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Perrin needs more channelers


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I didn't want to hijack the "Mat and the ToG" thread but something was raised that I've been wondering about.


It is only stated that the blade "appears to be made of iron" so it's composition is suspect and it's intended purpose is useless against the 'Finns.


I think that dagger winds up with Perrin. As thing sits, he is pretty much defenseless against any Forsaken that decides to collect a ta'veren trophy.


In CoT, if that pack of 50 darkhounds had been sent for him, his entire party, would have been wiped out. 


Rand is obviously a powerful channeler in his own right.  He is also surrounded by a boatload of channelers, many of whom are actually loyal to the bone.


Mat has the medallion and by the time an opposing Forsaken figured out it's weakness, he'll be using his ashandarei to carve his initials across their backside.


What's Perrin got?


Other than a vague "... there were ways to fight shadowspawn, ways to fight the Forsaken, if it came to that"  in CoT, he seems to be the most at risk from an attack by the Chosen.


If Halima shows up, despite Grady's his recent increase in strength, she'd likely smoke both he and Neald before they drew a breath and then since there are only 5 WOs and 3 AS with the Ghealdan expedition, I suspect she could take them out before they knew what was killing them.  We see her commit how many murders, many of them channelers themselves, in the rebel camp.


Moridin has given orders that Mat and Perrin must die and I am wondering when those attacks will commence and how they will be countered. 


The only saving grace is that Masema was playing games with Suroth, and her only link to the Chosen is likely folding Rands laundry at this moment, with a scowling Cadsuane reminding her to mind her manners and tuck in the sleeves.



cool idea. The problem is that Perrin doesn't know such a devise exists. Yet, he seems to believe he can face a forsaken. I have NO idea how Perrin wishes to face a forsaken.


if he gets attacked by a chosen, he still is a ta'veren. I would wager a meteor streaking through the atmosphere and striking down the Chosen about to kill him. Not only that, the Chosen have no need to hunt Perrin and Mat, they have thousands of Darkfriends to do it for them, and i doubt a blacksmith in Lords clothing is important compared to the Dragon Reborn, the guy whos been involved when each one of their number has been brought low (okay, aside from Moghedien).


What it comes down to is that the pattern wont let Rand, Mat or Perrin die.


The wolves may have something to do with Perrin's protection.  Other than that I think the Perrin being Taveren is correct.  Rand is one of the most powerful channelers, Mat has his luck and battle knowledge Perrin only has the wolfbrother thing(which he tries his hardest to suppress) and being Taveren.


Is it just me, or does it seem like perrins getting the raw deal by RJ here? I mean Rand is the Dragon Reborn, he gets 3 hot babes, a few thousand channellers, an entire people and ruler of a large part of Randland. Mat gets a Medallion that stops chanelling, memories that make him probably the best general ever. a cool spear, and hot babe and an empire. Perrin gets an axe, the ability to communicate with wolves, and a wife that would have any normal person seeking a divorce after 2 months!


Perin dosent need any more aes' sedi or ash'man he needs more wolves! that is what gives Perin the chance... u must not have read even tEotW if u think he is defenseless! Perin can raise an army in a matter of seconds! all he needs to do is say he is in danger and wolves will come, and now that Elyas has joined him he can marshal an army of all the wolves in the world, the only two sane wolfbrothers calling for aid, how could the wolves ignore them?


Perin dosent need any more aes' sedi or ash'man he needs more wolves! that is what gives Perin the chance... u must not have read even tEotW if u think he is defenseless! Perin can raise an army in a matter of seconds! all he needs to do is say he is in danger and wolves will come, and now that Elyas has joined him he can marshal an army of all the wolves in the world, the only two sane wolfbrothers calling for aid, how could the wolves ignore them?


Some of the wolves are simply indifferent to Perrin. Besides that, wolves wouldn't be all that much use against chanellers. In fact, they should be pretty useless in melee as well. The most effective way for a wolf to kill a man is to go for the throat. All the man has to do is raise his sword/pike/whatever and you've got a skewered wolf.


Personally, I'd be quite glad if the Forsaken bumped him off.


Perin dosent need any more aes' sedi or ash'man he needs more wolves! that is what gives Perin the chance... u must not have read even tEotW if u think he is defenseless! Perin can raise an army in a matter of seconds! all he needs to do is say he is in danger and wolves will come, and now that Elyas has joined him he can marshal an army of all the wolves in the world, the only two sane wolfbrothers calling for aid, how could the wolves ignore them?


The wolves have no interest in human affairs, with the exception of Shadowkiller, or killing shadowspawn, which YOU would know if YOU had not only read the books but paid a little attention to what you were reading.


The wolves will fight at Tarmon Gaidon to combat the Shadowbrothers.  That's it.  Perrin can only rarely count on their support in mundane matters.


Tell me, how does Perrin raise an army in a matter of seconds when he can "Wolf Send" no more than a mile.  From The Shadow Rising "even a mile was too far."  Don't tell me you think the average wolf population in Randland is 1,000 per square mile because that seems mite high to me.  It takes many days for him to pull together the thousand that attack the Shaido at Dumai's wells and very few of those survive. 


Tell me,  how exactly, does an army of wolves stand up to one of the Forsaken, when it takes an entire pack to kill a Fade.  Remember the fight at the very beginning of The Dragon Reborn, an entire pack kills a Fade and only one survives, and is seriously wounded.  Remember that?


As for Perrin being unimportant...Moridin obviously didn't agree when he orders all of the remaining Chosen to kill both Perrin and Mat.


I will admit that some aspect of the wolf dream guards Perrin's dreams, just as does Mat's fox head and Rand's wards of Saidin.


Guest Dreadlord


Moridin has given orders that Mat and Perrin must die and I am wondering when those attacks will commence and how they will be countered.



Ive been wondering about this myself. I would love it if Moridin captured Perrin, and maybe used Compulsion on him to make him attack Mat. But if that did happen, Mat would wipe the floor with his wolf ass. Unlikely though, I must admit, but it'd be good to see.




Keep in mind that Perrin needs to say "Trollocs are attacking me" and every wolf within 20 square miles will come help him out.


Besides that, Perrin being ta'veren, he gets what he needs to have.  That has been said about Rand and Mat already.  If a forsaken was gunning for him, then something would have crossed Perrin's path to fight them with.


Perrin can't wolf send much more than a mile.  He gets the word out by finding a pack and sending to them and they send and they send and so on.


All that takes time what with introductions and descriptions and the like.


Your average pack of Gray Wolves can cover 20 miles in about two hours.

We're not talking Greyhounds here.  Mine boys, Pete and Quake, can run 45 miles an hour but only for about two minutes then it's time to retire to the sofa. 


If Perrin sends for help and wolves 20 miles away get the message, they're gonna be about 2 hours too late to help.


In TDR, they were tracking the Trollocs and alerted Perrin to their presence, not the other way around.


In LoC, he had days to draw them to him.


When TG comes, presumably he'll have time to gather his lupine forces.


I wonder if he's going to come clean with Rand and Mat?  They still don't know.


I do agree that Perrin is, if not a tragic figure, then at least in the running for blue ribbon chump.





I see Perrin as the head of the scouting parties when time comes for TG. In terms of stealth, the Aiel are hard pressed not to look like fools compared to Elyas, and the wolves identified who Rand was (when they go get the Horn back) even before he declared himself the Dragon Reborn, something which Ishamael couldn't do.


Unfortunately, they share the same downside in that they're quite brittle as a grouped combat unit. Hit and run is what they're good at, and in mass combat, they lose their advantage and are subsequently shafted. TG has Rand and Mat commanding the heavy hitters anyway, if Perrin would lead an army (not counting the Two Rivers bowmen) he'd be a third wheel anyway since he has little to no tactical skill.


The wolves' main task would be to root out Darkfriends and spies from Rand and Mat's armies. Remember that they can tell when someone's lying, and know when someone's been involved with the Shadow almost on sight. He'd be important in spotting Grey Men and Darkfriend assassins before they can get to Mat and Rand, and that makes him important to them by default even if his forces' combat strength... sucks, basically.

Don't tell me you think the average wolf population in Randland is 1,000 per square mile because that seems mite high to me.


You mean 1,000 per 3.1415 (pi) square miles, as his wolfey-sense has a 1 mile radius of effect, right?  ;) :P


The way I see it happening is this... Rand has just defeated Moridin and all of the Shadows armies, with help from Mat, the Aiel, and male and female channellers. They are all standing around wiating for the final cataclysmic battle between Rand and the DO, when they hear an enormous roar. So loud it shakes them to their very boots, and the Light's victors think "Oh no, what horror do we have to deal with now? Is the Dark One upon us?". When suddenly they spot the largest pack of wolves, all snarling and howling and such, ever seen, led by a roaring Perrin Goldeneyes. Though the pack is too late and seems to be heading in the wrong direction, passing west of Shayol Ghul. This is when Cadsuane starts to laugh histerically and shouts to Rand "Now you'll learn your lesson fool", she points past Shayol Ghul to a small hill, cackles with laughter, and disappears in a pooof of green smoke. Rand and the rest of the Light's forces turn to look where she had pointed and they spot Faile wailing, saying "Perrin , Perrin, save me Perrin, OOOOOooooOOOOOaaaaoooOOOO" and all the while her arms flail about as boneless as spaghetti noodles. Then they spot the reason why she is screaming, a large muscular man named Sinbad has tied her down in the path of a speeding jo-cart. Fortunately though, Loial had noticed earlier and had snuck up behind Sinbad and crept to Faile. Loial looks at Faile and the ropes holding her, then he sings to the nearest tree, grabs the club he sung and smashes Faile into a bloody pulp and steps back as the jo-cart plows into her. Perrin dies from grief on the spot, but not before he hears Loial say "I did it, I killed the Dark One!" and the Light's armies raise a cheer "HUZZAH HUZZAH HUZZAH!". They carry Loial on their shoulders and everyone in the land goes back to there merry lives, peaceful and carefree throughout the turnings of the wheel... until the Age comes again where Faile is reborn into the world.


And then bRANDon dies, too.  <-- You forgot that part.


Perrin is Ta'veren and linked to Rand, so he will be important in the long run.  Don't forget that he's Lord of the Two Rivers and Manetheren as well as husband to the 2nd in line to take the throne of Saldaea.  Both will help him in recruiting men to fight in TG.


The Wolfbrother thing is an obvious thing, though.  The wolves know that the "Last Hunt" is beginning, you can bet that they're sending word around.  There'll probably be a huge fight between the Darkhounds and wolves and Perrin fighting Isam. Can't forget Isam.  Perrin knows what he looks like in the Dream and out, knows his scent, and knows he kills wolves for sport.  He's got to be Perrin's main adversary come the big battle. Isam also controls Trollocs and Myrddraal as if he was one of the Chosen. AND, because Elyas Machera is Malkieri, he knew both Isam and Luc. So that's where Elyas will probably come in, though I wonder what he'll do when he realizes that the banner of Golden Crane flies again..


Anyway, that's my two coppers.


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