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HELP!!! kitten names


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I have a dilemma. I've decided to get 2 kittens, and I have even chosen their names. The grey boy is to be named Smog (many nickname possibilities have already come to me), and the girl...well, I can't get the name "Matilda" out of my head!! Unfortunately there is a character on this stupid Australian TV show called Home and Away, whose name is Matilda (apparently). I haven't watched the show in ages so I didn't know there was a Matilda.


I just don't know if I can stand to saddle a poor little kitten with a name that's on a dodgy soapie. ;)


But Matilda seems to suit her. She's got a damn lot of energy and seems to get up to quite a bit of mischief.


What should I do???!!


just name the cat that name^^


after plotting the downfall of the crappy soap and killing the actress who plays her^^




or just name the cat that name and pretend the show doesn't exist^^


You know, if you do name her Mathilda, you have to teach her how to waltz. And that is an experiment I think is guaranteed to end with tears... ;D


*lol* I would feel more sorry for me than for her, if I tried that ;P


Mum says I should still name her Matilda and think of Roald Dahl's character instead. ;)

Guest nephitess

LOL....those are cute names Taya! i say stay with them. *nods*




name her Matilda, it's an awesome name, and who cares about h'n'a, it's a crap show, and I say they preempitively called their character matilda to annoy you....

yes, that's what they did, but you show them! YOU are in charge here!

errrr..... yeah....



I also thought of the Dahl character. I say use the name that suits - and never mind about dodgy soaps!


THanks guys - it's good to know I have widespread support *G*


I visited the babies in the clinic today, they were there with all their siblings - 5 kittens at once crawling all over me. It was heaven!!


I have pics but can't upload them yet...might have to wait till Tuesday;)


Argh! Min beat me to it! I was going to suggest Tilly. They say cats respond best to names that end in an "ee" sound.  :D 


Just make sure that whatever name you choose that it isn't the same as any famous royal people. Cuz you cat could turn out snooby like my Cleo.


*lol* well, Matilda was some sort of noble lady back in medieval times, and from what I recall she was quite unpleasant. But my kitty isn't named after her :P


p.s. here is Matilda:




and Smog (with Matilda):


width=640 height=480http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b14/of_the_far_seas/Pets/Matilda%20and%20Smog/DSCF0289.jpg[/img]


And here are the two of them:


width=640 height=480http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b14/of_the_far_seas/Pets/Matilda%20and%20Smog/DSCF0281.jpg[/img]


This is my favourite I think, since Smog is in mid-air:


width=640 height=480http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b14/of_the_far_seas/Pets/Matilda%20and%20Smog/DSCF0279.jpg[/img]

Guest nephitess

OMG>>>>> they are adorable!!! *snuggle the kitties* ;D


Aren't they??!! They're very squishable!


The adult cat in the house does NOT like 'em. :) Poor Shamrock...


I was saying earlier I feel a bit sleep-deprived, like a new mother, 'cause they went to sleep with me last night and I got woken quite often by loud purring and/or snuggling. I wouldn't have had it any other way though ;)


However it can't go on for long :D I need sleep! They can stay in my room until they're a bit older though :)

Guest nephitess

*nods* kittens are just like babies. So cute but take up time and energy. :)


Matilda was quite a popular name in Medieval Times actually... England had 2 Queens called Matilda and there was the Empress Matilda who was almost a Queen of England but her cousin Stephen got a bit shirty about it ;) (Nope. Not a History Geek. Definately not.)


And those Kittens are just ADOREABLE Taya. *scrunchedupface* They're totally worth the effort. And one of my Kittens likes to wake my Mum up by sleeping on her head, so count yourself lucky ;)


Well, my kitties were leaping all over me this morning, not because they wanted attention but because I was in the way of their playing. Hehe.


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