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An updated "Who's your mentor/mentee???" thread!


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That's a LOT of people and a LOT of work, Taya! Thanks very much for what you're doing  :D


On my side: I see you've put me under Val, but not under Kelly Sedai. Kelly was my mentor, but you said we could put in a "spiritual" mentor, which is what Val was. Could you add me under Kelly too?


Serafelle Ismene al'Cormier

      Karana Majin

              Sheen Sedai

                    Raeyn Priya Saethyr

                            Kelly Sedai


And could you add my Mintees too, please? Lewstherin and Tara (full names given earlier)

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Wow, now that my whole list of mentees is there (or near enough to).... I've been a freaking busy Brownie :x


Oh yeah, did I mention my two since returning, both who have gone missing?  Karen and Sulin, those would be.  Yup, I totally had.


I have to say, I also do how you've covered Ajah changes via colors too <3  Though I believe that Nephitess was also Ara Galdring in the past (she can confirm or deny on that one :D), if you wanted collate those records.


Yay, more info! Thanks Elgee, I think I did put that in somewhere, but I must've lost it ;) Thanks for reminding me! And Raeyn I will have to check that one out ;) I remember Ara Galdring of course *g*


I know at one point I accidentally un-italicised all the "spiritual" mentees/mentors, so I lost track of which ones were which. BUt I can always look back at my older versions of the family tree for help there :)


EDIT: Ok, I know what happened now - I didn't put ANY of Kelly's minties in. Damn. *lol* editing now ;)


Katamar/Azelle Sedai was always White Ajah.  She had been debating between White and Green for awhile, but chose the White and was never part of another Ajah.


I'm not sure why Delenn's name is in Blue, since she's the White Ajah Head and was always White.


Yelenia is a Gray aspirant (right now she is not color coded).


Charis' mentees and my mentees (Charis, Poledra, Zardi, Xafira, and Starlightz) appear to be indented on the same level, so it looks a little confusing there.  Zardi's mentee needs to be indented more too.


Seeing Starlightz's name reminded me that I had one more mentee who never showed up, Kait.


Myra and Poledra are the same person (they are listed separately under Saeran's tree).


Taymist began in the Warder track, then went White, then went Red.  She was never Blue.


Emillith briefly went White in between being Brown and Green.


The Don is in the Red Ajah (he had no color code).


Calypsa is Gray Ajah, not Yellow.


Mightelove is Yellow.


Brendalea is Blue.




Sorry if that seems like a lot!  :-\



Looking under mind, I believe TheDemigod is now Dunbar, and a Yellow.  Unless there was another Demigod :s


*is bad Brownie who is forgetting a large chunk of her history*


:-* Dwynwen! Thank you! ;) I need all the help I can get *g*


There are bound to be errors, for instance there may be some people listed twice when they shouldn't be (for e.g. someone who is already part of a branch, but is also listed on their lonesome for no good reason :P So if you see that, do let me know!


Raeyn, gonna have to check that out ;) I have started a list of stuff to investigate *lol*


By the way, you're not all that bad...it's natural for one's mind to get a lil foggy when she's busy leaning on her cane ;)


P.S. Dwynwen - I assume that Taymist was a full ranked Warder at first, and then changed to AS?


Cheers Verbal :) did you ever go by another name at all?? I figure you would've looked for that if you had, just thought I'd ask ;)


No, Taymist was never a full-ranked Warder; she only started out on that path.  She went to about the Manshima/Accepted level before switching to White, since I was able to accept her into the Ajah right after her switch.  She was raised White, then switched to Red much later.  I mentioned it because it might mean she had more than one mentor (one for Warders, one for Aes Sedai), but I am not sure.  You will need to ask her or Lor. 



And Talya is a Red, for all she's not been given a color!  *winks*


  • Dragon Interrupted (Seamus) was a Brown aspirant, if not a full Brown.
  • Aelwhin Kerridar mentored a Min (which one beats me).
  • Siofra isn't on the tree; she mentored Ember Dione.  And probably loads more; shoot her a pm or something?
  • Tilli (Lind?) was a Brown Sister; I don't remember who her mentor was.


At this point, I got bored combing over the library for old references; the Grays are a MESS of lack of explanation on things :'(




Yep, I'll need to get in touch with Sio about this stuff :) I didn't realise she wasn't on the tree yet!


Nor is Ember! gosh!


Yep it was Tiili Lind, and she is already a Brownie up there :)


Thanks guys for the ongoing updates *g* I haven't had a chance the last couple of nights to do more, but all this will come in handy when I next do :) Probably tonight!


Bcxanth i know had a mentee asigned, i read about the topic elsewhere and checked the tree to check my listings, remmbered and went to check it out... handle is 'thewarlord', meaning Esteban has 4 generations :P


fantastic work, Taya!


my mentor was Loraine, the Wicked MoNster!

my spiritual mentors were Tessandra, Niamh and Maria


I've had 2 mentees, but they went inactive almost the moment they became a novice, so yeah, no one to note at the moment :(


Ah and yes, Talya is a Red :)


I have a question for everyone! Do you think I should bother including aspirants who never made one single post before leaving DM? ;) I dunno...there are even some aspies who (when I was MoN) said they wanted to join, but then never got back in touch after that *g* They probably shouldn't be on the tree!


i would say one post minimum maybe should be the limit ;)


Thanks for the info Liitha & Mystica :) btw Myst, did your totally inactive minties post even once on DM?? or not? *g* If they did, then perhaps they count enough! ;)


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