraine Sedai or Rasheta Sedai took note of his presence they would certainly think it odd.  Perhaps Loraine Sedai would not, she knew for a fact that he was odd. 


Perivar made his way to the corner where he unsheathed his sword and sat down.  He pulled a honing stone from his pouch and went about sharpening his sword.  It didn't need it but it was something to do other than standing next to Kabria looking like a fool.  The faint rasping sound added to the din in the room.  Even while sharpening his sword he was completely aware of everything in the room.  His little spot in the corner gave him a view of the entire room. 

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Kabria still wore a small smile standing at Loraine’s side, talking with Jerinia. It really wasn’t the girl’s fault that she hadn’t noticed that Kabria had been raised, after all without the shawl and the ageless face anyone could be blamed for thinking that she was just another young noble, they could be if they ignored the gracefully way in which she carried herself and the utter calm in her eyes.


She couldn’t like the idea of sending any of the girls out into the city, but if they had to go the least she could do was go along. “Dinner is soon Jerinia and after dinner perhaps Perivar and I will accompany you wherever it is you want to go.” Putting on a slightly bigger smile she gave a pointed look to Kynwric. The man really had over stepped his bounds interfering in that way. Idle conversation continued with Loraine trying to make everyone comfortable while appearing to do no such thing. Felling slightly useless Kabria took the time to study the bond and what she was feeling from her Warder. He was a tangle of emotions like she’d never felt from him before. He jumped from one to the next so quick it was dizzying. She detected a hint of..pleasure when he looked at Selene which made Kabria’s blood boil, but there was nothing for it. He was her Warder and she had to learn to accept what she could not change. Light Blast Aes Sedai serenity!! Her toughest lessons had been learning to control her temper and she very much feared that she had longer yet to learn.


The door opened slightly to admit a short man who shuffled his feet and shifted as the Aes Sedai’s gazes turned on him. “D-Dinner is ready..M-my Lady. Aes Sedai’s” He seemed relieved when Kynwric eased him to the door leading the party to take their seats at the table. There was some shuffling as everyone tried to give way for the Aes Sedai to sit first. Kabria ended up at one end of the table with Perivar to her right and Selene straight across with one of the guards next to her. Loraine and Kynwric were at the other in and Rasheta was somewhere in the middle.


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Perivar put the honing stone back in his pouch when the man came to announce that dinner was ready.  Perivar stood and sheathed his sword with a smile on his face.  The servant stammering as he spoke was the cause.  He could remember acting the same way around Aes Sedai.  He remembered when he first met Loraine Sedai, he had knocked over a chair to bow to her properly.  Light Kabria still made him stammer at times, something she took great pleasure in. 


Perivar followed Kabria to the table then quickened his pace so that he could hold the chair for her and see her settled in.  The smile she gave him made him smile in return.  The scent from food wafted to him causing his stomach to rumble.  He was eager to dig into the food but he waited patiently while the Aes Sedai then Accepted were served.  He was eager for a drink as well, a dozen of them in fact.  It might just be enough to make going into the city with Jerinia bearable.   

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Loraine smiled, finding humor in the tension that seemed to be stiffening Kynwric's body. He was reaching his frustration point, and while she could find humor in it, she knew he needed to diffuse it as much as possible. He'd need a sword soon. Perivar seemed to be feeling that tension, too, if his hovering and sword sharpening were any indication. She smiled at the butler as he entered the room, the fear in his eyes making it nearly impossible for her to control her laughter. "If you need refreshment before dinner, Rasheta Sedai, I will ask them to hold dinner a few minutes..." She smiled, still trying to help Rasheta relax a bit. Impossible, she knew, but her nature would allow nothing less.


When everyone had gathered for dinner again, she slipped her hand in Kynwric's and let him lead her into the dining room. She leaned close, a smile softening her expression and her voice dropping for his ears alone. "A bit longer, love. Perhaps we can take a walk in the garden after dinner?" Light, was it so obvious that she was fighting to make people relax? She met his eyes, laughter dancing in her own. "I fear I may break something walking these tightropes. I may need to find my sword, myself. Perhaps we should make it a spar in the garden instead of a walk?"


She settled into her seat at one end of the table and sighed, feeling relief as Kynwric sank into the chair next to her. If she reached for her wine a little faster than her fork, she prayed she covered it well...

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Kynwric merely nodded at Loraine's suggestion of a walk after dinner, he needed to be away from all this at least for a little while. Turning to look at her as she suggested a spar, responded in a tone much simmilar to hers. "Either one dear, I need to be away from these... children... for a while". Kabria's acting like she was still without a shawl and the blasted Accepted being sent along on this trip as if it were a jaunt in the countryside had him on edge. He would have to apologize to Kabria for how he had spoken to her, neverminding the fact that she had needed to be spoken to. Kyn sank down in the chair beside Loraine and wasted no time in reaching for his mug of ale, he glanced down at the food and took a long breath in before taking a drink, the food smelled good... he just wished he were hungry.

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Perivar finished what was on his plate then filled it again with thick slices of beef, roasted chicken, and  roasted lamb.  It was like a feast compared to what they ate in the field.  Naturally he avoided the vegetables like they were poisonous.  He would eat them when necessary but not when there was meat available.  He was quite while they ate keeping his focus on his food.  Their were murmurs of conversations around the table but he paid them no mind. 


Kabria obviously whispered something that he missed.  Something about liking food more than her.  He flashed a wicked grin.  "Yes this food is very good, like a feast."  He was being playful and she shot him a look that promised to make him pay.  She only held it for a moment before gracing him with a smile.  He was trying to put her at ease and lighten the mood from earlier.  There was still a hint of tension though now that everyone was concentrating on their food it seemed to lessen.  Everyone seemed to be concentrating on their food except for Master Kynwric.  Perivar offered his mentor a polite nod then looked around the table to see what the others were doing while he took a long pull from his mug.     

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Jerinia was feeling torn between eating and not eating. On one side, she'd play with her food a bit, looking outside and guessing the time she'd have left until nightfall. On the other, she was feeling hungry after the trip, and regardless of how she felt her body was demanding tribute. The result was that she ate fast one moment, then pause for a couple of minutes before hovering her fork above a second helping of steak. Be it excitement or nervousness, the fact was that she was feeling far from relaxed.


In the end, she still managed to scarf down a decent amount of food, and was desperately trying to appear patient while shifting uneasily in her seat as she waited for the Aes Sedai to rise, signaling the end of dinner as well as the start of her free time in the city. She knew what she wanted to do, it had been the very reason that she had almost begged them to bring her along on this trip. It was a good thing that both an Aes Sedai and a Warder were going to help her, she'd need all the help she could get. And given how people treated Aes Sedai in the Borderlands, it was help she was more than grateful for.




Can i go yet?



Melenis was feeling calm and relaxed, dining as if she had nothing to worry about. Having had the doubtable pleasure of making sure the Accepted didn't get themselves in trouble on the way to Shienar, she almost felt sorry for Perivar, especially with him and Kabria still needing to get used to the Bond if Kynwric's reaction had been an indication. Though she'd have a busy agenda for tonight as well -- a Banner-sergeant to calm down, for one -- it was still a relatively easy task compared to keeping up with the redheaded Accepted.


The food was good, and she took several helpings before finally settling on nursing a warm ale. She sat next to the Banner-sergeant, and was already discussing some of the details concerning lodging -- she'd stay with the ones lodging at the inn while he'd see to the ones bunking up in the Barracks. That, and making an appointment to meet later for group training and a series of sparring matches would handle most of the issues that could spring up between them.




Order above all.

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Kabria only picked at her food, though she’d filled her plate full. Much like Loraine and Perivar and Kynwric and even Melenis more of her focus was on the wine in her glass. As a rule she never drank more than one at a sitting, but with the build stress the last few days she needed some help to maintain Aes Sedai dignity.


By the time her second cup was gone and she’d started on a third she no longer cared that she and Perivar would be spending the evening with an Accepted and that Kynwric had talked to her like an infant. All those issue seemed to melt away the more she drank. Recognizing that her path could be a dangerous Kabria switched to water after her third glass, leaving her with a warm feeling throughout her body and far less stress. Lacing her fingers through Perivar’s she started a conversation with Selene even before she realized what she’d done. Perhaps adding another glass of wine now and then was not a bad thing at all.


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Perivar eyed Kabria warily.  She had barely eaten anything and was on her third mug.  He had never seen her drink more than one.  His concern lessened when she started drinking water though that was short lived.  She laced her fingers through his and actually initiated a conversation with Selene.  Perivar watched her eyeing the wine again.  He waited 'til their conversation trailed off then leaned close to her to speak.  He did not whisper in her ear though he leaned close speaking for her ears only.  He did it that way so it would seem as if it were just idle conversation, leaning towards her so he could be heard over the din in the room.  He was very careful with his tone so that he sounded concerned not admonitory towards her.  Kabria could be touchy when she thought he was trying to control her in any way so he made sure it sounded like a suggestion.  More food and less wine would do her well.  Hopefully she would take heed.  He reminded her of their plans after dinner and how he would enjoy her company immensely.


Perivar would hate to have to carry Kabria to her room or leave her behind after dinner because she could not walk.  Kabria had promised Jerinia that they would accompany her into the city after dinner.  If Kabria was not able to go then he would still be obligated to do so.  By the way she shifted in her seat, the Accepted could barely restrain herself from leaving that very moment.  There would be no putting her off her search.  Having Selene along may help if only Jerinia could be convinced to emulate her behavior.  Taking Selene without Kabria could be disastrous but he would have little say in whether or not she came along.

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Selene tucked into dinner with her usual will and enjoyment.  While not generally speaking a dense person, she seemed almost purposefully ignorant of the tense atmosphere.  After she had finished her food, she tried to talk to Jerinia about the borderlands.  Jerinia had been Selene's only source of first-hand information about things like trollocs and fades and the customs of the countries along the blight as they had been novices together, and actually being here had renewed her curiosity.


She wished she had been sat next to Loraine Sedai or Perivar, both of them would have such fantastic stories about the Blight and the strange creatures and plants that lived within it.  She noticed Jerinia's fidgeting and was a little surprised that the girl could be so antsy when on a trip training to be Aes Sedai.  Maybe you didn't have to be perfect and serene right off the bat as an Aes Sedai, Kabria Sedai didn't seem very calm or sedate, and she already had a warder!


Selene let her gaze play across the various tower guards in the room, thinking about warders and the blight and whether or not there would be dessert served very soon.  She wasn't hungry after the meal, but a little bit of something sweet would be delightful.  Her gaze fell on Melenis and for what felt like the first time, she wondered what having a female warder would be like.  She looked back to Perivar and Kabria Sedai and thought that having a female warder might make a lot of things easier, like balancing a personal relationship with a professional one.


"Jerinia, if it's alright with the Aes Sedai, can I go with you into the city?  I don't think I have anything I need to do tonight and it would be far more interesting that staying in the Inn."





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It seemed that in spite of her best efforts, she and Perivar would be saddled with both Accepted this evening. The very thought made Kabria want to reach for another drink, but instead she picked up her water glass and smiled at the two young girls. She felt Perivar’s had tightened on hers and a flash of caution flowed through the bond, but Kabria gave his hand a reassuring squeeze and asked Jerinia why she was so anxious to explore the city?


“Are you looking for something? Or someone? or just seeing the sites?"


Really! She was Aes Sedai she knew how to hold her temper and her tongue, as long as both the girl's kept there hands off of Perivar. Loraine had said that with time the jealousy would fade, but Kabria did not want to wait. She was sick of the gut wrenching emotions and having to fight back her outbursts. She was ready for Aes Sedai serenity to be second nature instead of a practiced skill.

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"Jerinia, if it's alright with the Aes Sedai, can I go with you into the city?  I don't think I have anything I need to do tonight and it would be far more interesting that staying in the Inn."


Jerinia was a bit surprised at Selene asking to come along, believing she would have preferred to remain near the Aes Sedai given the amount of questions she kept firing at them. Still, she considered her a friend, so that would probably be the reason. Casting a brief glance at Rasheta to check, she nodded happily at Selene. The more the merrier after all, and it would make what she wanted to do all the more easier!


- "Thanks Selene, i's love to have you along as well. I'd really need all the help i can get."


For a second, she wondered if perhaps she had said too much. If it had been just sightseeing, the Aes Sedai would probably have just allowed it, but she was worried that knowing the full reason might have them cancel her little search and have her stay at the Inn to not let herself get into trouble. She didn't intend to lie to them after a--


“Are you looking for something? Or someone? or just seeing the sites?"


She sighed, knowing that now, there would be no way she could hold back the reason why she wanted to go out without arousing suspicion and, following through on that, a greater chance of having her stay here after all than whether she'd just come out and say it. She looked at the others sitting at the table, to Kabria and Perivar whom would see to her safety, to Selene who had offered to come along, to the other two Aes Sedai that she believed would be interested in hearing her reason as well. Stopping herself from fidgeting with her cutlery, she started to speak, casting uneasy glances around the room.


- "Well... Back when i was heading to the Tower with my mother, a bunch of people were heading south from Malkier into Shienar, and the Malkieri soldiers were preparing to fight Trollocs in what would later be called the Fall of Malkier. My dad was a soldier as well, so he stayed behind, and even though me and my mother still write each other often i haven't heard from my dad since."


She placed her hand on her stomach, silently telling it to calm down. She was so nervous she felt like losing the dinner she had just eaten, but she knew she had to push on or lose the momentum she had and force herself to start again. Light, she felt about ready to cry as it was!


- "So yeah... It's about my dad. He'd need to have passed through here on his way south, and i just want to ask around if anyone remembers seeing him. I know it's been thirty years ago, so my chances aren't very big, but... Call me stupid, but i need to at least try. I'd have done so earlier, but this is my first time out of the Tower again."




Unexpected, always.

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Kabria shot a look of pure commiseration at Perivar and his arms reached out and laced around her shoulder. He could feel the stab of pain she’d felt and the guilt that came with it. Her story and Jerinia’s were so different and at the same time not so far from the same.


Looking into the child’s eyes she could see her pain and see her worry that her story would not be accepted. Looking down the table to see who was listening Kabria spoke quietly but loud enough for Jerinia and Selene to here. “I will not call you stupid, no one will. After the meal we will start your search, Perivar and I will give what ever assistance we can, You see..” she glanced again at Loraine and Kynwric and at Rasheta but they seemed engrossed in their own conversations. “My mother never told her parents about me, so they do not even know I exist and yet I intend to travel to the land of my mothers birth here in the Borderlands and look for people who could be years dead. So Jerinia, your task is no crazier than mine.”


Did she still feel anger at the girl for handling her Warder like a piece of meat? Yes, but now she knew there was some excuse and couldn’t summon more than a wry grin. Perhaps she was getting the hang of Aes Sedai serenity after all.


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Selene patted Jerinia's arm gently and offered the girl a warm smile.  She was relieved and happy when Kabria Sedai said that they would help Jerinia find word of her father, and with that act of kindness Selene's respect for the woman grew.  It must not be easy being an Aes Sedai and having to balance feelings and responsibility and everything all at once.


She looked from Kabria to Perivar and spoke quietly. "I brought my weapons along, but they are with the horses.  I won't need them, will I?"  She didn't mention the dagger she had tucked away into the banded white dress.  Ever since she had begun training with it, she had it with her whenever she left the Tower.  She was still using the staff and horsebow that she had chosen that first day with Perivar, and for the first time she wondered if she shouldn't look at weapons shops while they were up here.  It might be time to get her own staff.  It would serve as a souvenir of her first time going into the boarderlands.  She probably wouldn't be here long enough to have a proper bow made.




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OOC: If you all want to go out in the night how about doing a different thread for it so we can keep this one moving?




Kynwric sat there, ate, drank and eventually leaned back in his chair as he listened to the chatter around the table. He glanced at Loraine every so often as he tried to relax, he knew this was more her element than his and he let her run with it, only answering when something was directed to him specifically.

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((OOC: Yes, good idea!  I will make a new thread for it so this one can continue.  The thread for the expedition into the city is here))


The wondering was over as Jerinia explained the reason for eagerness to go into the city.  He did not need to look at Kabria to know the Accepted's story was striking a chord with her.  She had said often enough that he was her only family.  She had hopes of searching for her grandparents though over time it became evident to him that she did not expect to find them.  Perivar knew that she would be be focused on helping Jerinia find word of her father.


Perivar tried to comfort Kabria and offered Jerinia a sympathetic smile "We will do all that we can to discover word of your Father.  I know someone who may be able to help."  He would get word to Dangar, the Shienaran lancer who trained with him daily.  If any would know of Jerinia's Father it would be the soldiers.  If he had passed through the city then one could possibly remember her father.  It was long ago that Malkier fell but there was always a chance.   


Perivar was surprised when Kabria opened up to Jerinia.  He should not have been, as much as she used that sharp tongue of hers, she was extremely kind.  Perivar turned his head and gave her a loving smile.


Perivar turned his attention to Selene as she asked if she needed her weapons.  "No Selene, I think we will be as safe as we can possibly be inside the city walls.  Even with all the chaos, the Shienarans have done a good job of keeping the city safe."  Perivar stood up then pushed his chair in.  He made as if to leave the table then stopped.  "One word of caution though, if we encounter any Trollocs or Myrddraal stay close to Kabria Sedai, preferably behind her.  They fear her much more than me.  It stands to reason since she seems to do a much better job at killing them than I do.  So if you are looking for me I will be right behind her."  He smiled at Kabria then laughed out loud as if it was the funniest joke ever.


Perivar looked at the Accepted.  "We'll leave in a quarter of an hour.  Get whatever you need from your rooms then meet us on the front porch."  Perivar held Kabria's chair for her as she got up from the table.  They wished everyone a good day and excused themselves.  They walked arm in arm to their rooms to gather some belonging then made their way to the porch. 

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Loraine took a deep breath, but hid it behind her glass of wine. She'd long since lost count of how many refills she'd had, but she was far too tense to feel any of the affects. She'd eaten enough to help. She smiled as Kabria and Perivar volunteered to take Selene with them, as well. She didn't need to caution them about the dangers, so she kept her own counsel.


As dinner wrapped up, she smiled again. "Be careful, all of you. I'll have people up waiting on your return, just in case you run into trouble. And while you're out, I recommend a walk along the wall on the West side of the city. The view is amazing on a clear night," She winked at Perivar and Kabria before turning her smile on the others. "I believe we'll leave you to get settled for the night. Breakfast is served just before sun rise, but it's kept warm for a while. We shall discuss plans for our return to the Tower, then, if that suits...?"


When arrangements had been made she turned her smile back to Kynwric. "Care to take advantage of that view, Gaidin?"

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He eyed the foursome heading out into the streets at night but kept his concerns to himself, the Aes Sedai had spoken on what was allowed and he knew better than contradict her.


Kynwric was finishing off his cup when Loraine asked the question, he smirked and set the cup down. "Of course I would..." He said it lightly, but he knew she could tell the tension was grating on him and he needed some time 'off duty'. He rose and reached for her chair, pulling it out for her as she stood. "I am at your pleasure Aes Sedai."

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