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BSG Season 4


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I don't even know what BSG stands for.  Throw me a bone here people, I'm trying my best to fit in here with ya'll as a non TV, movie watcher who doesn't play video games.  You don't even have to meet me halfway, just like 4% of the way.  Just spell out the name of the show. pretty please.



Yeah, that JD

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Great opening for the new season!

And some great questions for the future.


Did the Cylon raider do more than just recognising Anders and standing down? I got the impression that it transmitted something, perhaps a new program.


Caprica Six said she felt them, as in all of them, when talking about the last five. So the fifth is close. So why did it now show up for the sing-a-long? Can clse mean another ship? (And would it be too obvious to have the fifth being the chick who went ninja to save Baltar?)


Starbuck and her sparkly new ship. WTF?



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I was thinking along those lines at first, but now I am leaning more towards the raider just recognising Anders as one of the five, and sending a message to the fleet to back off. I mean, would the five be so important that just one of them could order an entire cylon fleet to stand down?



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i think the 5th is ethier the president or adm. adama.  just cause it would be something no one would expect. 


i concer with maj that the raider transmited some kind of program/order.


as far as starbuck goes.... all i can say is that i dont think its the real starbuck

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So I just watched this on my DVR last night.  I hate avoiding posts until I watch a show.  Anyway the first few minutes filled with that battle was great.  I also think Anders was the one that told the fleet to buzz off.  What are the final 5's end game?  Get to Earth and.... ???  I think the Final Five will play an important part in the destruction of the 'obsolete' cylons before they get to Earth. 


Starbuck... no idea what to think here.  I thought it would be awesome if she shot the president but you know that isn't going to happen.  Yes she is going to take them to Earth... I also hope she is the last model.  It really is the only way to explain her 'death' and will bridge the gap between Adamas and my theory above.


Baltar loves those crazy eyes!  And why is it HE gets a bunch of young girls to worship him.  I have been trying to get that gig for years. 


I am very interested to see where this season goes.


Oh and this is the BEST sci fi on tv.  Stargate does not compare.  I was a big stargate fan when it first came on the air.  So much so that when I was living in CA without a job and little money, I made sure to have sci fi so I could watch the show.  But Stargate got episodic and really was made up of 90% filler shows and 10% original stuff.  Hey... we are going to planet where something happens and SG1 has to save the day.  BSG has something new each week and much better acting. 

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The main problem I have with Anders giving a direct order to the fleet is that it seems unreasonable the final five would hold such power over the cylons. If that is the case, it is pretty much game over. Have one of them tell the other cylons to stay away for good, and then the humans can enjoy the ride to Earth.


As for Starbuck being the fifth, no way. She is in the "last supper" photo, and Ron Moore said flat out that the last cylon is not. I do not think he is lying about this. That also excludes Adama and the president.

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WTF I missed the episode, they better re-air it tonight!!!  I hate being busy.


Baltar loves those crazy eyes!  And why is it HE gets a bunch of young girls to worship him.  I have been trying to get that gig for years. 


Join the FLDS church in Utah and Arizona, but you better wait till the latest storm blows over. ;D

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When the raiders aborted the attack, they went outside their programming, which was bad enough in itself. But they "said" (or however those things communicate) that they aborted because they sensed one of the final five, and not even the skinjobs are supposed to think about those. So they had started thinking for themselves, and the lobotomy was to dumb them down so they would obey and shut up.

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Spoiler if you haven't seen the latest episode.



I read this on the imdb board and just had to post it here. It cracked me up.


"Even though I liked Cally and really felt sorry for her, I must say I liked how Tory waited until Cally was awake and alert before blasting her out an airlock. She really drove that burn home."

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I figured they would kill off Callie before season's end as most fans were fed up with her.  It was nice to see Tory do it in that evil fashion.  I think after sleeping with Baltar she just decided to go over to the dark side and be evil.  Or she is thinking about protecting her own ass. 


I really like the Cylon civil war going on.  How soon until they realize they are just like the humans they seek to destroy? 

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