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Murder in a Small Town - Game Over


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I have an idea its not me.  I've also significantly narrowed down my suspicions.  I believe it is either Danya or Jade.  Im at a loss as to which one though and It has to be just one mafia left. (surely?)

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Current players:


1. Myself (DPR, or Wes. Trying not to confuse here...)

2. Illaria

3. Naeann

4. Jaydena

5. Danya


There should be only one evil left.  I thought Barm was it, and I had a whole case ready to lynch him today, so now it's back to the drawing board. We know we have a PI out there, and I'm guessing that they don't know who the evil is, so no reveals please! And we know that bcx is taunting us with "unknown" roles. We have some time before Tuesday, so why don't we speculate on what those may be. If we do that and analyze all of the posts so far. we should have a decent chance to flush the evil out.



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I think that Illiaria has played a "low-laying" style that has not attracted too much attention. This is a great tactic for mafia, but there are not any defining posts from her that make the hair stand up on the back of my neck.


You (Nae) have made several posts that worked really well with my theory that you and Barm were evils. Of course, that does not work as well now, but as I mentioned before, bcx mentioned other roles that we don't know about  and my spider senses tell me that you are up to something. What that is exactly, I have not decided yet. Confidence can work both ways.


Danya is playing a pretty low-impact game, just a little more open than Illaria, but that could be because I've played with her many times before and not with Illiaria. 


Jaydena seems a bit distracted, almost like she's checking posts every once in a while but does not have enough time to comb through them. Confusion is not usually a great evil tactic.


So in a nutshell, we don't have a whole boatload of info to draw from the posts. Fortunately, the mod has left us with a few clues:


Out of the roles listed, we know that we still have a Private Investigator (finder) out there. We also know that there are "other" roles that were intended to be a surprise.  One of these was obviously May, who was a Mason. That means there has to be at least one more Mason out there (or else there would be no point to the role  :P). One potential problem that I see is if there is more than one Mason left. If that's the case, then the game would reach a point of indecision because voting majority's would be hard to reach. Of course, there is a time limit insuring that we don't spend weeks debating indecision. Handy that.


So let's say one murderer left, one PI, and at least one Mason. That leaves two players that are either roleless innocents, or they do have roles and are an additional evil (unlikely) and additional Mason (not unheard of as they tend to run in threes...but then that would weigh things towards the innocents and would make me think that we have another surprise role - and not a good one.)


So at this point I'm waiting to see what everyone else does. I'm looking for false reveals or suddenly inspired plans that make everything look clear when it was murky just a moment ago....and I'm not worried about stating that because it just makes it harder for an evil to operate, and that is always good for the innocents. 


That's all I've got at this point.

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*nods* I have been thinking about it most of the day, while we were driving to my parents, and I am seriously thinking it's either Illiara or Nae, your right about the low key mafia tactic, I did it one time myself when I was Mafia and it worked. Has Illira even posted?

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Jade how come you jumped from Danya to Illiara?


I'm going to blatantly ignore your suggestion, Dpr, and reveal... because I have the feeling she knows who I am anyways.  I say she because Dpr is the only male left and I viewed him night two.  According to Bcx he appears to be innocent.  No extra details but I have my suspicions what that could mean.

Night one I viewed Barm and discovered he was the healer. 

Night three I viewed Illiara and she is innocent.


That leaves Jade and Danya.. hence my reason for suspecting them.  Whichever is innocent is making it hard for me because they both have revealed that they suspect me. I'm not sure on what.. DPR assumed Barm and I were guilty because once I found he was the healer I had no problems showing I trusted his judgement.  Go ahead and counter-claim... you will loose the game when it's discovered I'm telling the truth.

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Nae, a typical reveal does usually include the role. Maybe it was a slip, or maybe you just figured that everyone knows what you are talking about. Or maybe, you did not include the name "Private Investigator" because you never received a pm giving you that role.


And, when revealing, it's also typical to focus entirely on the reveal. It's big news, after all, and has the potential to change the game.


You open by asking Jade about her choice, and then don't even elaborate on why you find this suspicious?


That makes it look like a diversionary tactic, followed by a half hearted reveal that neatly explains:

1.) why you would reveal when I made a pretty good point why only an evil would benefit from it

2.) A somewhat confusing list of findings: You start with me, and give us the classic "I got a confusing answer on this one" finding, a technique that's always handy for fake revealers. Especially when all of the other findings are clear. Hmmm.

3.) Then complete the findings by confirming what we already know, and tell us Barm was the healer. Last, you play the old trick of naming Illiaria an innocent, which you already know because you are evil.


You finish with a handy explanation of why you and Barm looked cozy, which is easy now that you know his role. You finish with a challenge for the real finder to counter-claim so that if you live through the day, you will know who to kill tonight.


Evil, evil, evil!  Nicely constructed, I might add, but evil!  [glow=red,2,300]Vote: Naeann[/glow]



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Sweetie go right ahead... have fun being tommorows victim when I die.  Your likely Bcx's special role and a solo win.  That is why he said you APPEAR innocent.  As far as why I used finder and not "private investigator" is because they are the same thing.  I did yours first because it was the weirdest.  I didnt get .. Dpr IS an innocent.. I got DPR APPEARS(not the word BCX used but I cannot directly quote him) innocent.  Why the heck would I be chummy with Barm thru the game if I were evil?  I'd have known he was innocent but not that he was healer/doctor/protector/whatever.  I ended with Illiara because the other two reveals were more substantial and she was the last one I viewed.  If you didnt understand from my post that I was saying im the private investigator then I gave you more credit for being smart than I should have.  You, of all people, would know I really am the finder because I've no doubt you have a role... I was just not allowed to see what role.  The way you then handle my reveal suggests you dont win with the innocents and it would benefit you to off me. 


I challened the mafia person to counter me because if they tried to counter one of us would obviously go down today and then you'd have your evil either today or tommorow.  Depending on which of us you lynched.  Go ahead and kill me.. but if you are an innocent your gonna risk costing us the game because when my role is revealed they will go after you in retaliation and find your not mafia either.

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Now, now, you have to admit that you come across a little shady. And lest we forget, you have pulled off some pretty spectacular evil wins in your day, so I'm not going to fall for the sympathy angle.


For an evil to forget to name their own role would be a clumsy mistake, but it could happen. In games where there is not much else to go on, little slips like that often make the difference. And you know exactly why it would benefit you to appear chummy with Barm. So when you killed him and he was innocent, you would appear innocent as well.


I do have a role, but I'm not a symp or a serial killer. I win with the inn's, which is why I'm trying to figure out your reveal and why I think you look the most guilty right now. I really can't say more than that atm.

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Where are my spectacular wins as an evil?  The illuminators one was pure luck because i stayed just active enough to avoid suspicion but inactive enough to be overlooked for a testing and the SG game where i was a bomb and i think it was you who viewed me and found i was "innocent" and so i therefore quite confidently sailed my way thru the rest of the game.  My only spectacular win was because you did a view on me and i came up innocent.  All the more reason to believe your role is dangerous since you "Appear" to be innocent.

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LOL well sadly I can't reveal how I know Danya isn't evil but I do know and I also know that Illiara isn't innocent, so that seems very strange to me that you would get her as being innocent when I know she isn't.  My vote is for Nae, I think you are playing wisely but Illiara isn't innocent, unless she plays some role that I don't know of.

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First post after night action you said you suspected Danya and me.  I posted that i suspected you and Danya and Danya posted that she suspected me.  Suddenly you change it to me and Illiara with not much of an explination.  You also just said that you somehow know Illiara ISNT innocent yet you dont vote for her.. you vote for me.  Hon, there isn't much possibility of there being two evils left.  That means you are voting for someone you just suspect over someone you claim IS evil.  Are we actually doing a fake role reveal [glow=red,2,300]Jade[/glow]?    You just gave yourself away as the evil.  I knew I had it right the other day...

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*chuckles* Your very wrong hun, I am innocent and I also know the other innocents, like I said I can't say why, I implicated Danya at 2 in the morning and then remembered some evidence I had from a pm the next morning. I didn't vote for you, it's not an official vote, it's a suggestion.

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Ok what other multiple innocents do you mean?  You claim danya is the only one you know is innocent.  Im suspicious and Illiara is apparently guilty though none of you bother to vote her.  I dont know your thoughts about Wes.


I'll remove my vote if you give me info I can grasp because my pm said Illiara is a roleless innocent.  I'm wondering if, because you said you have multiple pm's from other innocents that you are one of the other masons.  That still doesn't explain why you "KNOW" Illiara is guilty. 


And I think everyone should reveal, there should be exactly 1 role we don't know about in this game... Bcx's special role...  at this point role reveals will only help.  Will give us info and weed out the evil.

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To be honest, I'm suddenly unsure whether to vote for Illiara or Naeann. One of them have to be evil (or BX is playing a very very very very strange game). Nae claims that Illiara is innocent, that is all well and good.. Nae also claims to be a Finder or whatever its called.. Unless we have a betrayer in this game, one of you two have to be evil. I'm gonna hold my vote for now and see whats happened when I come home from school this afternoon.

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Well I'm asking you to give me the reason you know Illiara is evil because I'm wondering if we might have a godfather type role going on.  That would explain how she came up innocent for me but you KNOW she is guilty. 


I also want to know why you don't doubt that Wes IS innocent.  Like I said... for him I got he "APPEARS" to be innocent.  Both of those cases could point to a godfather type role.

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