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Hi, my name is Nissa, and I"m looking to join this great group of people!


However, I have a slight problem. When I went to email Lor at the email address in the sticky at the top, it said delivery failed because domain missing.


If anyone could help me out, that'd be really great!!



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Welcome, Nissa - I'm sure you'll look lovely in whites (or leathers, whichever route you're going)!


As it were, I seem to have troubles with her email too sometimes... I'd suggest either hanging tight, trying to email her again later, or shooting her a PM.  Whatever you do, I'm sure she'll be with you soon :)



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A pleasure to be of assistance!


Also, a point of curiousity here - did you get your screen name from A Song of Ice and Fire?  I know there's a song called Nissa, but the book reference was the first thing that came to mind :)

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hi Nissa!!  i, like you am also waiting to join.  if your goign to go for Novice i'd be more than happy to be your novice buddy :D


look forward to seeing you around more.



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Hi Nissa, welcome! I'm sure things will be sorted soon, and that we can look forward to seeing you round the other boards in a while - in the meantime, do tell us something about you! :) I'm Tal, White Ajah - nice to meet you!

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Welcome to the WT, Nissa...  :D  I hope you enjoy it here with this crazy bunch!    If you're going Novice, make sure to visit all around because some of the Ajahs are different than their book counterparts.


*waves to Nissa and snuggles Nia on the way out*

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Guest nephitess

Welcome welcome!! we love new blood...err...people! *grins*


Come check out all the Ajahs once your set up...we are all fun in our own ways. I know you'll find where you fit after getting to know who is who around here. :D

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Hiya Nissa! I'm from the green ajah and as you can see all the ajahs are very friendly.

Like the others said, please stop around each ajah so that you can get to know us all since we're the ORG side and are therefore not completely like the books.

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Guest Cairos

Hi Nissa. Welcome to the WT. I'm Cairos from the Gray Ajah. I'm the Chef in the Gray ajah and I bring lovely gifts for you.


*hands her a basket full of cookies, brownies, mini cheesecakes and scones.*


yes all the ajahs are really nice and you should stop by each. have a awesome time here.

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Guest nephitess

*points to what Vemy said* Yes if you try to PM Lor..You need to use the account name.. U4ea.

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Alright, I just went through the junkmail box, too and can't find anything from you (though I did find yours in there, Red, so I'll be getting you all set up within the next few days! I've added you to the usergroup, btw). If you try again at theDMMoNster@tiffanyfranklin.net and still can't get it through, PM me and I'll get you my other e-mail address. I'll find a way to get you in there! :D


Oh, by the by, I'm LOR! :D Nice to meet you and welcome to the Tower!

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