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WT OP Scores (Please read everyone)


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kk, will update when i get home.


Also, i'll make some edits to fix the Strentgh and Potency scores of the few that were off -- expect a post w/attachment later tonight ^_^


Also, what did you mean by 'freezing the header column'? I didn't quite get that part...

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Right, Larindhra's last name fixed.


Before the final version of the table is complete, i'd need to talk to Jade about a couple of things.


I'll keep you posted, but in the meantime keep finding those errors! ^_^


Edit: Using my attachment, of course. Don't have poor Jade reupload a page three times per day now ;D

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I think that's because Jeh's version isn't uploaded yet Eadon, her's is in a document, once we get it on the website it should be fixed. Scroll bar is pretty cool, what does everyone think of it?? Jeh I am going to respond to your comments on the pm in a moment here. *G*

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I think that's because Jeh's version isn't uploaded yet Eadon, her's is in a document, once we get it on the website it should be fixed. Scroll bar is pretty cool, what does everyone think of it?? Jeh I am going to respond to your comments on the pm in a moment here. *G*


Okay, given the feedback on Elgee's scrollbar i'll add it into the version i'm working on as well. I'm also going through the generated Strength and Skill scores to check for errors there. There's a couple i found so far, i'll try to get in touch with them as well.


Also, more feedback: Since a number of characters are Dead rather than Inactive, i'd like to suggest making a table for them as well. For some reason, it doesn't really fit well to lob them in amongst the Abandoned and Dropped. Layout would be:




Active Characters


Dead Characters


Inactive Characters




Thoughts? Also, replied to Jade's PM.

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Two, being Lanfir and her Keeper, just because i read about them making Ja'varan's bio. I don't know any others, unfortunately ^^;


I don't think everyone got what i meant there. It's not that there are two dead characters in the list, it's that there are two dead characters that i know are dead in the list.


I'd just need someone who's been here a good while longer than me to run past the list for me ^^;

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Nah, I think we get what you mean, but that most of us are generally unconcerned in that most people don't make a point to kill off any of their characters, or if a character does 'die', it was only a dream or something of the like :)

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LOL well the ones of the top of my head are Kathana, Karana, Jehanine, but there are probably way more than that. The problem is that those of us that have been here this long, have no idea who killed their characters, unless it was a big rp that involved a whole ton of people like Lanfir and Lyanna. So I am thinking, though I like the Dead Characters list, there's no way of knowing accurately who is alive or dead or just inactive. *G*

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Near-Final version done! All that's left is a final checkup and the scroll bars and everything's all done ^_^.


Everyone, please check the characters that have been changed, as in some cases changing elements is required. Thank you for your time.




OP Strength: random generated cost you recieved to buy element points with.

Strength: The total of your element points.

Cost: The total cost of your element points. Usually the same as OP Strength. Usually.

Max. OP Strength exceeded: Female Strength is capped at 34, you were awarded more for some reason.




---=== Active Characters ===---


Esther Tremaine: Strength lowered from 34 to 32 (incorrectly listed)

Janine Alastarn: Strength lowered from 34 to 32 (incorrectly listed)

Kareja Niatari: Max. OP Strength exceeded -- please unbuy two points. (FIXED)

Kelleen Sudora: Four points unspent, please buy more elements ^^ (FIXED)

Kirjava Daemora: Two points over the limit (cost 30 vs. OP Strength 28), please unbuy.

Mirandha Bayana: One point over the limit (cost 27 vs. OP Strength 26), please unbuy. (FIXED)

Naremi Yoshan: Two points over the limit (cost 30 vs. OP Strength 28), please unbuy. (FIXED)

Neres Yoshan: One point unspent, please buy more elements ^^

Oriella Distung: Strength lowered from 32 to 30 (incorrectly listed)

Quatilina Suela: Strength lowered from 33 to 31 (incorrectly listed)

Visen Yoshan: One point unspent, please buy more elements ^^ (FIXED)


To Staff:


Cara Ramsey, Gaea Berend, Jaydena Mckanthur, Kareja Niatari, Kaylan Morin, Muirenn Alianin, Nynaeve Maryim, Oriella Distung and Raeyn Priya Saethyr unlisted on the Little book of Novices.


---=== Inactive Characters ===---


Abigail Veldman: Strength raised from 27 to 29 (incorrectly listed), two points over the limit (cost 30 vs. OP Strength 28), please unbuy.

Adanna Ibelin: Three points unspent, please buy more elements ^^

Aemelvi Shenran: One point over the limit (cost 27 vs. OP Strength 26), please unbuy.

Akinori Tasdae: Skill raised from 30 to 32 (incorrectly listed)

Aleanda Antori: Strength lowered from 30 to 28, Skill raised from 30 to 32 (both incorrectly listed)

Alexis Cristos: One point over the limit (cost 23 vs. OP Strength 22), please unbuy.

Alexis Nedial: Strength lowered from 30 to 27 (incorrectly listed)

Alicatia: Strength lowered from 30 to 27 (incorrectly listed), max. OP Strength exceeded -- please unbuy one point.

Almindhra Dhasara: Two points unspent, please buy more elements ^^

Ameline Fordasha: Now has a last name again.

An'drea Tior: Strength lowered from 26 to 25 (incorrectly listed), one point over the limit (cost 27 vs. OP Strength 26), please unbuy.

Annya Rowan: Strength lowered from 31 to 29 (incorrectly listed), now has a last name again.

Aramina sur Dulcinea: Skill raised from 30 to 34 (incorrectly listed).

Arantha Corentin: Possible typo fixed (Aranhta --> Arantha)

Arethusia Demarco: Strength and Skill swapped.

Arien TeVal: Strength and Skill swapped.

Ash'ni Jagad: Strength raised from 27 to 28 (incorrectly listed).

Daenara Siltha: Strength and Skill swapped.

Daenerys Stronbow: One point unspent, please buy more elements ^^

Daraniea Rystead: Now has a last name again.

Darienna Ceradin: Strength lowered from 33 to 30 (incorrectly listed).

Deiria Sha'veer: Strength raised from 30 to 31 (incorrectly listed).

Dervol Callan: Strength raised from 27 to 29, Skill lowered from 34 to 32 (both incorrectly listed).

Deyalyn Mhan'din: Skill lowered from 34 to 30 (incorrectly listed).

Eleanor Maenin: +1 added to Skill (Potency showed the +1 already).

Elizabeth: One point over the limit (cost 28 vs. OP Strength 27), please unbuy.

Elinielle Serathei Iridin: Two points over the limit (cost 29 vs. OP Strength 27), please unbuy, now has a last name again.

Elnora Jolryn: Skill raised from 28 to 29 (incorrectly listed).

Elwyn Avery Straton: Skill raised from 30 to 36 (incorrectly listed).

Elyith Ishel: Strength lowered from 32 to 31 (incorrectly listed).

Emroin Niromir: Typo fixed (Niromie --> Niromir).

Helena Taravin: Strength lowered from 28 to 26 (incorrectly listed), name typo fixed (Helen --> Helena).

Inara Feitar: Name typo fixed (Freitar --> Feitar).

Indira Senoj Koveras: Two points over the limit (cost 30 vs. OP Strength 28), please unbuy, now has a middle name again.

Irina Ernewayn: Nine(!) points unspent, please buy more elements ^^. Max OP Strength exceeded, removed from remaining points.

Jahana Ananda: Two points over the limit (cost 31 vs. OP Strength 29), please unbuy.

Jesaen Merihin: Strength lowered from 28 to 27 (incorrectly listed).

Jesya Kiry: Strength lowered from 27 to 26 (incorrectly listed).

Kalinde Yarrah: One point over the limit (cost 27 vs. OP Strength 26), please unbuy.

Kara Bankshee: Strength lowered from 25 to 23 (incorrectly listed).

Karana Majin: Max OP Strength exceeded, please unbuy two points.

Kelderi Sirinda: Typo fixed (Sirinds --> Sirinda).

Lauren Arrel: Typo in sheet suspected (21 OP Strength vs. 31 OP Strength in table).

Lavinya Morganen: Strength lowered from 23 to 22 (incorrectly listed).

Levana Edanya: Strength raised from 25 to 26 (incorrectly listed), one point over the limit (cost 26 vs. OP Strength 25), please unbuy.

Lillian Tremina: One point unspent, please buy more elements ^^

Lylana Diandaere: Swap in sheet suspected (OP Strength and Skill), two points unspent, please buy more elements ^^

Maegan Ryanne: One point over the limit (cost 29 vs. OP Strength 28), please unbuy.

Meritaten Makeda: Five points unspent, please buy more elements ^^

Merilaine Candwin: One point unspent, please buy more elements ^^

Milagia y'Lehmku: Typo fixed (Lemhku --> Lehmku).

Mirana El'Sayar: Two points unspent, please buy more elements ^^

Misha Allien: One point over the limit (cost 28 vs. OP Strength 27), please unbuy.

Miya Kiyoshi: Strength and Skill swapped, Strength lowered from 32 to 30 (incorrectly listed).

Myriade Erduan: Ten(!) points over the limit (cost 36 vs. OP Strength 26), please unbuy.

Opal: Strength lowered from 26 to 25 (incorrectly listed).

Preia Ravenlock: Strength lowered from 26 to 25 (incorrectly listed).

Salandrian Faerhind: Two points over the limit (cost 25 vs. OP Strength 23), please unbuy.

Saline: Strength lowered from 29 to 27 (incorrectly listed), one point unspent, please buy more elements ^^

Sandrilene fa Toren: Strength lowered from 28 to 27 (incorrectly listed), now has a last name again.

Sesily Mosvati: Strength lowered from 23 to 22 (incorrectly listed), OP Strength lowered from 25 to 24 accordingly (not listed on sheet).

Shanara Al'Kaoud: Strength lowered from 25 to 21 (incorrectly listed).

Sial Daemoa: Strength lowered from 24 to 23 (incorrectly listed).

Starmela al'Geneeva: One point over the limit (cost 31 vs. OP Strength 30), please unbuy.

Suzaku Nalemar: Typo on sheet (Strength and Skill swapped).

Syara: Strength lowered from 28 to 26 (incorrectly listed).

Taeadra Cuthane: Strength raised from 27 to 29 (incorrectly listed).

Taei Mirel: Strength lowered from 27 to 25 (incorrectly listed).

Tay Maorre: Strength lowered from 23 to 21 (incorrectly listed).

Telaisien Nem: Skill raised from 33 to 36 (incorrectly listed).

Tatiana Muireach (Red NSW): Two points over the limit (cost 32 vs. OP Strength 30), please unbuy, Ajah added to NSW.

Twyle: One point over the limit (28 cost vs. OP Strength 27), please unbuy.

Vera Cadsanome: Strength lowered from 29 to 28 (incorrectly listed).

Zaire Sharimaei: Strength lowered from 28 to 27 (incorrectly listed).



To Staff:


Alexandria, Alexis Nedial, Alnaya Nissedra, Amirstein Bailey, Aoife Roa', Ara Galdring, Arantha Corentin, Arethusia Demarco, Arette Nenatiar, Ariel Myrinin, Arien TeVal, Ashanda Kisain, Ashmelinen Corsere, Ash'ni Jagad, Ayzilia El'Feldt, Calliste Le Fay, Cerianth DeCorenn, Claire al'Windischan, Cyndrid, Daenara Siltha, Delanna Azurine Caval, Deiria Sha'veer, Diane Romallo, Egwainne Ayne, Elayri Ashern, Eldrenne Ayschar, Eleanor al'Raim, Emily Damodred, Eriya Marithsen, Espara a'Dautry, Faerzyne Grigory, Fridien Adir, Gianna Riatin, Halvie Faury, Isra Nimriel d'Ilin Alisandair, Jafael Miravyn, Jaylin Mandra, Jedaiyen Syrtis, Jehanine DeGavriele, Jesaen Merihin, Jhorind Qwan, Kaida Kerin, Kairon Akinori, Kamariana al'Meaar, Kamlia Yasbar, Karana Majin, Kareil Coshere, Kartos Dal'Avier, Kemiki Arilyn, Khorja Niselle, Kiarla Shoreton, Kit Deranin, Lanfir Leah Marithsen, Liesl, Linara Cordei, Loraine Kilaines, Luciana Alonia, Lyanna al'Ellisande, Lwena Malarct, Mae Donawin, Mandi Mubrylla, Marce Delfor, Mariel, Menora Tareuna, Misa Asmi, Moira Eaelinas, Moraine Damond, Myriam Asynja, Nadine Templar, Nekal Heridan, Ne'mireth Simoua, Nevaeh Al'Acar, Nymphia Marisa, Perine Caral, Poluna Navidari, Preia Ravenlock, Quentaira Elmoran, Raven Charisma, Rebecca Vemyr, Rhea Katalaye, Rhoslyn Brilloun, Rosahna al'Dazar, Rowan Shadlin, Sarai Decoa, Sarena Asnobar, Sasra Cooper, Serena Morrigan, Sesily Mosvati, Shaina, Shaneevaeh el'Edware, Sheran Amir, Shyna Kelnack, Sibel Whitewater, Sildrin Dagdandanin, Sirayn Simeone Damodred, Taeadra Cuthane, Taia Sanger, Tania Ramsey, Taya Gille, Tayline Jolryn, Telcia Dyfelle, Tiassale Morobin, Tinnulim mel'Rethal, Toren Pyries, Velocymey Terramont and Zania al'Denai unlisted on the Little book of Novices.

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