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Welcome silver89!


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Its true, its not quite the quality welcome you'd get there... though thats probably because E happens to be somewhat very hungover right now. I am confused though, what sack? We don't have a sack. *looks around suspiciously*

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Ok I am feeling much better now and much more creative.  Apologies for the less than thorough intro I posted before. 


So... now we have two Silvers in the org... but you are the new one so I am going to call you Gina. 


OO Daniel Day Lewis just won the SAG for best Actor.  Called it!!! 


Oh yeah...


This intro is




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Guest silver89

Stargate vs Scapegate? Well...was very iffy about it at first but I think they did alright in the end. Rick taking a back-seat roll in the series bothered me more. *nods*


And Atlantis, love it. Its a great spin-off and you've gotta love McKay. :D

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Guest silver89

Well...guess that means someone needs to steal a new one for the Emperor. *looks innocent*


And so, being new. Do I get any presents? Apart from of course joining this illustrious group?*g*

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*hides sack behind back*


Of course you get presents! They're hidden in Candy Mountain, Charlie. Candy Mountain!




Oh, when you’re down and looking for some cheering up

Then just head right on up to the Candy Mountain Cave

When you get inside you’ll find yourself a cheery land

Such a happy, and joyful and perky merry land


We’ve got lollipops, and gummy drops, and candy things

Oh, so many things that will brighten up your day

It’s impossible to wear a frown in Candy Town

It’s the Mecca of lovely candy cave


We’ve got jelly beans and coconuts with little hats

Candy rats, chocolate bats, it’s a wonderland of sweets

Ride the candy train to town hear the candy band, candy bells

It’s a treat as they march across the land


Cherry ribbons stream across the sky into the ground

turn around it astounds it’s a dancing candy treat

In the candy cave imagination runs so free

So now Charlie please will you go into the cave!



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*traps in mountain*


*knocks out, steals kidney*


*puts kidney in the Sack*


*sells on the black market*


*uses proceeds to pay off car and buy those orange patent leather Jimmy Choo's seen at Nordstrom the other day*



... What? They TOLD you to beware the Sack.  ;D

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Guest silver89

Ouch!! I've been SACKED :o


Luckily I got me a spare one, umm...do I still get Candy or is this a fake Candy utopia? :-\


*goes looking*

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