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How the Writers Strike Effected my Life....


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So I watch TV shows.  I had a nice life where my DVR was full and I usually had something to watch always.  Then the writers strike came and I had to find alternative sources for my addiction.  New shows had to fill the void.  Here is what Empy discovered during this time....


Mythbusters is all new on Wednesday nights!  Before the strike, this was a show I might catch once every few months.  When I was flipping around and could not find something to watch... or really late at night when I needed something to fall asleep too.  Now I have it on a series recording.


Intervention makes me feel good about myself.  I don't have sex with other men to get drugs, sleep on the streets or drink so much I pass out.  Monday nights they have marathons!


Survivor has Fans vs. Favorites.  I just need something to hold me until a new Lost comes on an hour later.


Unbeatable Burakuee... or something.  It comes on G4 and has all these challenges.... like a Unicycle course that looks freaking hard.  Or you balance a pole on two fingers and try to make it through a course.  It is basically Ninja Warrior without muscles.


Ninja Warrior - This is what American Gladiators SHOULD be... well except you don't need the Gladiators.  It is basically the person vs. the course.  They have 100 people try to defeat 4 levels of courses.  It is really quite entertaining. 


Sarah Conner Chronicles - The only new show worth watching since the strike.  It is really good and does a good job interlacing with the movie.  I was saddened to learn that next week is the season finale. 


CNN Ballet Bowl - Thank goodness there are presidental debates and the same discussions about politics. 


BBC news - Wow... I have started watching actual news again.  I just can't get behind local news or even network news.  I prefer an outsiders point of view on world news so it isn't so slanted to America.

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Have you watched Night Rider yet?


I remember seeing the Orginal, on TV...

But... I don't know about 'this' one...

+ I haven't seen any of it yet... can't seem to catch it...

Its like a lephracaun... you blink and its gone!

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There is desperation... then there is giving up all hope that something good is on TV.  When this happens I will watch bad TV pilots like Knight Rider.... and bad reality shows like Biggest Loser, American Idol and Moment of Truth.  I have not plunged that far into the depths of dispair yet.


Sadly I have started watching Deal or No Deal aka... which hand is behind my back now... and 1 vs. 100.... mainly because they were doing Pop Culture and I schooled the mob. 

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dirty jobs, sometimes that show makes me want to puke.  mythbusters is awsome. want to see sara carter cronicles.  night rider... where do i start.... i hevent manneged to catch it yet. it was one of my favorite shows when i was a kid, but honestly.  kit is suposed to be a cool car.  a mustang?  im not nocking F. O. R. D. (found on road dead, fix or repair daiely  :P) but wtf?  why not make it a bug or a neon.  what happend to the cool car.  what happend to the tranz am? thats like redoing the dukes of hazzerd and putting dasiy in sweats.  ok rant over :)

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I gave the new Knight Rider a try and was disappointed.  The Ford Mustang is an ugly vehicle and Val Kilmer as the voice of KITT left much to be desired.  Leave this show in the 80s where it belongs.


For myself I started watching more sports.  Particularly the NBA.  Go Lakers!

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I watch Mythbusters and Dirty Jobs fairly regularly.... I don't watch to many network shows anymore...  except for House and Cops.  I like to catch Law and Order on TNT and Monk and Psych on USA.... other than that I watch ESPN and the History channel.

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