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Murder in a Small Town - Game Over


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Just so y'all know, it was a typo when I said best two out of three lives.  I meant dies, as that's the way I ran the randomizer.  Sorry about that, and I fixed the post.


It has to be Illiara, maybe her role was changed after you found her innocent Nae, unless someone one of the masons is evil and I just don't know it. Any thoughts guys?



Just got back in - and I'll take the haunting ><, I kinda knew it, but it was my best guess. if you don't play by logic, you always lose. At least now we still have a chance. I'll wait till morning to make any observations.


You awake with a start as someone pounds on your door. Jumping to your feet, wondering who's dead this time, but glad it's not you.  Opening the door you walk out slowly into the hall and meet the worried looks of everyone else.  You blink, then realize what that means.  You all survived the night.  Smiling and laughing as you joke about how scared everyone else looked, the four of you walk downstairs to begin your day.  When you arrive you find the Sheriff waiting for you.  As you take your seats he stands and approaches the table.


"If you don't find the last of the killers by tomorrow morning, I'll just have to kill you all."


It is now Day 6.  The day will end at 11pm EST on Sunday.


Remaining Players: Wes, Danya, Illiara, and Jaydena


Hmm...you're all confirmed Masons...I'm innocent...

The only thing I'm confused about is when Nae said that DPR only appeared innocent.  He is on the good side, because Jade confirmed it as another Mason.  The only way that we can have anyone evil amongst us if what Jade said is correct and there is something she doesn't know about with one of the Masons.



How would we find the last of the killers by tomorrow morning?

I'm not asking for reveals, but only out of principal! I'm dying to know (but not asking) if anyone has a night action that blocks(last night?) or vig kills.

We know that there can only be one evil left, but we knew that last night too.

We did not know that the Sheriff seems to be involved to some degree.

I gotta get a different perspective on this thing. Does anyone have any ideas?



I don't know how much time I will have to post tomorrow, and I don't know what else to do, so I vote[glow=red,2,300] Illiara.[/glow]

I know Jade and Danya are Mormons with me. That's all I got. Hopefully, the simplest solution is the right one.



Hmm...I vote for [glow=red,2,300]DPR[/glow].  I still don't like the fact that Nae's reveal of him only said he appeared innocent.  You may be good, but I think that you have a godfather role where you don't win with the rest of us.


Oh wow.  I seriously thought the end time was tomorrow night for some period. Bleh, sorry I'm sucking as a mod at this guys.  I'll have the real post up soon.


lol no worries BX  ;)


and I'm really at a loss too!


ok, Naeann was healer.. she saw that Illiara was innocent and that Wes only appeared innocent. either we're all innocent or either Wes or Illira is evil..... I'm gonna be boring and hold my vote for now. 


I've been thinking about it, and considering how pivotal this vote will be for y'all, I did decide to hold off on ending the day until 11pm EST tonight.


It's a fairly quiet day. Nobody seems much like making a decision, but eventually one is made.  Danya refuses to point the finger, but Jaydena and Wes both agree and accuse Illiara. That's enough for the Sheriff. Rising from his usual seat he pulls out his gun, and it's over quickly. Illiara lies dead on the table. A search of her belongings reveals nothing special.


Illiara, a role-less innocent, has been killed.


It is now Night 6.  Night will end at 11pm EST tomorrow.  All those with night actions, please send them in before then.


Dang I was afraid of that, so here's what I think, 1 it's Wes, he was added as a mason later, so maybe he's evil and not really a mason, or my big theory is that it's bcx, and has been. It's not entirely unheard of for someone to murder a family member. *sighs* This is the most confusing game I have ever playing. Thoughts Danya?


Danya awakes to an eerily quiet house. She leaves her room and soon finds out why it's so quiet. She finds Wes and the sheriff gathered around the corpse of Jaydena, the body staring at the ceiling, her throat slashed, and a look of complete surprise on her face.


"Looks like she didn't expect whoever killed her to be a killer," says the Sheriff as he stares down at her.


"Yes, she was very surprised when I cut her throat," says a voice. You look to see Wes with an evil grin on his face. "I didn't kill your brother of course.  That was Tig and Moir. But I saw them do it, and they bribed me into joining with them to help them escape suspicion.  However after Moir died so quickly I decided that maybe I'd be better off working to bring down Tig.  I managed to get in good with the Masons on the staff. I knew they would believe me.  However it soon became apparent that neither side was all that good of a bet.  So I worked against them both.  And now I will be the last one standing." Finishing his little monologue Wes breaks out into evil laughter.


The sheriff sputters for a moment in shock, and Danya backs away with a look of disbelief on her face. Finally the sheriff comes to his senses and reaches for his gun, only to find the weapon missing.  Wes' laughter cuts off as a gunshot rings out, and the sheriff drops over dead. Danya looks back at Wes to see he's holding the sheriff's gun, and pointing it at her.


"He shouldn't have turned his back on me," said Wes, his voice oddly calm. "I'm sorry Danya. I tried to help you all, but you really just weren't meeting my needs.  Once you're dead escaping from this house should be simple."


Wes raises the gun, and Danya's last thought was that she'd never have believed there could have been a double agent in their group.


Wes, the Double Agent, has won.


Player List:

1. Jaydena - Innocent Mason

2. Barm - Doctor

3. Tharengore - Role-less innocent

4. Naeann - Private Investigator

5. Tigara - Murderer

6. mayleigh - Innocent Mason

7. HotW Moiraine - Murderer

8. Danya - Innocent Mason

9. Wes/DPR - Double-Agent

10. Illiara - Role-less innocent


Y'all played a good game, and lasted longer then I thought you would.  The problem seems to be that everyone forgot I said I would be introducing a role that I am pretty sure has never been played before.  Y'all let yourself get caught up in what you thought about Mafia roles and so didn't pay enough attention to the clues. :P  That role was the Double Agent.


The Double Agent started out as a confirmed evil to the evil team. Then, after a set amount of time, was introduced to the Mason team as a confirmed innocent. The Double Agent then got to chose how he wanted to win the game, but once chosen, had to stick with it. He could win with the Mafia, win with the Innocents, or win as the last player standing.  I think we know which route Wes took. :P


Still, for having an unknown element in the game, you guys did pretty good.  I think the only thing you could have done differently is to post more. More discussion and argument might well have formced Wes to give something away. Naeann almost had it. :) But she started cluing in to Wes much too late unfortunately.


I was going to post more, but I need to go pass out now to try and get some sleep before work. This thread is now open to everyone to comment and discuss. :)


Jade and Danya you don't know how incredibly frustrated I have been at you since I revealed my role.  You both KNOW how manipulative Wes can be in these games!!!!! Jade even posted the possiblility of it but kept pointing at poor Illiara! 


Nicely done Wes. 


LOL ya I kept so focused on being told he was innocent by the leader, didn't even consider for quite awhile that he might be a double agent, I was pretty sure awhile ago but knew that it was over. I should have voted for him instead of Illiara. *mutters*



When I got the PM desrcibing the role, my first thought was that everyone is going to hate me at the end of the game! My second thought was to how many ways there would be to hang myself ou to dry - I did not post as much as I usually do, but I had to think about every word I said trying not to cross myself.


Everyone played a great game and I so thought Nae and Illaria were going to get me!


BCX has created a very cool role. The only thing I think I would add would be to announce that the role might exist in the game before we begin. The paranoia that would be inspired would be epic :) Great game Mod!


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