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Bonding an Aes Sedai?


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*smiles and takes the pudding,snuggling Maegan* Mine!



And since we're posting info - here's some info for my char


Basic stats:

Name: Davram

Age: 36

Sex: Male

Hair: Short and black

Eyes: Dark

Skin: Tanned and rough

Height: 6 feet

Voice: Deep and booming bass

Nationality: Saldean

Rank IC: Asha'man


Personality: Davram is an ex cavalary officer,and has a fiery temper befitting one.At first glance he appears moody but is actually quite sociable and open.He knows how to control his temper,and as a heritage from his cavalary days - is ready to throw himself in harms way for a friend.


His views of Aes Sedai are somewhat typical.As a borderlander he has great respect for them,since they fight the same enemy.As a male channeler though,he can not help but be a bit uneasy and weary of them.

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Well, let's see if I can join in on this. Not sure if I'll bond or not but as this is a get to know you thread for finding that out I figured I'd join in.


Nakor Zorrander:

Age: 16

Rank: Dedicated

Hair: Black

Eyes: Blue

Height: 5'6"

Build: Small, wiry

Other features: Has a line of white hair running diagonally across his head from the right side in front to the left side in the back that was caused by a head wound when he was younger. Has come to accept this and usually forgets its even there.

Origin: Mayene noble

Personality: Quiet and reserved most of the time but he has a short fuse on his temper. Between his short stature and his slight frame he is wont to prove himself and often sees insult where none was meant. Aside from that he is an introspective soul who seldom speaks and is a bit of a loner. Also due to his small size, he has spent most of his time developing his mental abilities, and was considered to be the most intelligent young man not just of his age but in his generation that his nation had. Nakor is willing to fight to serve the Lord Dragon but is more inclined to healing during and after the battle.


If bonded would probably try his best to have a friendship with his "prisoner" but barring that would do all he could to prove his surperiority(at least in the bond) without actual abuse.

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Guest Dalinar

Okay, a few ground rules...


1) A great idea, Shan, and thanks for starting the thread. This is actually a good way to help me make the decisions on who will get involved in the RP from the BT end. As has been pointed out, too, it's a good way to establish bonds that are more likely to "work". :D


2) That said, there're no guarantees to anyone from the BT end (just so you know, guys and gals), that I will put a seal of approval on things going ahead for your particular character. Please go ahead and 'explore the possibilities' but I wouldn't make concrete plans until you have it in writing from me that I am happy with things...


3) THAT said - don't rule yourself out! There're a whole stack of things I'll be looking at in selecting for this RP, and it's not necessarily experience, or rank or any one particular other thing.


Okay, I'm sure I could think of more to say, but I'm veeery tired right now so I'll just gloss over any other details.


I'm considering Dali for involvement in this RP also. It would be an interesting role for him to play given his past...


Dali was brought up in Shienar (frick! another Borderlander?!?). He didn't have particular passion for the typical swordscrafts, and was raised under the tuition of a Healer (of the herbs and sutures type, not the One Power type). At a youngish age (early twenties) he developed a relationship with an ailing Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah (who, if you're interested, was named Brianna) who had a congenital heart condition or some such similar which was untreatable by Dali's attentions. Her ailment was slow enough in its effect that they became close, however, and she ended up bonding him as a Warder in hopes that it might extend her life (they say Aes Sedai get SOMETHING out of the bond, so I just played with the concept... or perhaps the truth of it is a dying and lonely woman wanted to feel close to someone in the world for once... who knows...) Anyway, one way or another Brianna's ailment went into remission and she and Dali went to Tar Valon, and then from there on occasional short trips over the next years. Dali fell in love with her, and perhaps her with him though who knows. She was, in another lovely cliche, passionate about the Dragon, but her pursuits were rather theological rather than practical, I suppose one would say, and thus Dali has a greater than average (though certainly not exactly 'scholarly') knowledge of the prophecies etc. Hunting and gathering information on prophecies in different lands and cultures. To cut a long story short, Brianna eventually found the end of her thread in the Pattern, and her dying wish to Dali was that he pursue the rumours of a Dragon's Banner that had been raised in Saldaea, a banner raised by the man who would found the Black Tower (this being around his mid-twenties). Dali went, of course, grief stricken though he was he found the 'direction' that allowed him to survive his tragedy in Brianna's dying wish. He also found Dramon Calgar, and joined him - on learning that he could be taught to channel - as one of his first Asha'man.


Dali quickly manifested astounding skills in Healing which paralleled the passion he had had as a youth and a young man (AoL Healing). He presents in the Power with astonishing skill, though his strength is slightly below average. Blah blah who cares anyway...


Dramon was put into a coma in a conflict with one of the Forsaken who took over the BT, and that same Forsaken then named Dali as the M'Hael while he posed as "the Dragon Reborn"... all was found to be false in Tear when the true Dragon defeated said Forsaken and took the Stone of Tear... And Dali was left (still) as the M'Hael in the wake of all that.


Thus: As Asha'man go, Dali is unusually sympathetic towards Aes Sedai, having had greater exposure to them than most. He is not particularly a "general" or "commander" of armies, and has many trusted staff with more experience in this regard than he. He is, however, by virtue of the nature of his old profession as Healer (or perhaps that vocation became his calling because of it), a man who can inspire trust and confidence. He is better suited to reason, negotiation and diplomacy than to outright force and conflict. He is a generally calm man, and seldom loses his temper.


Appearance wise, he isn't that special. His looks are kind, and gentle, but not exactly "handsome" or "pretty". He's tallish, with greyish eyes and mouse brown hair that is usually pulled back from his face with a leather thong. He's on the lean side, and probably stronger than he looks, but hardly studly. His eyes are slightly creased with lines where laughter might once have been, but where more recent responsibilities have given cause for more frowning and worry than in the past.


His past with Aes Sedai isn't widely known in the Tower, but could be an interesting play-point.


And just as an OOC aside, I actually did play Dali as a bonded Asha'man in one of the older versions of DM and it's RP-side, bonded to an AS of the Blue who has since moved on due to studies etc. But we would have role-played together at least a year or more, and it was great fun and made a good friend. :)


if anyone wants to chat about the RP in general, or any specific aspect of it with me, then feel free to PM me, email me (mhael@blacktowerdiv.com/bjnoteboom@iinet.net.au) or contact me on MSN (benj1906@hotmail.com - this is NOT for email pleeease! ;))


Tah. :D



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*peeks in* well nothing setled for me atm...but i shown interest over at wt *nods* basicaly cause me and my warder is having troubles coming up with plots...this just sort of poped out of the blue as an option


though its an option to come with the first or second party or well meet someone in the bands citadel or many other things...again need to talk to my warder nuit who most here know as dash


just in case a few words on ata


she came from a farm and went to the tower beeing a wilder and had a block, insecure and without direction the first few years untill her sister was killed. After that she chose to work to aspire yellow to figth the shadow by healing others that he would try to take away ..


..rescently however (mainplotlinish retro) she was stilled and then healed again...so now she is a weak channeler (strength 18) and she has chosen blue as her her new ajah traveling the roads with her causes one known beeing to find girls to send to the wt, as well as seeking information, and one unknown that she has chosen to hide even from me (darn chars hiding things up their sleeves)

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Guest Estel

I can see Isha Bonding a Red or Green (though it doesn't really matter)


How Isha would treat his Bondmate really depends on what she's like. Isha would likely befriend a weaker Aes Sedai (weaker from a personality perspective). If the Aes Sedai's a bitch to him, he'll bitch back. An Aes Sedai with a strong personality would be able to handle him and if she wins his respect and trust he'll be loyal.

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as i got it the ashies freak out and bond the AS so ic they wouldnt get a great deal of time to know eachother cause it would happen in the fuzz when the AS enter camp...thats how i understood it anyway


-A party of 12 Aes Sedai is being send to the Black Tower to explore the grounds and to watch men for signs of madness and likely to gentle men as approved by the Hall of the Tower. But as the White Tower is not aware the Black Tower is as large and trained as it is, the Aes Sedai get outnumbered and are being killed(NPCs/TTPCs; this depends on the numbers of Aes Sedai interested as the group will be a group of 12) and bonded unwillingly(PCs).
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Name Ashrak Delin

Age: mid twenties

Rank: Ashaman

6'2" medium build, blonde hair and blue eyes




He has a cousin Gareth Galen former warder who has left and joined the Dark Side. As youngsters before they both left Caemyln Ashrak was a bit of a womanizer which now in his later years has caused him to have a deeper respect for them wanting to atone somewhat for the way he has previously treated women (nothing bad just womanizing). He was recruited by a group of men in Caemyln after he burned down is own house killing his mother, and has never forgiven himself for the death of his mother.


Ashrak has always been a student of war. As a child he studied with the caemlyn guard, and as an adult he has read every book on weaves and war that the Black Tower has. He is also facinated with the power in general how it works both Saidar and Saidin. He was given the rank Ashaman after the battle for the Stone of Tear.


As Aes Sedai go he would treat them well, and as long as they kept a civil tone and manner him he would keep the same with them. Unlike most Ashaman he is much more facinated with Aes Sedai and their ability to manipulate Saidar than he is afraid or wary of them, which would cause him to treat them well, almost like a sister or loved one than a prisoner. In order to study how they use the power and how the two would interact when a man and woman link. Ashrak would get along with any ajah. The Politics of the ajahs would not disuade him or change the way he looked at the Aes Sedai

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Well, I'll lightly stick Dash in here as a possible Bonder.


He's over 6 foot, weighing in at around 250-300 pounds, is close to 30, is pretty hard core at physical training and holds the other Shielding Talent here.


Dash is also the second ranking member of the Black Tower, and has since mellowed out from his soldier days. (psst, talk to Covai if you want all the stories :wink: )


Nowadays, he does a lot of paperwork and day-to-day things in the Farm, and goes out to keep in shape. He also does the cooking in the Tower Inn, and used to do the serving himself but now uses the Civilians here as needed plus other low ranks to serve food.


Pretty easy going, Dash also has a spine of steel and can be stubborn when you get his back up. He's spent years in the corps d'elite Shienaran Blight Scouts doing deep Blight scouting raids and is good at tracking.


He disappeared from Shienar when his ability to channel revealed itself, and eventually made his way to the Farm.


He is a very loyal friend, and would spend his life to save those he considers friends. He's also intense and demanding when he needs to be, but if there's no need he's relaxed and easy going.

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*hangs head* My own ex mentee and oldest friend ganging up against me.


*grins* He's mellowed out since he got his Civvie girlfriend... slightly. But he's still open to having an AS, whether she tries to seduce him or not is open to debate.


Personal, I'm looking at the barrel of gunpowder that is Dash's home and almost hoping for a seductive AS just to see how big a bang happens, but that's me. *wanders off muttering about the pink elephents and their monkey allies ganging up to attack*

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lol! he's getting there slowly but surely



and there will be BIG fireworks if it happens any time soon. not quite so much if it waits a bit... Dashiva's "girlfriend" is only just now being seen as a woman instead of an object around Dashiva's house...to the disappointment of Racelle

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Hey, just thought I'd come and say hi since I have expressed interest in being involved with this over on the WT boards. Still waiting to see what Robin thinks of course, but how can we have a party going out with a potential for conflict and NOT have a Green involved? :)


I guess I'll do that stats thing as well, cause I'm such a bangwagon joiner.


Name: Kaylan Morin

Age: ... not telling ;) Of an age with Muirenn, she's one of the oldest Aes Sedai in the Tower.

Rank: Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah

Appearance: She's 5'5 or thereabouts, has waist length white blonde hair, bright green eyes, and has worn scandalously low cut dresses all her life. By now, though, she's far too old for men, and is likely to lash out with the Power (she has a Shielding Talent) and a fist for anyone that thinks her low cut dresses mean she's... er, open for business.

About Kaylan: Originally from Four Kings, Kaylan is an expert and an experimenter with Shadowspawn and the Blight. Over the years she's studied pretty much all aspects of the Dark One's touch on the world, include the taint (courtesy of her one-time BT boy toy Torlong). Kaylan is firmly anti-political and has no time for playing with words to impress people. She's blunt, and believes that one should show worth to gain respect, not try to get it through words and appearances. Kaylan does not suffer fools. While her manner can be offputting, once a person has shown themselves worthy of her respect, Kaylan will do all in her power to help them.

Unlike most of the people posting here, I'm far from inexperienced when it comes to having Bonds. ICly Kaylan has held the Bonds of ten different Warders over the years, and she currently has three (one of whom is about to die). Keep in mind that six of those are NPCs for her history (no way could a Green who is 300 or so have only had 4 Warders in her lifetime), and unfortunately one of my Warders hasn't been seen here in over a year, another is on LoA from RP indefinately, and the other is currently on LoA ... maybe I've got bad luck or something *sobs*


... yeah, so anyway... While I've been a bit slack with posting lately, thankfully I'm actually graduating in under a month, and I'll have time to spend writing for my own things rather than uni assignments again. Uni is eating my brain! ... er, stay in school, kids.


Before I degenerate completely into incoherence, I think the most important thing about the Bond from an Asha'man is not an IC compatibility but an OOC compatibility. Regardless of whether I do participate in this side of things in the end, I'd love to come over and interact with some of you BT boys (and girls in disguise) sometime anyway, so ... yeah.


Sorry about the rambling, I'm blaming it on uni :)



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I'd kiss you over your insistance on OOC compatibility, but I don't know how you'd react to that so I wont... yet :wink:


Your Green sounds very much like a female version of Dash, right down to the Shielding Talent.


Hmm, Torlong was once one of Dash's apparently many mentors. *thinks and starts muttering* Zby, Koras, Torlong, Covai I'm sure there were more *blinks and looks around*


Oops, anyways, well your Sedai's tendancy for wearing low cut dresses probably wouldn't make Dash look her over more than once, being Shienaran and those public bathhalls and all.


May try catching you on MSN, poke over some bits and pieces.

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Guest Faile1987

Hey this sounds really interesting and I´d so like to have Ged being a part of this but unfortunately he´s still a Soldier (though he´ll be raised as soon as Muir´s BEM thread is finished *pokes*), but still maybe he´ll have the option of bonding an Aes Sedai when he´s "grown up"...


Still, here are some details about him:


Physical appearance: long blonde hair bound with a leather throng, startling, but sad green eyes, he´s on the lean side, 6 feet tall, 20 years old, Andoran (from a farm near Baerleon)




- broken and haunted by his memories, he was once a very cheerful boy but now feels he has lost anything because of the the One Power and his (accidentally) killing eleven people (among which his own mother has been as he found out later) in an inn in Baerleon as he discovers that his father has been killed in a fight over a card-game


-highly depressive and suicidal (though he´s overcome this by now)


- trying to deal with his past but haunted by nightmares and the people he has killed also in "waking" life


- wants to make up for what he has done and tries his best to live up to the BT standards though he hates the thought of having to fight and kill people one day


- is afraid of losing it again and of going mad, determined to kill himself or get himself killed before time is up (oh yes, he´s a cheerful creature)


- hates his strongest element fire and tries to avoid using it (since he´s killed those people by burning down the inn)


- would do anything for his friends and still can´t believe that there actually are people who don´t despise him for what he did (though there are only 2 people in the BT who he told the truth about his past so far)


Yes, that´s just a short overview about Ged but I can tell you, he´ll be a very psychotic, but loyal and devoted Asha´man one day (though most likely a pacifist at heart, but fight if and when he has to)


*realizes that she´s just bluntly given away everything about Ged´s past (or nearly everything)*



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