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BT / Red Ajah - Meet and Greet ((OOC))


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*kicks the pg-13 board in the figgin (that's a kind of muffin, you dirty minded person you!)*


*sees Covai giving her a firm look*


It's ok, pg13 and I are oooooold friends. He hangs out at the Red Ajah (Org Side). He's even met a nice pgina13 board there. They've had puppies. We gave them to the Blues.  ;D

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*shakes head and corrals her girls* Sorry boys, I will make sure they get back on their meds right away. From my end, I think that if they want to place the bond from both ends they can, I see no reason to retrict it but I think alot characters are not going to be ok with it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

*runs in slightly late*  :-[


Name: Raslyn Altearin

Rank: Keeper of the Chronicles


Question 1: Would you like to hold the bond, be bonded, or are you willing to do either?


Raslyn would of course hold the Bond. The idea of being Bonded doesn't bear even thinking about!


Question 2: If you are bonded, would you be willing to be bonded to an Aes Sedai/Asha'man who holds bonds to other WT/BT Chars?


Yes, no problem there.


Question 3: If you are holding the bond, are you willing to bond more than one Aes Sedai/Asha'man?


Depends how the first one works out. :P



Short Bio: Raslyn is 149 years of age from Mardecin in Amadicia. She dislikes frippery and fuss and is a no-nonsense, plain, speak-as-she-finds type of woman. She has a sharp shrewd mind that can figure out all angles of a conversation before the other person has finished speaking. She will speak her mind, but will almost always think of the ramifications before she does. She loves her Ajah with a passion and will heatedly defend it and her fellow members from any perceived slight. She looks severe and forbidding but can be quite friendly with a ready smile to those who have got to know her. She is slow to make friends but once she does they become a friend for life and she will remain loyal regardless.


A fuller bio can be found here

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