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*copies Mia* ;D


Do we have any Kushiel's Legacy fans? I am almost done with Kushiel's Justice and have been a fan for about 3 or 4 years now :D I've found it difficult to find other fans besides those of my friends I've convinced to read them :D I can't wait for Mercy to come out! *bounces*


I haven't read any but not 'cause I don't wanna. Just 'cause I haven't got around to it :)






I think I must be the only person in this world who absolutely did *not* like these books. I found them long, boring and the main character drove me nuts. So yeah.. I read the first book, got about half-way through the second and that was all I could manage.


No, Mia, not sure on that.  I won't say I completely disliked it, but I never finished the first book.  I'm riiiight at the end, but I think I was reading something else at the time (which I rarely do) and gave up on it.  I had so many people telling me the books were fantastic, but it didn't really grab me.  And not even b/c of the strong sexual stuff either...  I don't mind that.  I may try to finish it and give it a fair try, but who knows... just may not be my cup of tea...  :)


*nods* It seems people either really like them or don't. I would obviously fall in the former of those two groups :D Maybe its a Blue thing... >_>


*pokes Taya to it quicker* :D


I've read the first three twice, and still really like them. I rank them as some of my favorites with WoT and Eddings, just under ASoIaF.


I haven't moved on to the ones that shift focus to Imriel, because I'm worried that losing Phedre's point of view will not go over as well as I'd like, but I'll probably get around to reading them at some point. ^_^




I was worried about that too, but JC actually does a pretty good job of keeping the readers interested. Although I will admit its rather weird seeing Phedre and Joscelin as secondary characters rather than the stars of the show.


Well perhaps I'll go out and find one of the new ones then. I've been having trouble getting into the books I've started recently, so it might be a good thing to try one that I'm already into!  :D


I really like Joscelin and Phedre as a couple, both while watching the romance develop and seeing how they manage the confirmed relationship. Something about it was more interesting and appealing to me as a storyline than most other story romances I've read.


I'll definitely read it at some point - for now I am on a bit of a classic literature kick, with Jane Austen running the show. Hehe.


But I have always been interested in reading this!


Maybe I'll go out and buy book 1 anyway. :)


I frakkin' love Kushiel! The new one is never on the shelf a week after I pick it up! *grins*


I can't even ask the question I wanna ask because it'll be a total spoiler for those who haven't read the newest one! *growls in irritation, then laughs*


I LOVE Kushiels!!!!!


Lor got me interested and once I read the first I couldn't stop lol.

I've bought the last two in hardback just because I couldn't wait till it made it to paper lol. I definately can't wait till the next one comes out  ;D


And yeah the second installment is worth reading.


I bought her other series (Banewreaker and Godslayer) but I can't get past half of the first book. It's probably why she's working on Kushiel's and hasn't finished the third of the other lol.


I have read book one and loved it .. but that was years ago.. I really need to go get it again and then continue in the series..


I never read her other series but that's okay I suppose if it isn't as good. I heard that it just doesn't capture readers like the Kushiel Series does.


The references to Europe and our own ancient History and Religions bug the crap out of me. Sure, they amuse me, but they bug the crap out of me too. Its a good series to read, but kinda tough to explain to a person asking about it... "Yea umm... its... ahh... um... an erotic fantasy... no, they aren't the same thing..."


Haha, Barm... I know what you mean.  Wouldn't you know my mom asked what I was reading when I was reading it... ><    "Uhhh, just some fantasy book... yeah... uhhh..."


I told Moose it was a romance novel




couse he knows better now.. thanks to a chat with some of you guys lol no i dont remember who :D


*grins at Caddie* 's ok, Kiara slipped it to me, so I guess I can't take all the credit...


my husband stopped asking when he saw Kushiel's name on the cover. *grins* I think I answered him a little too well when he was asking me about it once. *laughs*


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