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Top Ten Movies of 2007


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Well at least from what I have seen so far...


So what does your list look like?


Top Ten Favorites of 2007


1. Stardust

2. American Gangster

3. No Country for Old Men

4. Hot Fuzz

5. 300

6. Charlie Wilson's War

7. 3:10 to Yuma

8. The Bourne Ultimatum

9. I am Legend

10. Breach



Left to see which could jump into my list:


The Host


Sweeny Todd



Michael Clayton


Eastern Promises


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Well, I haven't seen that many, but here's my top eleven...


1. Into the Wild

2. 3:10 to Yuma

3. Enchanted

4. Hairspray

5. The Bourne Ultimatum

6. Surf's Up

7. Ratatouille

8. Transformers

9. Hot Fuzz

10. Sweeny Todd

11. Waitress






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I don't think that I even saw ten....


here're the ones that I remember seeing...


1.Bourne Ultimatum


3.I am Legend

4.National Treasure: Book of secrets

5.Harry Potter 5

6.Simpson's movie

7.License to Wed

8.Wild Hogs

9.Chuck and Larry

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#1 star dust

#2 300

#3 3:10 to yuma

#4 beawolf

#5 pirets 3



still need to see to add to list

bourn ulitimatum (no high hopes)



i am legend (relly want to see this)

national Treasure: Book of secrets (will probly see tomarow, was suposed to see last week)

sweeny todd (looks awsome)

i might also be intrested in charlies war.

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And worst movie of 2007: 300


JUST saw this a day ago. Completely overrated. I mean, the sweaty man chests and thighs were nice, but really?? Silly.



1. Waitress

2. Paris, je t'aime

3. Star Dust

4. Die Hard 4


Tier 2 of list, no order:

Knocked Up

Simpsons Movie

Bourne Ultimatum

HP 5

Pirates 3



Not on the list:

Shrek 3

Bridge to Terabithia

Catch and Release

Rush Hour 3


The Holiday




Movies I remember that I want to see:



No Country for Old Men

Across the Universe

Ocean's 13

Sweeny Todd



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Yeah I have no desire to watch 300.. mainly because there is no way that I think I could over look the historical inaccuarcies.


Oh yeah and to amend my list.. I remembered a few movies I need to add


1. Bourne Ultimatum

2. Transformers

3. I am Legend

4. Die Hard 4

5. National Treasure: Book of secrets

6. Harry Potter 5

7. Simpson's movie

8. Pirates 3

9. License to Wed

10. Wild Hogs


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Saw Juno over the weekend so my list has been updated...


Top Ten Favorites of 2007


1. Stardust

2. American Gangster

3. No Country for Old Men

4. Hot Fuzz

5. Juno

6. 300

7. Charlie Wilson's War

8. 3:10 to Yuma

9. Breach

10. I Am Legend




Left to see which could jump into my list:


The Host

Sweeny Todd



Michael Clayton


Eastern Promises

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So, am I the only one here who has seen "Into the Wild"?  Huh... with all the oscar buzz around that one I would expect Empy to see it, at least.


And I saw No Country for Old Men yesterday. I wasn't as blown away by it as I was expecting to be, although I was incredibly impressed with Tommy Lee Jones. He normally annoys the living crap out of me, but in this he was fantastic. I'd probably stick this film in my top ten of the year.

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wow, I have really seen none movies this year! curse extremely expensive movie tickets!


I've seen Harry Potter, liked it. Pirates, liked it. Bourne.. was ok.. Simpsons, what I expected it to be.. 300 was good too!! Superbad sucked.. a lot. I'm glad I didn't spend any money to see it in the cinema

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  • 2 weeks later...

1. Superbad

2. American Gangster

3. Transformers

4. Bridge to Terribithia

5. The Golden Compass

6. Hot Fuzz

7. Smokin Aces

8. Simpsons' Movie



Absolutely loathed The Dark is Rising. It was such a mutilation of the books--they turned the old ones into pathetic old librarians dancing on the sideline--and what the hell was up with the twin. Bah!



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Top Ten-ish


300, though I ruined it for everyone else by commenting on what Thermopylae was really like.  Or at least more like.

The Simpsons Movie

Bridge to Terabithia  (I liked that it was actually like the book)

Transformers.  Autobots Roll Out.

Hot Fuzz

Shaun of the Dead

I Am Legend (Book and Movie both)

Harry Potter 5


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