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Oh Crooked Warden...


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Today is Scott Lynch's birthday (and if you don't know who he is, I can tell you he is the author of the amazingly brilliant Lies of Locke Lamora + Red Seas Under Red Skies) and I decided that it was time to find out how many people around here have read these books?


Me, I'm what you may call a huge huge fan. In fact, since Harry Potter stopped I have pretty much figured out that The Gentleman Bastard Sequence (which is the official title of the whole series) is my new favorite bookseries. I'm currenly re-reading Red Seas Under Red Skies, and I constantly find myself amused and a little bit in awe of the sheer awesome of this series.


There are going to be seven books, plus a prequel or two. The first prequel, "The bastards and the knives" will be out on 15th May, the 3rd book on the 1st of June.


So.. anyone? Love it? Hate it? Really-really-need-to-read-it? (That's a yes, btw. You really really need to!)



Love it. And where are you getting your info? He has not updated his website since November.....


I've read the first one. I really liked it but apparently not enough to buy RSURS in hardcover *lol* I'm not crazy about it but I definitely liked it.


Actually it was Nia's fault because I saw her raving about Locke being the love of her life on LJ and decided that this might be worth checking out :D



Seven books??? Dammit I was trying to get away from these friggen epic-long series *grumbles*


Really-really-need-to-read-it.  ;D Though I'm a bit hesitant about starting an unfinished series, I hate waiting for books to come out.  :P

Guest nephitess

i guess i need to read them.*G*


Yay, other Locke fans! Score! And now we just need to wait for Nia to get here so that she can join in the revelries. She is my fellow fangirl in all things Locke Lamora.


And DPR (sorry, too lazy to type out your name. Do you have a nickname, anything easier you might go by?) I got the info mainly from the Locke Lamora facebook group, but also from Amazon. =)


I loved the story, I don't care for the writing style.


I've read the first one, and looking forward to the others :D


In a threadjack moment, I feel the need to mention that my friend Chloe is known as 'The Dread Pirate Wesley" on our radio station, and goes by Wes as well :)


Of course, this meant it took us until hearing her on the radio to realize she was a girl >__<


Brilliant. Wes it is then. (Yay Princess Bride, btw.)


Yelenia, can I ask what it was about the writing style you didn't like? Not to criticize, I'm just curious =)


Scott Lynch is amazing. The Lies of Locke Lamora was great and RSURS was amazing too. I am a huge, huge fan.


And Locke Lamora is the love of my life kplzthx!!


It feels nit-picky, but I didn't like the way he handled the flashbacks. They seemed to smooth out towards the end of the book, but I just felt like the it could have been handled a bit better. I was frustrated, in a bad way, which made it hard to get through the first 1/3 of the book.


If I hadn't been interested in how the plot was going to pan out (plotsiness as a main plot device is near and dear to my heart) I'm not sure if I would have kept reading it.


I understand. I personally think RSUS flows a lot better than LoLL does. And I for my part liked the flashbacks more than the actual story :P


But I love the books regardless and shall marry Jean and we will have lots of fat but lethal babies. And noisy sex. Good times *g*


Oh, I loved getting the flashbacks, the info etc. I just wanted them clumped more...or longer, or something. It felt too back and forth - I don't like switchy much. (And yet, I made it through WoT too ;) )


and Jean is awesome :D Tho I think I prefer mine dark n'broody - this girl likes a challenge.  ;)


I adore Locke Lamora!  I made Marshall read the first one and he actually finished it!  (After making it to about book 3 in WoT and only halfway through A Game of Thrones when I forced him to read those.)  I think the writing was great, and the plot twists and turns were wonderful.


Marshall's favorite part was when he was going on and on about the Bondmages "and it was at this point you must be on your best behavior and utmost respectful" and the next line is, "Nice bird, asshole."  That really got him.


Maria, I am shocked by your comments about Jean... but I actually LOLed in real life over them.  Too funny!


That is TOTALLY my best part, too.


So far my favorite part in RSURS skies is when Locke and Jean prepare to jump off a cliff and Locke prays "Crooked Warden. Men are stupid. Save us from ourselves. If you can't, let it be quick and painless."


That has got to be the most brilliant prayer ever.


Also, anything I can do to shock and/or make you laugh, Karana dear *g*


hmmm maybe I will check this out.


I've been going crazy this last week because I've ran out of series' to read and haven't been able to pick another.


I've done WoT, Sword of Truth, Belgariad and Mallorian series, Kushiel's, Symphony of Ages, and Tamarian(sp) series. And loved them all.


I tried a few of R.A Salvatore and they just aren't my thing.


So I think I'll try this series of yours and hopefully it will capture my interest. If anyone has anymore suggestions I'd love to hear them  ;D


It's a good time to start reading this series now, what with two new books coming out this year =)


As for other suggestions have you tried Raymond E. Feist? Or Robin Hobb. I quite liked Feist's Riftwar Saga, and Hobb's Assassin series. Can't remember what it's called. But start with Lies of Locke Lamora cause I looove him and he's way more brilliant than either of these other two series :P


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